Bilde av Olsen, Stian
Bilde av Olsen, Stian
Overingeniør Institutt for arktisk og marin biologi +4777644436 0047 915 69 531 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Stian Olsen



Forberedelser til og undervisning på kurs

  • Karsten Fischer, Sondre Valentin Jordbræk, Stian Olsen, Mathias Bockwoldt, Rainer Schwacke, Björn Usadel m.fl.:
    Taken to extremes: Loss of plastid rpl32 in Streptophyta and Cuscuta’s unconventional solution for its replacement
    Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2025
  • Hilary Edema, Thomas Georges A Bawin, Stian Olsen, Kirsten Krause, Katja Hannele Karppinen :
    Parasitic dodder expresses an arsenal of secreted cellulases with multi-substrate specificity during host invasion
    Plant physiology and biochemistry (Paris) 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Thomas Georges A Bawin, Alena Didriksen, Corine Alexis Faehn, Stian Olsen, Iben Sørensen, Jocelyn KC Rose m.fl.:
    Cuscuta campestris fine-tunes gene expression during haustoriogenesis as an adaptation to different hosts
    Plant Physiology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Thomas Georges A Bawin, Julien Hollmann, Stian Olsen, Kirsten Krause :
    A host-free transcriptome for haustoriogenesis in Cuscuta campestris: Signature gene expression identifies markers of successive development stages
    Physiologia Plantarum : An International Journal for Plant Biology 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Karsten Fischer, Lena Anna-Maria Lachner, Stian Olsen, Maria Mulisch, Kirsten Krause :
    The enigma of interspecific plasmodesmata: insight from parasitic plants
    Frontiers in Plant Science 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kirsten Krause, Stian Olsen :
    Screening for Cellulolytic Plant Enzymes Using Colorimetric and Fluorescence Methods
    Methods in molecular biology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stian Olsen, Kirsten Krause :
    A rapid preparation procedure for laser microdissection‑mediated harvest of plant tissues for gene expression analysis
    Plant Methods 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stian Olsen, Kirsten Krause :
    Activity of xyloglucan endotransglucosylases/hydrolases suggests a role during host invasion by the parasitic plant Cuscuta reflexa
  • Stian Olsen, Bernd Ketelsen Striberny, Julien Hollmann, Rainer Schwacke, Zoe A. Popper, Kirsten Krause :
    Getting ready for host invasion: Elevated expression and action of xyloglucan endotransglucosylases/hydrolases in developing haustoria of the holoparasitic angiosperm Cuscuta
    Journal of Experimental Botany 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stian Olsen, Zoe A. Popper, Kirsten Krause :
    Two sides of the same coin: xyloglucan endotransglucosylases/hydrolases in host infection by the parasitic plant Cuscuta
    Plant Signalling & Behavior 2016 DOI
  • Hanne Risan Johnsen, Bernd Ketelsen, Stian Olsen, Silvia Vidal-Melgosa, Jonatan U Fangel, William GT Willats m.fl.:
    Cell wall composition profiling of parasitic giant dodder (Cuscuta reflexa) and its hosts: a priori differences and induced changes
    New Phytologist 2015 DOI
  • Thomas Georges A Bawin, Stian Olsen, Alena Didriksen, Corine Alexis Faehn, Iben Sørensen, Jocelyn KC Rose m.fl.:
    Pas-de-deux featuring the parasitic dodder Cuscuta campestris and it s hosts
  • Thomas Georges A Bawin, Stian Olsen, Hilary Edema, Corine Alexis Faehn, Alena Didriksen, Iben Sørensen m.fl.:
    Invading a host: integrative transcriptomic analyses reveal genes involved in parasitism by the weed dodder Cuscuta campestris
  • Stian Olsen, Stian Olsen :
    Norsk oppdrettsnæring har ikke et langsiktig perspektiv, og var ferdig med vaksiner på slutten av 80-tallet
    18. august 2020
  • Zoe A. Popper, Anna Pielach, Stian Olsen, Kirsten Krause :
    Wall stories: the role of plant cell walls in parasitic interactions.
  • Stian Olsen, Zoe A. Popper, Kirsten Krause :
    Xyloglucan-modifying enzymes of the parasitic plant Cuscuta: putative functions in host plant infection
  • Stian Olsen :
    Expression of cell wall-related genes mark the initiation of haustorium development in Cuscuta reflexa
  • Stian Olsen, Kirsten Krause :
    Artificial induction of haustoria in the parasitic angiosperm Cuscuta: A molecular study of haustoriogenesis
  • Bernd Ketelsen, Stian Olsen, Karsten Fischer, Kirsten Krause :
    Correlation between 16S/18S rDNA ratio and chloroplast copy numbers in cotyledons of Arabidopsis thaliana: use for assessment of the impact of cytokinin response factor 5 on chloroplast development
    Endocytobiosis and cell research 2012
  • Stian Olsen, Lan Yin, Kirsten Krause :
    The dually targeted transcription factor TF1 and its role in the expression of plastid- and nuclear-encoded photosynthesis genes
  • Stian Olsen, Kirsten Krause :
    Analysis of plastid DNA content in barley primary leaves using laser dissection microscopy

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →


    Since 2021: Lab engineer. Microorganisms and Plants Research Group, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway. 

    2017-2021: Postdoctoral researcher. Microorganisms and Plants Research Group, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

    2013-2017: PhD degree in biology. Microorganisms and Plants Research Group, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

    2010-2012: Master`s degree in biology. Molecular Environments Research Group, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, University of Tromsø.

    2007-2010: Bachelor`s degree in biology. Molecular Environments Research Group, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, University of Tromsø.

    2004-2006: Apprentice lab technician. Plant Physiology and Microbiology Research Group, Department of Biology, University of Tromsø.