Katarzyna (Kasia) Zamelczyk
Faggruppe: Prosjektkontoret, Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet
From a lifetime of fascination of science and many years living with researcher duties including extensive experience with proposal writing, I moved into an advisor role on external proposal funding. My goal is to support scientists to put their research visions into words while aiding in keeping track of ever-evolving rules and regulations required for making their proposals competitive for research funding.
- reviewing potential applicants’ strengths in the light of anticipated funding opportunities and assistance with the identification of funding sources
- assistance with the development of the proposal narrative
- providing up-to-date information on proposal rules, -structures and -regulations
- proposal review for national and international funding sources, from draft to submission stage
- providing support and advice for leadership in setting priority areas for strategic development in research and partnerships
- carrying out horizon scanning to identify where developments in government and funder policy have the potential to result in new research opportunities medical studies
Successful proposals (Researcher role)
2012 - 8000 kNOK research project leader, “Effects of ocean chemistry changes on planktonic foraminifera in the Fram Strait: Ocean Acidification from natural to anthropogenic changes” Research Council of Norway - full responsibility for research and proposal
2013 – Horizon Europe INFRASTRUCTURES, French Arctic Initiative funded project FIXO3 “Fixed Point Open Ocean Observatories Network”- active involvement
2016 - Mentor for MSCA Individual Fellowship proposal (93/100)
2016 - 300 kNOK funding for ocean acidification research collaboration within Fram Centre Flagship program – NPI –UiT - full responsibility
2018 - Arven etter Nansen (2018-2024), Research Council of Norway - involvement in proposal preparation
2022 - IKTPLUSS Program Research Council of Norway – 1200 kNOK funded project “Transforming ocean surveying by the power of DL and statistical methods”- active involvement and adviser for application process
2023 - Coordination and Support Activity Supplementary Funding and Donor Matching Scheme (Forsterkning) Research Council of Norway, 4000 kNOK funded project “Fast uncertainty estimation in deep learning applied to object recognition in sonar images”- active involvement and adviser for application process
Successful proposals (Advisor for external funding role)
2023 - Horizon Europe MSCA Doctoral Networks – active involvement and adviser for application process
2023 - R&I actions under Horizon Europe Pillar 2 and EIC Pathfinder – Hop-on facility – active involvement and adviser for application process
2023 - The Norwegian Cancer Society - Breast cancer research project - active involvement and adviser for application process
2023 - The Norwegian Childhood Cancer Society – researcher project - active involvement and adviser for application process
EU-søknader / Ekstern finansiering / Forskningsfinansiering / Forskningsrådet / Forskningsstøtte / Støtte til prosjektsøknaderError rendering component
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- CV_Zamelczyk_ (pdf)