Gabrielle Emma Kleber,
Leonard Magerl,
Alexandra V. Turchyn,
Kelly Redeker,
Stefan Thiele,
Martin Liira
Shallow and deep groundwater moderate methane dynamics in a high Arctic glacial catchment
Frontiers in Earth Science 2024
Gabrielle Emma Kleber,
Andrew Hodson,
Leonard Magerl,
Erik Schytt Mannerfelt,
Harold J. Bradbury,
Yizhu Zhu
Groundwater springs formed during glacial retreat are a large source of methane in the high Arctic
Andrew Hodson,
Gabrielle Emma Kleber,
Jack Johnson,
Michael Lonardi,
Chiara Petroselli,
Tim Dixon
Effects of glacier retreat upon glacier-groundwater coupling and biogeochemistry in Central Svalbard
D. Delgado,
V. Garayburu-Caruso,
Gabrielle Emma Kleber,
Jacob C. Yde,
J. Stegen
Temporal and spatial dynamics of dissolved organic matter transformations in glacier-fed streams in Svalbard
Gabrielle Emma Kleber,
Andrew Hodson,
Jasper Leonard Magerl,
Erik Schytt Mannerfelt
Enhanced methane emissions due to glacial retreat in the high Arctic