Dag 1: Tirsdag 20. februar, UB 132 Aud

10.00 Registrering, te og kaffe

10.30 Velkommen & åpning av poster utstilling i foajéen i UB

11.15 Lunsj i teorifagskantina

12.15 Sandkasser (parallel)

Tema Ordstyrer Sted

Nature conflicts

What are some of the challenges and promises of collaborative approaches – in and across academia? What are some of the ethical and methodological issues involved, and how do we deal with them? We speak English or Norwegian depending on who shows up.

Siv Ellen Kraft Árdna

Animals and more-than-human social worlds

The aim of this sandbox is to connect people who work on animals and human-animal relationships. We’ll present our research, point of view, and methodology, and explore common ground.

Sigfrid Kjeldaas  SVHUM C 1006

Arctic people: Reflections on ethics, perspectives, and approaches in research

We introduce ourselves and how/what/why we are doing research related to people in the Arctic. There will be the opportunity to ask questions to each other.

Torjer Olsen 

TEO-H2 2.238 Møterom Dávggát

Scales of time: Arctic Islands in the Anthropocene

A brief, personal introduction to islands in the Anthropocene will be used to launch an open discussion on how our disciplines typically work with time, and whether alternative time perspectives are needed or not to engage more fully with the Anthropocene.

Eimear Tynan Breiviklia N-119


13.30 Pause

14.00 Sandkasser (parallel)

Tema Ordstyrer Sted

Human & environment relations

We will ask: What are the specific capacities of humanities and social sciences-based methodologies for addressing human-environment relations? What kinds of questions is our research particularly well/poorly equipped to address? What are specific examples of successful humanities and social sciences approaches to human-environment relations?

Justin Parks Árdna

Human & technology relations

How can perspectives rooted in the humanities contribute to better understandings of the multiple implications of technology for individuals and societies? We start with theoretical concepts and move on to concrete cases and the methods required for their critical analyses.

Holger Pötzsch SVHUM C 1006

Kjønn i arktis

Hvordan kan humanioraforskning med kjønnsperspektiver utfordre og utvide vår forståelse av Arktis? I sandkassa forteller deltakerne om egen forskning. Formålet er å bli bedre kjent på tvers av enheter og prosjekter, synliggjøre felles tematikker, og diskutere potensialer og utfordringer ved arktisk kjønnsforskning.

Silje Gaupseth TEO-H1 Rom 1.225

Fortellerkunst in humaniora

Vi vil ha en samtale om hvordan fortellinger kan bli en akademisk tekst, og fortsatt være fortellinger.
Lill Tove Fredriksen TEO-H1 Rom 1.258

15.30 Panelsamtale i UB 132 Aud 

18.00 Tapas middag på campus i Sjampanjekantina 

ca. 20:30 LEAGUS 

LEAGUS er en eksperimentell duo fra Sápmi – Norge, med base i Tromsø. I møtet mellom pianist, Herborg Rundberg, og gitarist, Kristian Svalestad Olstad, oppstår musikk i grenseland mellom samtid, tradisjon og improvisasjon. Duoen ble dannet i 2013, gjennom Herborgs masterprosjekt ved Musikkonservatoriet i Tromsø, der også Kristian tok sin master to år tidligere.
Navnet LEAGUS er samisk slang for å spørre om noe, et uttrykk fra Herborgs hjemtrakter Kåfjord i Nord-Troms. Hennes samiske bakgrunn, grunnutdanning som klassisk pianist, og arbeid med tradisjonell, samisk musikk, sammen med Kristians utvidede bruk av gitar og elektronikk, satte på daværende tidspunkt premissene for å skape noe nytt sammen. Over tid har dette utviklet seg til et felles utforskende og komplekst sonisk univers. Gjennom årenes løp har duoen jobbet med å finne varierte og atypiske interaksjoner mellom piano og gitar, noe som har utviklet seg til en progressiv og unik form for musikalsk samhold. Et svært dynamisk uttrykk, der kontraster spiller en stor rolle i deres konsept. 

Dag 2: Onsdag 21. februar, E 0101 Aud

09.00 Sjekk inn med te og kaffe i E 0101 Aud

09.05  Hovedinnleder: Sverker Sörlin, Professor of Environmental History and co-founder (in 2011) of the KTH Environmental Humanities Lab, currently chair of the EHL Steering Board, Zoom

Arctic Humanities: The Rise and Future of an Integrative Knowledge Field

There has been considerable development in the past couple of decades in the way the humanities perceive their roles and significance in academia and in societies. The 'new humanities' have been on the rise, marked by an openness toward addressing societal challenges. They often tend to look at organizational arrangements that make deep collaborations possible, on different timescales. I have myself talked about this as the 'integrative humanities' and have been part of work since about fifteen years to build the 'environmental humanities'. An area where integrative approaches were tried at an early stage is 'Arctic humanities' scholarship, partly because collaborations with the sciences are often expected and indeed necessary in Arctic research, partly because there is added value in broad collaborations within the humanities as well. I started talking about the Arctic humanities about a decade ago and have found it useful in a number of ways. In this presentation I will talk about these developments, my own experiences, and try to also look ahead.

10.15 Arbeidsgrupper

Tema Fasilitator Sted

Open Research: Perspectives from the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

In this workshop we are going to talk about a subset of Open Research practices, as explained in this blog post by Alexander Refsum Jensenius. Participants will receive information about requirements and recommendations, and will discuss the challenges and opportunities that Open Research presents to researchers in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities.

Aysa Ekanger E 0103

Art & Science

How do we create research projects that combines art and science? Through common fabulation, suggestions for creative and interdisciplinary research projects will be made.

Hanne Hammer Stien E 0104

Arctic Networks

How do you develop a multi-national network? This workshop will explore how the UArctic Thematic Network Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity and the UNESCO/UNITWIN Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity have developed together. Examples of shared teaching and research will be explored.

Gregor Maxwell E 0105

12.00 Kort orientering fra arbeidsgruppene i E 0101 Aud

12.30 Veien videre? E 0101 Aud

13.00  Lunsj i teorifagskantina