Call for proposals: UiT Aurora Centres funding program
The Aurora Centres program allocates funds to projects promoted by research groups that demonstrate excellence in their field of science, and that need to strengthen their capacity to succeed in the competition for larger external funding. Research groups that plan to apply for Norwegian Centre of Excellence (CoE/SFF) or similar programs, including ERC Synergy Grants, are welcome to submit project proposals.
Based on the research group´s current strengths, applications are expected to evolve around a plan on how to further strengthen research capacity and quality. The application should contain detailed plans on how to build capacity with respect to internationalization and research funding. A plan on recruitment of faculty member(s) that fits the capacity regime is welcomed as a part of the proposal. UiTs policies on gender balance and open science is expected be reflected in the project plan, likewise the Universities’ endorsement of The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). Taken together, the funding program should inspire further development of already excellent research groups with a clearly stated ambition to compete for grants both at national and international funding arenas.
Eligibility: The funding program is for research groups that have demonstrated excellence in their research, and with ambition to organize and build research capacity, for the purpose of applying for center funding, like Norwegian Centres of Excellence, ERC Synergy or similar. Applications are expected from all UiTs faculties and units, who may submit up to two proposals each. The process of nominating candidates for full project proposal may vary depending on the faculty/unit’s strategic plan. Thus, no guidelines for recruitment of proposals are outlined as part of the call for project proposals.
Number of pages: The project description is not to exceed 11 pages, including the list of references and a simple budget form. The page format must be A4 with 2 cm margins, single spacing and Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman or similar 11-point font. It is permitted to use a 9-point font for the list of references, budget, and figure captions. Links listed in the project description will not be included in the assessment. Proposals that does not follow the guidelines are rejected without further notice.
Available funding: The available funding for each project has an upper limit of NOK 30 mill. The funding plan shall reflect an equal contribution (50:50) between the institution- and the faculty-level. The funding scheme consist of cash, with 1-2 PhD positions as an option. Project budgeting should be for up to 52 months.
Deadline and submission: Deadline is 03.05.2021 at 13:00 CET. Submission:
Templates & attachments:
- Template project description
- Template CV_TrackRecord
- Budget and financial plan
- Assessment criteria & Scale of marks
Kortnytt fra Seksjon for forskning og utdanningskvalitet, UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Vedlegg / Bilder
Fiskeri- og havbruksvitenskap - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Fiskeri- og havbruksvitenskap - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Akvamedisin - master
Varighet: 5 År -
Bioteknologi - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Master of Philosophy in Visual and Multimodal Anthropology
Varighet: 2 År -
Arkeologi - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Instrument 2
Varighet: 2 Semestre -
Hørelæredidaktikk - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Praktisk-pedagogisk utdanning i musikk - årsstudium
Varighet: 1 År -
Peace and Conflict Transformation - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Indigenous Studies - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Computer Science - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Human Rights Policy and Practice - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Geosciences - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Biology - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Technology and Safety in the High North - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Physics - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Mathematical Sciences - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Biomedicine - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Public Health - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Molecular Sciences - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Law of the Sea - master
Varighet: 3 Semestre -
Biologi - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Medisin profesjonsstudium
Varighet: 6 År -
Rettsvitenskap - master
Varighet: 5 År -
Sosiologi - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Nordisk - årsstudium
Varighet: 1 År -
Strategisk ledelse og økonomi - erfaringsbasert master
Varighet: 5 Semestre -
Historie - årsstudium
Varighet: 1 År -
Engelsk - årsstudium
Varighet: 1 År -
Luftfartsfag - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Samfunnsplanlegging - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Pedagogikk - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Sosiologi - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Arkeologi - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Bioingeniørfag - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Spansk - årsstudium
Varighet: 1 År -
Statsvitenskap - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Spesialpedagogikk - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Pedagogikk - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Informatikk, datamaskinsystemer - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Informatikk, sivilingeniør - master
Varighet: 5 År -
Allmenn litteraturvitenskap - årsstudium
Varighet: 1 År -
Likestilling og kjønn - årsstudium
Varighet: 1 År -
Historie - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Geovitenskap- bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Biomedisin - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Samfunnsplanlegging og kulturforståelse - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Kjemi - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Økonomi og administrasjon - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År