Jiuzhou Hao,
Maki Kubota,
Fatih Bayram,
Jorge Gonzalez Alonso,
Theres Grüter,
Muhan Li
Schooling and language usage matter in heritage bilingual processing: Sortal classifiers in Mandarin
Second Language Research 2024
Aleksandra Tomić,
Yulia Rodina,
Fatih Bayram,
Cecile Marie-Rose De Cat
Individual language experience determinants of morphosyntactic variation in heritage and attriting speakers of Bosnian and Serbian
Elana Antonova-Unlu,
Fatih Bayram
The role of external factors on the reactivation of the heritage language of Turkish-German returnees
Frontiers in Psychology 2023
Jason Rothman,
Fatih Bayram,
Vincent DeLuca,
Jorge Gonzalez Alonso,
Maki Kubota,
Eloi Puig-Mayenco
Defining bilingualism as a continuum: Some tools and consequences for the study of bilingual mind and brain effects
John Benjamins Publishing Company 2023
Aleksandra Tomić,
Yulia Rodina,
Fatih Bayram,
Cecile Marie-Rose De Cat
Documenting heritage language experience using questionnaires
Frontiers in Psychology 2023
Khadijeh Gharibi,
Fatih Bayram,
Gustavo Guajardo
Lexical and morphosyntactic variation in Persian heritage language outcomes
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 2023
Jason Rothman,
Fatih Bayram,
Vincent DeLuca,
Grazia Di Pisa,
Jon Andoni Dunabeitia Landaburu,
Khadij Gharibi
Monolingual comparative normativity in bilingualism research is out of control: Arguments and alternatives
Applied Psycholinguistics 2022
Fatih Bayram,
Grazia Di Pisa,
Jason Rothman,
Roumyana Slabakova
Current Trends and Emerging Methodologies in Charting Heritage Language Bilingual Grammars
Cambridge University Press 2021
Fatih Bayram,
Maki Kubota,
Alicia Luque,
Diego Pascual y Cabo,
Jason Rothman
You can’t fix what is not broken: Contextualizing the imbalance of perceptions about heritage language bilingualism.
Anika Lloyd-Smith,
Fatih Bayram,
Michael Iverson
The effects of heritage language experience on lexical and morphosyntactic outcomes
John Benjamins Publishing Company 2020
Fatih Bayram
Turkish as a heritage language: Its context and importance for the general understanding of bilingualism
John Benjamins Publishing Company 2020
Fatih Bayram,
Jason Rothman
Formal Linguistics and Language Education: A View from Bilingualism Research
Fatih Bayram,
Tanja Kupisch,
Diego Pascual y Cabo,
Jason Rothman
Terminology matters on theoretical grounds too!: Coherent grammars cannot be incomplete.
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 2019
Jason Rothman,
Fatih Bayram,
Ian Cunnings,
Jorge González Alonso
Formal Linguistic Approaches to Adult Second Language (L2) Acquisition and Processing
Cambridge University Press 2019
Fatih Bayram,
David Miller,
Jason Rothman,
Ludovica Serratrice
Chapter 1. Studies in bilingualism: 25 years in the making
John Benjamins Publishing Company 2018
Jason Rothman,
Fatih Bayram,
Tanja Kupisch,
Terje Lohndal,
Marit Westergaard
Generative Approaches to Second Language (L2) Acquisition and Advanced L2 Proficiency
Eloi Puig Mayenco,
Ian Cunnings,
Fatih Bayram,
David Miller,
Susagna Tubau,
Jason Rothman
Language Dominance Affects Bilingual Performance and Processing Outcomes in Adulthood
Frontiers in Psychology 2018
Fatih Bayram,
Josh Prada,
Diego Pascual y Cabo,
Jason Rothman
Why Should Formal Linguistic Approaches to Heritage Language Acquisition Be Linked to Heritage Language Pedagogies?
Springer Publishing Company 2017
Fatih Bayram,
Jason Rothman,
Michael Iverson,
Tanja Kupisch,
David Miller,
Eloi Puig Mayenco
Differences in use without deficiencies in competence: passives in the Turkish and German of Turkish heritage speakers in Germany.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 2017
Tanja Kupisch,
Fatih Bayram,
Jason Rothman
Terminology matters II: Early bilinguals show cross-linguistic influence but are not attriters
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 2017
Fatih Bayram,
Clare Wright
The future for teaching community languages–a research perspective
Language Issues: The ESOL Journal 2016
Fatih Bayram,
Maki Kubota,
Sergio Miguel Pereira Soares
Editorial: The next phase in heritage language studies: methodological considerations and advancements
Frontiers in Psychology 2024
Selim Tiryakiol,
Fatih Bayram,
Leyla Zidani Eroglu
Processing of Prosody and Case Marking in Turkish Monolingual and Heritage Speakers
Selim Tiryakiol,
Fatih Bayram,
Leyla Zidani Eroglu
Cue Strength in Predictive Processing in Child Turkish Heritage Speakers: Case vs. Prosody
Aleksandra Tomić,
Fatih Bayram,
Cecile Marie-Rose De Cat,
Yulia Rodina
Individual variation in heritage language morphosyntactic processing: Causal modeling of sensitivity to clitic placement in Bosnian and Serbian in Norway
Aleksandra Tomić,
Fatih Bayram,
Cecile Marie-Rose De Cat,
Yulia Rodina
Individual language experience factors in morphosyntactic processing in speakers of Bosnian and Serbian in Norway
Aleksandra Tomić,
Fatih Bayram,
Yulia Rodina,
Cecile Marie-Rose De Cat
Documenting heritage language experience using questionnaires
Aleksandra Tomić,
Cecile Marie-Rose De Cat,
Yulia Rodina,
Fatih Bayram
Individual variation in heritage language (HL) morphosyntactic processing: Causal modelling of sensitivity to clitic placement in Bosnian and Serbian in Norway
Aleksandra Tomic,
Fatih Bayram,
Cecile Marie-Rose De Cat,
Yulia Rodina
Individual variation in heritage language morphosyntactic
processing: Bosnian Clitics in Norway
Aleksandra Tomic,
Fatih Bayram,
Cecile Marie-Rose De Cat,
Yulia Rodina
Individual variation in heritage language morphosyntactic processing: Clitic placement in Bosnian in Norway
Aleksandra Tomic,
Fatih Bayram,
Cecile Marie-Rose De Cat,
Yulia Rodina
Heritage language grammar in flux: Individual variation in morphosyntactic processing
Fatih Bayram,
Jorge González Alonso,
Dave Whitney Kush,
Terje Lohndal,
Jason Rothman,
Rachel Hayes-Harb
Editors' Note
Applied Psycholinguistics 2021
Aleksandra Tomic,
Fatih Bayram,
Cecile Marie-Rose De Cat,
Yulia Rodina
Individual variation in heritage language morphosyntactic processing: A corpus study
Fatih Bayram,
Jorge González Alonso,
Dave Whitney Kush,
Terje Lohndal,
Jason Rothman
Editors' Note
Applied Psycholinguistics 2021
Fatih Bayram,
Anika Lloyd-Smith,
Michael Iverson
Untangling the source of differences in heritage language acquisition: The Experience to Outcomes Hypothesis
Fatih Bayram,
Diego Pascual y Cabo,
Jason Rothman
Intra-Generational Attrition: Contributions to heritage speaker competence
Oxford University Press 2019
Fatih Bayram,
Anika Lloyd-Smith,
Michael Iverson,
Tanja Kupisch,
Jason Rothman
Input experiences determine heritage speaker outcomes
Fatih Bayram,
Jason Rothman,
Michael Iverson,
David Miller,
Eloi Puig Mayenco,
Tanja Kupisch
Divergence in production without deficiency in representation: Passives in Turkish Heritage Speakers’ Turkish and German
Eloi Puig Mayenco,
Fatih Bayram,
Michael Iverson,
Tanja Kupisch,
David Miller,
Jason Rothman
Production Divergence without Representational Deficiencies: The Use of Passives in Turkish Heritage Speakers’ Turkish and German
Fatih Bayram,
Eloi Puig Mayenco,
Michael Iverson,
Tanja Kupisch,
Jason Rothman,
Marit Westergaard
Production Reveals Equivalencies in Heritage Speaker (HS) Representation Despite Use Differences: Passives and Relative Clauses in HS Turkish and their Dominant German L2
Fatih Bayram,
Jason Rothman,
Michael Iverson,
Tanja Kupisch,
David Miller,
Eloi Puig Mayenco
Distinct patterns of use with the same mental representation: Passives in heritage Turkish in Germany
Fatih Bayram,
Clare Wright
Turkish Heritage Language Acquisition and Maintenance in Germany
Springer Publishing Company 2017