Zoheb Mashiur
I am a researcher in human-water relations at the Nfh - Norwegian Fisheries College. I am a member of the CRAFT research group, and am engaged in the projects FUTURES4FISH and FLOW.
My research interests lie in cultural critique, particularly in new media, on representations of power in the context of futures and environmental discourse.
Error rendering component
Colonialism and postcolonialism
Race, gender and class
South Asian colonial and national history
Politics and populism
Games (digital, tabletop, roleplaying)
Medlem i forskningsgruppe
Medlem i prosjekt
PhD candidate in EJD-MOVES: Migration and Modernity -- Historical and Cultural Challenges
Charles University (Department of Anglophone Literature and Cultures) & University of Kent (School of English, Brussels School of International Studies)
MA in International Migration with International Conflict and Security
University of Kent (Brussels School of International Studies)
BSS in Economics
BRAC University (Department of Economics and Social Sciences)