Ida Gunilla Larsson,
Maud Westendorp
Nordic word order
Maud Westendorp
Verb placement variation in Swedish and Danish
Maud Westendorp
Variable verb second in Norwegian main and embedded clauses
Maud Westendorp,
Bjørn Lundquist
Tverrspråklig innflytelse fra L1 i tilegnelsen av argumentplassering i L2 norsk og svensk
Bjørn Lundquist,
Maud Westendorp,
Bror-Magnus S. Strand
Code-switching alone cannot explain intraspeaker syntactic variability: Evidence from a spoken elicitation experiment
Maud Westendorp
Verb placement in embedded sentences in Faroese
Bjørn Lundquist,
Ida Larsson,
Maud Westendorp,
Eirik Tengesdal,
Anders Nøklestad
Nordic Word Order Database: Motivations, methods, material and infrastructure
Maud Westendorp
Transparency and language acquisition of Scandinavian
Maud Westendorp
New methodologies in the Nordic Syntax Database: word order variation in Norwegian wh-questions
Marieke Olthof,
Maud Westendorp,
Jelke Bloem,
Fred Weerman
Synchronic variation and diachronic change in Dutch two-verb clusters
Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche taal- en letterkunde 2017
Maud Westendorp,
Göran Söderlund
Håndtering av leksikalsk koaktivering i bokmål og nynorsk
Anna Vinichenko,
Maud Westendorp,
Björn Lundquist
Mapping written and spoken varieties of Norwegian in the minds of Norwegian adolescents
Tina Louise Ringstad,
Maud Westendorp,
Björn Lundquist
"Æ villa ha fire vafla og så smurt på pappa tre". Om norske barns verbpartikkelplassering
Björn Lundquist,
Maud Westendorp,
Anna Vinichenko
Koblingen mellom muntlige og skriftlige varianter av norsk hos ungdommer fra ulike regioner
Anna Vinichenko,
Maud Westendorp,
Björn Lundquist
Mapping written and spoken varieties of Norwegian in the minds of Norwegian adolescents
Maud Westendorp,
Björn Lundquist
A symmetric account of asymmetric V2
Maud Westendorp,
Øystein Alexander Vangsnes
Two Nordic research infrastructures for syntactic variation: Results, limitations and a future perspective
Ragni Vik Johnsen,
Carola Babette Kleemann,
Øystein Alexander Vangsnes,
Maud Westendorp
Maud Westendorp,
Evelyn Bosma,
Göran Söderlund
Managing lexical co-activation
in closely related varieties of Norwegian: Examining the role of cognitive control with a conflict adaptation paradigm
Björn Lundquist,
Anna Vinichenko,
Maud Westendorp
Is Reading The Same As Translation In Young Multi-lectal Speakers?
Björn Lundquist,
Anna Vinichenko,
Maud Westendorp
Is reading the same as translation in young multi-lectal speakers?
Maud Westendorp
Non-V2 wh-questions and other V2-deviations in Norwegian: rethinking the North Germanic CP
Maud Westendorp,
Øystein Alexander Vangsnes
Ordstillingsvariasjon i hv-spørsmål i sognemål: syntaktiske og prosodiske faktorer
Maud Westendorp
Språk og hjernen
Maud Westendorp
The distribution of main and embedded structures: V2 and non-V2 orders in North Germanic
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
Maud Westendorp,
Øystein Alexander Vangsnes
Ordstillingsvariasjon i hv-spørsmål i sognemål: syntaktiske og prosodiske faktorer
Maud Westendorp
Deviations from asymmetric V2 in Norwegian: code-switching or variable rules?
Maud Westendorp,
Bjørn Lundquist
The presence of light objects affects variable verb and subject placement in North Germanic
Bjørn Lundquist,
Maud Westendorp
Object shift feeds variable verb and subject placement: implications for linearization and production planning
Maud Westendorp
Språkforskeren Maud (29) fra Nederland er nå landsdelens beste langdistanseløper
Ida Larsson,
Bjørn Lundquist,
Maud Westendorp,
Anders Nøklestad,
Eirik Tengesdal
The Nordic Word Order Database
Bjørn Lundquist,
Maud Westendorp
No transfer of word order, but transfer of factors conditioning word order: evidence from Dutch L2 learners of Norwegian and Swedish
Bjørn Lundquist,
Ida Larsson,
Maud Westendorp,
Eirik Tengesdal
The Nordic Word Order Database: New methods for studying variation within and between speakers and varieties in North Germanic
Maud Westendorp
Embedded V2 in North Germanic: results from a production study
Maud Westendorp,
Bjørn Lundquist
Embedded V2 in Faroese and Mainland Scandinavian: results from a production study
Bjørn Lundquist,
Ida Larsson,
Maud Westendorp,
Eirik Tengesdal,
Anders Nøklestad
Presenting the Nordic Word Order Database
Bjørn Lundquist,
Maud Westendorp
On the subtle and ephemeral effects effects of reflexives on verb and subject placement
Maud Westendorp
Embedded V2 in Faroese and Mainland Scandinavian
Maud Westendorp
Information structure and morphological complexity in the wh-questions of three Norwegian dialects
Maud Westendorp
Variation and change in Norwegian wh-questions
Maud Westendorp
Development and variation of non-V2 order in Norwegian wh-questions
Jelke Bloem,
Marieke Olthof,
Maud Westendorp
Synchronic variation and diachronic change in Dutch two-verb clusters
Marieke Olthof,
Maud Westendorp,
Jelke Bloem
Language change in the Corpus Gesproken Nederlands: An apparent-time study of verb cluster order
Maud Westendorp
Utvikling av og variasjon i ikke-V2 hv-spørsmål i norske dialekter