Ane Solbakken Sæterdal,
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Full-scale tests of deicing with seawater
Cold Regions Science and Technology 2024
Per-Arne Sundsbø,
Sujay Deshpande
An Investigation into Using CFD for the Estimation of Ship Specific Parameters for the SPICE Model for the Prediction of Sea Spray Icing: Part 2—The Verification of SPICE2 with a Full-Scale Test
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE) 2024
Sujay Deshpande,
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Investigation into Using CFD for Estimation of Ship Specific Parameters for the SPICE Model for Prediction of Sea Spray Icing: Part 1—The Proposal
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE) 2024
Sujay Deshpande,
Ane Solbakken Sæterdal,
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Experiments With Sea Spray Icing: Investigation of Icing Rates
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2023
Ane Solbakken Sæterdal,
Aleksandra Visich,
Sujay Deshpande,
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Experimental Investigation of Deicing with Seawater
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers 2023
Ane Solbakken Sæterdal,
Aleksandra Visich,
Per-Arne Sundsbø,
Sujay Deshpande
Performance of survival equipment in cold climate conditions: laboratory and field tests of a desalination hand pump
Curran Associates, Inc. 2023
Sujay Deshpande,
Ane Sæterdal,
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Sea Spray Icing: The Physical Process and Review of Prediction Models and Winterization Techniques.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 04. mai 2021
Sujay Deshpande,
Per-Arne Sundsbø,
Subhashis Das
Ship resistance analysis using CFD simulations in Flow-3D
The International Journal of Multiphysics 19. september 2020
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Winterization of onshore facilities and outdoor work areas
Matthew Carl Homola,
Muhammad Shakeel Virk,
Per Johan Nicklasson,
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Performance losses due to ice accretion for a 5 MW wind turbine
Matthew Carl Homola,
Tomas Wallenius,
Lasse Makkonen,
Per Johan Nicklasson,
Per Arne Sundsbø
Turbine size and temperature dependence of icing on wind turbine blades
Wind Engineering : The International Journal of Wind Power 2010
Matthew Carl Homola,
Muhammad Shakeel Virk,
Tomas Wallenius,
Per Johan Nicklasson,
Per Arne Sundsbø
Effect of atmospheric temperature and droplet size variation on ice accretion of wind turbine blades
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 2010
Matthew Carl Homola,
Tomas Wallenius,
Lasse Makkonen,
Per Johan Nicklasson,
Per-Arne Sundsbø
The relationship between chord length and rime icing on wind turbines
Matthew Carl Homola,
Per Johan Nicklasson,
Per Arne Sundsbø
Ice sensors for wind turbines
Cold Regions Science and Technology 2006
J.H.M. Beyers,
Per Arne Sundsbø,
T. M. Harms
Numerical simulation of three-dimensional, transient snowdrifting around a cube
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 2004
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Numerical simulations of wind deflection fins to control snow accumulation in building steps
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 1998
Per-Arne Sundsbø,
Aleksandra Visich
Two-fluid modelling of sea spray icing caused by wind-ship-sea interaction
Aleksandra Visich,
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Modelling & simulation of downdraft from AW101 during landing on University Hospital helipad
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Testing, utvikling og bruk av oljevernutstyr i kaldt klima
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Byggekspert om hytta som blåste på havet.
15. februar 2023
Frida Brembo,
Sverre Håkon Evju,
Line Husjord,
Per-Arne Sundsbø,
Erle, Skipssjef Kystvakta Dimmen,
Morten, Kystvakta Monsen
NRK - Bruk av redningsutstyr i en evakueringssituasjon
Christin Gjøvik,
Annette Meidell,
Line Husjord,
Vivian D. Haugen,
Anne Svelstad Evju,
Guy Beeri Mauseth
Øvde på hva man gjør om cruiseskip havarerer: - Man må berge seg selv i fem dager
Espen Viklem Eidum,
Annette Meidell,
Line Husjord,
Vivian D. Haugen,
Hanne Müller,
Anne Svelstad Evju
Vellykket øvelse på sjø og land i Narvik
Jan Westby,
Line Husjord,
Annette Meidell,
Mona Lahm Høgbakk,
Anne Svelstad Evju,
Sverre Håkon Evju
"20 skipbrudne reddet i land i Beisfjord - øvelse"
Avis Altaposten,
Annette Meidell,
Line Husjord,
Vivian D. Haugen,
Anne Svelstad Evju,
Sverre Håkon Evju
Øvde på hva man gjør når cruiseskip havarerer: - Man må berge seg selv i inntil 5 døgn
Espen Viklem Eidum,
Annette Meidell,
Line Husjord,
Vivian D. Haugen,
Mona Lahm Høgbakk,
Anne Svelstad Evju
Fakulteter sammen om redningsøvelse i Narvik
Frida Brembo,
Line Husjord,
Sverre Håkon Evju,
Erle, Skipssjef Kystvakta Dimmen,
Morten, Kystvakta Monsen,
Annette Meidell
NRK - Øver på overlevelse og hvordan selvbergingsutstyr blir brukt
Per-Arne Sundsbø,
T Jacobsen
Sea Spray Icing on Goliat Lifeboat
Per-Arne Sundsbø,
K.O. Underhaug
Sea Spray Icing on Goliat Lifeboat
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Marine Snow Measurements
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Offshore Winterization
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
Mohamad Mustafa,
Per-Arne Sundsbø,
Yizhong Xu,
Geanette Polanco
Design of a Field Experimental Set-up for the Investigation of Wind Shielding Performance of Porous Panel Geometries
Huang Taoying,
Per-Arne Sundsbø,
Mohamad Mustafa,
Yizhong Xu,
Geanette Polanco
Analysis of Airflow Through Porous Panels and Its Application to Weather Shielding Structures
Muhammad Shakeel Virk,
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Forskning på kaldt klima
26. september 2012
Matthew Carl Homola,
Muhammad Shakeel Virk,
Per Johan Nicklasson,
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Modelling of Ice Induced Power Losses and Comparison with Observations
Matthew Carl Homola,
Tomas Wallenius,
Lasse Makkonen,
Per Johan Nicklasson,
Per Arne Sundsbø
The dependence of icing severity on chord length
Matthew Carl Homola,
Per Johan Nicklasson,
Per Arne Sundsbø
Two years of icing monitoring at Nygårdsfjell wind park
Matthew Carl Homola,
Johan Byström,
Per Johan Nicklasson,
Per Arne Sundsbø
A corrector for wind power estimation and its usage in estimating icing losses
Matthew Carl Homola,
Per Johan Nicklasson,
Per Arne Sundsbø,
Arne E. Holdø
Experiences from icing at Nygårdsfjell wind park
Matthew Carl Homola,
Tomas Wallenius,
Lasse Makkonen,
Guy Beeri,
Per Johan Nicklasson,
Per Arne Sundsbø
Scaling of icing on wind turbines : [power point og abstract]
Per Arne Sundsbø
Analyse av snødrift rundt planlagte portaler på LoFast-E10
Per Arne Sundsbø
Snødrift og snøsimulering
Matthew Carl Homola,
Per Johan Nicklasson,
Per Arne Sundsbø
Review of ice detection methods for wind turbines
J.H.M. Beyers,
T. M. Harms,
Per Arne Sundsbø
Numerical simulation of snow drift around an elevated structure
Per Arne Sundsbø
Forprosjekt for forsknings- og utviklingsprogrammet: "Modelling and prediction of icing on vessels and marine structures"
J.H.M. Beyers,
Per Arne Sundsbø,
T. M. Harms
Numerical simulation and verification of drifting snow around a cube
Børre Bang,
Per-Arne Sundsbø,
Tore Wiik
Numerical simulations of snow drifting and wind simulations applicable to buildings and structures
Per-Arne Sundsbø,
Børre Bang
Snow drift control in residential areas : field measurements and numerical simulations
Per-Arne Sundsbø,
Børre Bang
Calculation of snowdrift around roadside safety barriers
Per-Arne Sundsbø
Snøvennlige autovern utvikles
Våre veger 1998