Bilde av Eregno, Fasil Ejigu
Bilde av Eregno, Fasil Ejigu
Førsteamanuensis Institutt for bygg, energi og materialteknologi +4776966202 +4741488518

Fasil Ejigu Eregno


Fasil Ejigu Eregno is an Associate Professor of Water and Environmental Engineering at the Department of Building, Energy and Material Technology, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology.

Fasil has a PhD in Water and Environmental Engineering from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). His research interest includes water and wastewater treatment systems, water-food-energy nexus, water quality analysis and modelling, hydrological modelling, the impact of climate change on water infrastructure and health risk assessment and management in water/wastewater systems.

Areas of responsibility

  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Environmental laboratory management
  • Project coordination
  • PhD student supervision
  • MSc student supervision
  • Creating university and industry partnership

Fasil, along with other colleagues in the department, covers courses relevant to the study of water and wastewater engineering.

BYG-3613 Centralized Wastewater Treatment System

BYG-3608: Water Supply System Engineering

BYG-3610: Analysis of Water Quality Parameters

BYG-3612: Decentralized/On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems

Fasil is also facilitating the new Master's study programme in Water and Wastewater Engineering.

Research Projects

Fasil engages in various projects in the faculty.

Fasil is a coordinator of the One Health education and research project, funded by NORAD through the NORHED II programme. Additionally, he is involved in the ENFORCE, BRIDGE, and PEERS projects.

  • Somil Thakur, Rajnish K Calay, Mohamad Yazid Faisal Adib Mustafa, Fasil Eregno, Ravindra Rajaram Patil :
    Importance of substrate type and its constituents on overall performance of microbial fuel cells
    Current Research in Biotechnology 2025 DOI
  • Jirata Shiferaw Abosse, Bekele Megersa, Feleke Zewge, Fasil Eregno :
    Healthcare waste management and antimicrobial resistance: a critical review
    Journal of Water and Health 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Aritro Banerjee, Rajnish Kaur Calay, Fasil Ejigu Eregno :
    Role and Important Properties of a Membrane with Its Recent Advancement in a Microbial Fuel Cell
    Energies 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Subhashis Das, Rajnish K Calay, Ranjana Chowdhury, kaustav Nath, Fasil Eregno :
    Product Inhibition of Biological Hydrogen Production in Batch Reactors
    Energies 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Fasil Eregno, Arve Heistad :
    On-site treated wastewater disposal systems – The role of stratified filter medias for reducing the risk of pollution
    Environment International 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Fasil Ejigu Eregno, Ingun Tryland, Mette Myrmel, Aina Wennberg, Anastasiia Oliinyk, Mamata Khatri m.fl.:
    Decay rate of virus and faecal indicator bacteria (FIB) in seawater and the concentration of FIBs in different wastewater systems
    Microbial Risk Analysis 2018 DOI
  • Fasil Ejigu Eregno, Ingun Tryland, Torulv Tjomsland, Magdalena Kempa, Arve Heistad :
    Hydrodynamic modelling of recreational water quality using Escherichia coli as an indicator of microbial contamination
    Journal of Hydrology 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Fasil Eregno, Melesse Eshetu_Mogens, Arve Heistad :
    Treated greywater reuse for hydroponic lettuce production in a green wall system: Quantitative health risk assessment
    Water 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Melesse Eshetu_Mogens, Daniel Todt, Fasil Eregno, Arve Heistad :
    Performance study of biofilter system for on-site greywater treatmentat cottages and small households
    Ecological Engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology 2017 DOI
  • Fasil Ejigu Eregno, Ingun Tryland, Torulv Tjomsland, Mette Myrmel, Lucy Robertson, Arve Heistad :
    Quantitative microbial risk assessment combined with hydrodynamic modelling to estimate the public health risk associated with bathing after rainfall events
    Science of the Total Environment 2016 DOI
  • Ingun Tryland, Henrik Braathen, Aina C Wennberg, Fasil Eregno, Anna-Lena Beschorner :
    Monitoring of β-d-Galactosidase Activity as a Surrogate Parameter for Rapid Detection of Sewage Contamination in Urban Recreational Water
    Water 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ingun Tryland, Fasil Eregno, Henrik Braathen, Goran Khalaf, Ingrid Sjølander, Marie Fossum :
    On-Line Monitoring of Escherichia coli in Raw Water at Oset Drinking Water Treatment Plant, Oslo (Norway)
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Melesse Eshetu_Mogens, Fasil Eregno, Arve Heistad :
    Performance of biochar and filtralite as polishing step for on-site greywater treatment plant
    Management of Environmental Quality (MEQ) 2015 DOI
  • Fasil Ejigu Eregno, Ricardo Constante Grøndahl-Rosado, Vegard Nilsen, Razak Seidu, Arve Heistad, Mette Myrmel :
    Multiple Linear Regression Models for Estimating Microbial Load in a Drinking Water Source: Case from the Glomma River, Norway
    Vann 2014
  • Fasil Ejigu Eregno, Vegard Nilsen, Razak Seidu, Arve Heistad :
    Evaluating the Trend and Extreme Values of Faecal Indicator Organisms in a Raw Water Source: A Potential Approach for Watershed Management and Optimizing Water Treatment Practice
    Environmental Processes 2014 DOI
  • Fasil Ejigu Eregno, Chong-Yu Xu, Nils-Otto Kitterød :
    Modeling hydrological impacts of climate change in different climatic zones
    International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 2013 DOI
  • Ståle Leif Haaland, Marianne Bechmann, Bjørnar Eikebrokk, Fasil Eregno, Inga Greipsland, Arve Heistad m.fl.:
    Forurensingsanalyse av drikkevannskilden Jordalsvatnet med vanntilsigsområde
  • Ingun Tryland, Aina Charlotte Wennberg, Christian Vogelsang, Torulv Tjomsland, Anna-Lena Beschorner, Fasil Eregno m.fl.:
    Effekt av endret værmønster på hygienisk badevannskvalitet og kvalitet på sjømat i Indre Oslofjord
    2016 ARKIV

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    Interested in a holistic approach to addressing complex environmental challenges, I focus on various aspects including water and wastewater treatment systems, the water-food-energy nexus, water quality analysis and modelling, hydrological modelling, the impact of climate change on water infrastructure, and health risk assessment and management in water/wastewater systems. My aim is to identify management targets for improving water supply systems and living conditions.

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