Øyvind Ravna
Forskning (se nedenfor) og undervisning (samerett 4. avd., tingsrett 3. avd., spesialfag jur-3616 reindriftsrett og jur-3621 Indigenous Peoples rights to land ...)Error rendering component
Reindriftsrett, tingsrett, samerett, prosess, folkerett, jordskifte og arealforvaltning.
Forskeropphold: - University of Montana, Native American Center and Law School, Missoula, USA,visiting scholar, studies on legal protection on substantive bases of the indigenous peoples’ culture;land rights and natural resources’ right of indigenous people (October 2011 - June 2012).- University of Wyoming, American Indian Studies, Laramie, USA, visiting professor, Native american and indigenous studies (November 2016 - June 2017)