Petar Pongrac,
Petr Jeřábek,
Holger Stunitz,
Hugues Raimbourg,
Martin Racek,
Michael C. Jollands
Mechanical Impact of Heterogeneously Distributed H2O on Quartz Deformation
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth 2024
Holger Stunitz,
H. Raimbourg,
L. Nègre,
J. Précigout,
M. Jollands,
P. Pongrac
Evolution of H2O content in deforming quartz aggregates: An experimental study
Journal of Structural Geology 2024
Subhajit Ghosh,
Holger Stunitz,
Hugues Raimbourg,
Jacques Précigout,
Ida Di Carlo,
Renee Heilbronner
Importance of grain boundary processes for plasticity in the quartz-dominated crust: Implications for flow laws
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2024
Leif Eric Tokle,
G. Hirth,
Holger Stunitz
The effect of muscovite on the microstructural evolution and rheology of quartzite in general shear
Journal of Structural Geology 2023
Petar Pongrac,
Petr Jeřábek,
Holger Stunitz,
Hugues Raimbourg,
Renee Heilbronner,
Martin Racek
Mechanical properties and recrystallization of quartz in presence of H2O: Combination of cracking, subgrain rotation and dissolution-precipitation processes
Journal of Structural Geology 2022
Subhajit Ghosh,
Holger Stunitz,
Hugues Raimbourg,
Jacques Précigout
Quartz rheology constrained from constant-load experiments: Consequences for the strength of the continental crust
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2022
S. Cionoiu,
E. Moulas,
Holger Stunitz,
L. Tajcmanova
Locally Resolved Stress-State in Samples During Experimental Deformation: Insights Into the Effect of Stress on Mineral Reactions
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth 2022
Amicia Lee,
Holger Stunitz,
Mathieu Soret,
Matheus Ariel Battisti
Dissolution precipitation creep as a process for the strain localisation in mafic rocks
Journal of Structural Geology 2022
Lucille Nègre,
Holger Stunitz,
Hugues Raimbourg,
Amicia Lee,
Jacques Précigout,
Petar Pongrac
Effect of pressure on the deformation of quartz aggregates in the presence of H2O
Journal of Structural Geology 2021
Nicolas Mansard,
Holger Stunitz,
Hugues Raimbourg,
Jacques Précigout
The role of deformation-reaction interactions to localize strain in polymineralic rocks: Insights from experimentally deformed plagioclase-pyroxene assemblages
Journal of Structural Geology 2020
Nicolas Mansard,
Holger Stunitz,
Hugues Raimbourg,
Jacques Précigout,
Alexis Plunder,
Lucille Nègre
Relationship between microstructures and resistance in mafic
assemblages that deform and transform
Sina Marti,
Holger Stünitz,
Renee Heilbronner,
Oliver Plümper
Amorphous material in experimentally deformed mafic rock and its temperature dependence: Implications for fault rheology during aseismic creep and seismic rupture
Journal of Structural Geology 20. mai 2020
Holger Stunitz,
Kai Neufeld,
Renee Heilbronner,
Ane Kongsro Finstad,
Jiří Konopásek,
James R. Mackenzie
Transformation weakening: Diffusion creep in eclogites as a result of interaction of mineral reactions and deformation
Journal of Structural Geology 09. juli 2020
Carly Faber,
Holger Stunitz,
Deta Gasser,
Petr Jeřábek,
Katrin Kraus,
Fernando Corfu
Anticlockwise metamorphic pressure–temperature paths and nappe stacking in the Reisa Nappe Complex in the Scandinavian Caledonides, northern Norway: evidence for weakening of lower continental crust before and during continental collision
Junichi Fukuda,
Hugues Raimbourg,
Ichiko Shimizu,
Kai Neufeld,
Holger Stunitz
Experimental grain growth of quartz aggregates under wet conditions and its application to deformation in nature
Jacques Précigout,
Holger Stunitz,
Johan Villeneuve
Excess water storage induced by viscous strain localization during high-pressure shear experiment
Sina Marti,
Holger Stunitz,
Renée Heilbronner,
Oliver Plümper,
Rüdiger Kilian
Syn-kinematic hydration reactions, grain size reduction, and dissolution-precipitation creep in experimentally deformed plagioclase-pyroxene mixtures
Bettina Richter,
Holger Stunitz,
Renee Stunitz Heilbronner
The brittle-to-viscous transition in polycrystalline quartz: An experimental study
Journal of Structural Geology 2018
Giulia Palazzin,
Hugues Raimbourg,
Holger Stunitz,
Renée Heilbronner,
Kai Neufeld,
Jacques Précigout
Evolution in H<sub>2</sub>O contents during deformation of polycrystalline quartz: An experimental study
Journal of Structural Geology 2018
Jacques Précigout,
Holger Stunitz,
Yves Pinquier,
Remi Champallier,
Alexandre Schubnel
High-pressure, high-temperature deformation experiment using the new generation griggs-type apparatus
Journal of Visualized Experiments 2018
Miki Tasaka,
Mark E Zimmerman,
David L. Kohlstedt,
Holger Stunitz,
Renée Heilbronner
Rheological Weakening of Olivine + Orthopyroxene Aggregates Due To Phase Mixing: Part 2. Microstructural Development
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Biogeosciences 2017
Sina Marti,
Holger Stunitz,
Renée Heilbronner,
Oliver Plumper,
Martyn Drury
Experimental investigation of the brittle-viscous transition in mafic rocks ? Interplay between fracturing, reaction, and viscous deformation
Journal of Structural Geology 2017
Holger Stunitz,
A Thust,
R Heilbronner,
H. Behrens,
R Kilian,
A Tarantola
Water redistribution in experimentally deformed natural milky quartz single crystals?Implications for H<sub>2</sub>O-weakening processes
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Biogeosciences 2017
Rüdiger Kilian,
Renee Stunitz Heilbronner,
Caleb W. Holyoke,
Andreas K. Kronenberg,
Holger Stunitz
Dislocation creep of dry quartz
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Biogeosciences 2016
Bettina Richter,
Holger Stunitz,
Renee Stunitz Heilbronner
Stresses and pressures at the quartz-to-coesite phase transformation in shear deformation experiments
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth 2016
Matej Pec,
Holger Stunitz,
Renee Stunitz Heilbronner,
Martyn Drury
Semi-brittle flow of granitoid fault rocks in experiments
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Biogeosciences 2016
Jacques Précigout,
Holger Stunitz
Evidence of phase nucleation during olivine diffusion creep: A new perspective for mantle strain localisation
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2016
Deta Gasser,
Petr Jerabek,
Carly Faber,
Holger Stunitz,
Luca Menegon,
Fernando Corfu
Behaviour of geochronometers and timing of metamorphic
reactions during deformation at lower crustal conditions: phase
equilibrium modelling and U–Pb dating of zircon, monazite,
rutile and titanite from the Kalak Nappe Complex, northern
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 2015
Takamoto Okudaira,
Petr Jeřábek,
Holger Stunitz,
Florian Fusseis
High-temperature fracturing and subsequent grain-size-sensitive creep in lower crustal gabbros: Evidence for coseismic loading followed by creep during decaying stress in the lower crust
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth 2015
Luca Menegon,
Florian Fusseis,
Holger Stunitz,
Xianghui Xiao
Creep cavitation bands control porosity and fluid flow in lower crustal shear zones
Deta Gasser,
Petr Jeřábek,
Carly Faber,
Holger Stunitz,
Luca Menegon,
Fernando Corfu
Behaviour of geochronometers and timing of metamorphic reactions during deformation at lower crustal conditions: Phase equilibrium modelling and U-Pb dating of zircon, monazite, rutile and titanite from the Kalak Nappe Complex, northern Norway
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 2015
Luca Menegon,
Florian Fusseis,
Holger Stunitz,
Xianghui Xiao
Creep cavitation bands control porosity and fluid flow in lower crustal shear zones
Marianne Negrini,
Holger Stunitz,
Alfons Berger,
Luiz F.G. Morales
The effect of deformation on the TitaniQ geothermobarometer: An experimental study
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 2014
Marianne Negrini,
Holger Stunitz,
Pritam Nasipuri,
Luca Menegon,
Luiz F.G. Morales
Semibrittle deformation and partial melting of perthitic K-feldspar: An experimental study
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Biogeosciences 2014
Kjetil Indrevær,
Holger Stunitz,
Steffen G Bergh
On Palaeozoic-Mesozoic brittle normal faults along the SW Barents Sea margin: fault processes and implications for basement permeability and margin evolution
Journal of the Geological Society 2014
AJ Getsinger,
Greg Hirth,
Holger Stunitz,
Eric T. Goergen
Influence of water on rheology and strain localization in the lower continental crust
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 2013
Luca Menegon,
Holger Stunitz,
Pritam Nasipuri,
Renée Heilbronner,
Henrik Svahnberg
Transition from fracturing to viscous flow in granulite facies perthitic feldspar (Lofoten, Norway)
Journal of Structural Geology 2013
Matej Pec,
Holger Stunitz,
Renée Heilbronner
Semi-brittle deformation of granitoid gouges in shear experiments at elevated pressures and temperatures
Journal of Structural Geology 2012
Matej Pec,
Holger Stunitz,
Renée Heilbronner,
Martyn Drury,
Christian de Capitani
Origin of pseudotachylites in slow creep experiments
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2012
A. Tarantola,
L.W. Diamond,
Holger Stunitz,
A. Thust,
M. Pec
Modification of fluid inclusions in quartz by deviatoric stress. III: Influence of principal stresses on inclusion density and orientation
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 2012
Michael Cosca,
Holger Stunitz,
Anne-Lise Bourgeix,
John P. Lee
40Ar∗ loss in experimentally deformed muscovite and biotite with implications for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of naturally deformed rocks
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2011
Subhajit Ghosh,
Holger Stunitz,
Hugues Raimbourg,
Jacques Précigout,
Ida Di Carlo,
Renee Heilbronner
Corrigendum to “Importance of grain boundary processes for plasticity in the quartz-dominated crust: Implications for flow laws” [EPSL 640C (2024) 118767] (Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2024) 640, (S0012821X24002000), (10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118767))
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2024
Carly Faber,
Holger Stunitz,
Deta Gasser,
Petr Jerabek,
Katrin Kraus,
Fernando Corfu
Polyphase metamorphism and deformation in the Kalak and Reisa Nappe Complexes: unravelling the complex polyphase pre-Caledonian and Caledonian evolution of continental crust in northern Norway
Kjetil Indrevær,
Steffen G Bergh,
Holger Stunitz,
Arild Ingebrigtsen
The structural architecture of the SW Barents Sea Margin. - insights from an onshore-offshore correlation study
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh,
Kjetil Indrevær,
Holger Stunitz,
Tormod Henningsen,
Arild Ingebrigtsen
Onshore-offshore fault correlation on the SW Barents Sea margin
Kjetil Indrevær,
Steffen G Bergh,
Holger Stunitz,
Elizabeth Schermer,
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Arild Ingebrigtsen
Post-Caledonian brittle fault zones along the SW Barents Sea Margin: Onshore-offshore margin architecture and fault rock-forming conditions
Deta Gasser,
Holger Stunitz,
Pritam Nasipuri,
Luca Menegon
Constraints on strain rates during large-scale mid-crustal shearing: An example from the basal Vaddas shear zone, Northern Caledonides.
Deta Gasser,
Pritam Nasipuri,
Luca Menegon,
Holger Stunitz,
Fernando Corfu
Neoproterozoic partial melting and ca. 10 m.y. of Caledonian shearing in the south-western Kalak nappe complex, Northern Norway
Marianne Negrini,
Holger Stunitz,
Alfons Berger
The effect of deformation on the TitaniQ geothermobarometer
Kjetil Indrevær,
Steffen G Bergh,
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Holger Stunitz,
Arild Ingebrigtsen,
John-Are Hansen
Onshore-offshore fault correlation in northern Troms and western Finnmark, Barents Sea shelf, using seismic, bathymetry and field data: Implications for fault characteristics and kinematics