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Seksjon for forskning, utdanning og formidling Helsefak +4777623164 Her finner du meg

Kenneth Webb Berg Vollan

Praksiskoordinering, ph.d.-opptak


Praksiskoordinator, hovedkontakt for foretak og kommuner i Finnmark og i Troms fra Balsfjord og nordover.

Opptak til ph.d.-programmet i helsevitenskap.

Oppgaver tillagt arbeidsutvalget til Felles utdanningsutvalg (FUU) mellom helsefak UiT og UNN HF. 

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Radiocarbon dating and Bayesian chronological modelling.

Method and theory for assessing temporal relations between units in the archaeological record (artefacts, contexts, features, etc.), and how specific assumptions/interpretations about temporal relations between such units set the framework for reconstructions of past societies and of the course of history in general. 

Issues concerning:

  • Reuse (of features and sites).
  • The contemporaneity problem 
  • Formation processes
  • Mapping site occupation histories
  • Models of site-use
  • Population size and group size

And more generally hunter-gatherer and forager societies, maritime adaptation.