Gordana Hržica,
Sara Kosutar,
Nada Poropat Jeletić
The relationship between self-assessment of language proficiency and measures of lexical diversity and syntactic complexity: evidence from bilingual speakers of Italian in Croatia
Frontiers in Communication 2024
Gordana Hrzica,
Sara Kosutar,
Tomislava Bosnjak Botica,
Petar Milin
The role of entrenchment and schematisation in the acquisition of rich verbal morphology
Norbert Vanek,
Ana Matić Škorić,
Sara Košutar,
Štěpán Matějka,
Kate Stone Stone
Mental simulation of the factual and the illusory in negation processing: evidence from anticipatory eye movements on a blank screen
Sara Kosutar,
Marija Jozipović,
Gordana Hržica
Referential choice in the narrative discourse of people with aphasia
Norbert Vanek,
Ana Matić Škorić,
Sara Kosutar,
Štěpán Matějka,
Kate Stone Stone
Looks at what isn't there: eye movements on a blank screen when processing negation in a first and a second language
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2024
Gordana Hrzica,
Tomislava Bosnjak Botica,
Sara Kosutar
Stem overgeneralizations in the acquisition of Croatian verbal morphology: Evidence from parental questionnaires
Mila Dimitrova Vulchanova,
Sara Kosutar
Salvatore Attardo & Lucy Pickering. Eye-tracking in linguistics London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. ISBN 978-1-3501-1751-8. 304 pp.
Gordana Hržica,
Mari Aigro,
Sara Kosutar,
Tomislava Bošnjak Botica,
Virve Vihman
Overgeneralisation and overabundance in the production of 5-year-olds: a crosslinguistic study
Sara Kosutar,
Anja Slovenc,
Sanja Očurščak Žuliček,
Gordana Hržica
The development of Cross-linguistic lexical tasks for Croatian
Sara Kosutar,
Judith Schlenter,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Serge Minor
Verbal aspect processing in Croatian: A Visual World eye-tracking study