Bilde av Waage, Trond
Bilde av Waage, Trond
Professor, Visual Anthropology Institutt for samfunnsvitenskap +4777646247 91599820 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Trond Waage

  • Trond Waage :
    Film and Anthropological Discovery of uncertainty– Producing Knowledge with Integration Processes in Urban Cameroon
    Rhumsiki - Revue scientifique de la Faculté des Artes, lettres et Sciences Humaines de l'Université de Maroua 2021
  • Trond Waage, Clement Dili Palai :
    Presentation - Rhumsiki
    Rhumsiki - Revue scientifique de la Faculté des Artes, lettres et Sciences Humaines de l'Université de Maroua 2021
  • Trond Waage :
    The World has not Changed
    Journal of Anthropological Films 2021 DOI
  • Trond Waage :
    Les Mairuuwas - Masters of Water
    Journal of Anthropological Films 2020 DOI
  • Trond Waage :
    Forced Migration and a ‘Tolerant’ Administration. Processes Making Refugees Invisible in Adamoua, Cameroon
    Zed Books 2020
  • Maria Fredriksen Kvamme, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Trond Waage, Mette Bech Risør :
    ‘Fixing my life’: young people’s everyday efforts towards recovery from persistent bodily complaints.
    Anthropology & Medicine 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Maria Fredriksen Kvamme, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Trond Waage, Mette Bech Risør :
    Careful expressions of social aspects: How local professionals in high school settings, municipal services, and general practice communicate care to youth presenting persistent bodily complaints
    Health and Social Care in the Community 2019 DOI
  • Anniken Førde, Trond Waage :
    Discursive: Stories of Resistance
    ACTAR 2018
  • Trond Waage, Anniken Førde :
    Let's build a waterfall!
    Journal of Anthropological Films 2018 DOI
  • Trond Waage :
    Vulnerability and Trust: Migrants in Search of a Better Position in Urban Northern Cameroon
    Lexington Books 2018
  • Trond Waage :
    Å gjenkjenne usikkerhet Film, antropologiske oppdagelsesprosedyrer og kunnskap om livet blant migranter i urbane Kamerun
    Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Silje Vagli Østbye, Maria Fredriksen Kvamme, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Hanne Haavind, Trond Waage, Mette Bech Risør :
    ‘Not a film about my slackness’: Making sense of medically unexplained illness in youth using collaborative visual methods
    Health 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trond Waage :
    I'm ready for my close up, Professor Waage
    05. mai 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Trond Waage, Al Haji Ahmadoi Mouazamou, SidyLamine Bagayako :
    Anthropologie visuel - Collaboration et film/vidéo comme stratégie de recherche: présentation du programme d'études d'Anthropologie Visuelle pour l'Université de Niamey, Niger
  • Al Haji Ahmadoi Mouazamou, SidyLamine Bagayako, Trond Waage :
    Collaborative Visual Anthropology and Participatory Video in Sahel: a Leave No One Behind strategy for improved inter cultural dialogue in a conflict ridden region
  • Trond Waage :
    Raido Pèrè samarbeid om å lage film i et Vest/Sentral Afrika i krise med filmvisning av "the World has not Changed"
  • Trond Waage :
    Sahel on Sahel: Anthropologie Visuel Collaboratif
  • Trond Waage :
    Le travail cinématographique collaboratif comme espace de création pour capter du « réel » : projet de vidéo participative au Sahel
  • Trond Waage :
    Collaborative Visual storytelling:​ Anthropological Knowledge production in crosscultural dialogue
  • Trond Waage :
    A Peaceful Place
  • Trond Waage :
    Collaborative Visual storytelling:​ Anthropological Knowledge production and Peace Work
  • Trond Waage :
    Le travail cinématographique collaboratif comme espace de création pour capter du « réel » : projet de vidéo participative au Sahel
  • Trond Waage :
    The Coup in Niger. Why did it happened and how will it impact Europe
  • Trond Waage :
    Introducing Sambizanga - a film about the Angolan liberationfight
  • Trond Waage :
    presenting book chapter: "War refugees in Northern Cameroon: visibility and invisibility in adapting to the informal economy ant the 'tolerant' state"
  • Trond Waage :
    Introducing African Mirror : showing the racist face of colonialization
  • Trond Waage :
    Crise des opioïdes en Afrique de l'Ouest: le remède qui donne de la force
  • Trond Waage :
    Possible futures for publication practices for anthropological film
  • Frode Storaas, Leonard Kamerling, Trond Waage :
    Editorial JAF Vol 5 No 01
    Journal of Anthropological Films 2021 DOI
  • Trond Waage :
    Introducing White Cube: a Collaborative art project in Congo
  • Trond Waage :
    A Peaceful Place
    23. oktober 2021
  • Trond Waage, Frode Storaas, Len Kamerling :
    Journal of Anthropological Films 2020
  • Trond Waage :
    Politivold i Nigeria
    01. november 2020
  • Trond Waage :
    The World has not changed - Ethnographic film
    The 15th German (Göttingen) International Ethnographic Film Festival 2020
  • Maria Fredriksen Kvamme, Mette Bech Risør, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Trond Waage :
    Suffering, agency and care in medically unexplained symptoms (MUS). An ethnographic study of the social course and reframing of MUS in Norwegian youth
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020 FULLTEKST / PROSJEKT / SAMMENDRAG
  • Trond Waage, Len Kamerling, Frode Storaas :
    Journal of Anthropological Films 2019 DOI
  • Trond Waage :
    Mobile spatial networks - Christian and Muslim adaptations to waves of violence in the Central African Republic
  • Trond Waage :
    'The world has not changed!' - Radio journalists as cultural translators between Islam, Christianity and Animism
  • Trond Waage :
    Livet er så mange steder: Migrasjon i det sentrale Afrika
  • Trond Waage :
    Tromsø- an international city. Screenings and presentations of films from VCS and Tvibit
  • Trond Waage :
    Circular mobility in times of war – A family strategy in a border-region
  • Trond Waage, Anne Mette Jørgensen, Frode Storaas :
    Journal of Anthropological Films 2018 DOI
  • Trond Waage, Frode Storaas :
    Journal of Anthropological Films 2018 DOI
  • Trond Waage :
    'Living with Boko Haram' presentation of a film and a research project
  • Trond Waage :
    'Les Mairuuwas - Les Maîtres d l'eau' Presentation et discussions sur les migrations
  • Trond Waage :
    Visual Anthropology: The use of visual tools sharing understanding. Experiences from research on migration to a Cameroonian city
  • Trond Waage :
    Disappearence, migration, drugs and youth's opportunities in time of Boko Haram
  • Trond Waage :
    Vivre avec Boko Haram - introduction et presentation du film
  • Trond Waage :
    Dilemma and potentials in vitalization of ‘Traditional Culture’ in Northern Cameroon. The case of Pèrè Radio Journalist, CRTV Adamaoua
  • Trond Waage, Anne Mette Jørgensen, Frode Storaas :
    Journal of Anthropological Films 2017 DOI

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    The World has not Changed 

    Waage, T. (2021). The World has not Changed. Journal of Anthropological Films, 5(02).

    The Pèrè people is a ethnic group who lives on the Pere plains. Their territory is divided by the Nigerian Cameroonian border. Their traditions are threatened of desperation by a strong islamization process and by migration into the cities. At the regional radio station CRTV Adamaoua, in Northern Cameroon, do they have redaction on various local languages. This film follows of the Pèrè redaction and its work to take care of the traditions of its people and to facilitate communication between its people and the modern world. The film is shot on SD (DV-CAM).   

    “Let’s build a waterfall!”

    Waage, T., & Førde, A. (2018). Let’s build a waterfall!. Journal of Anthropological Films, 2(2)

    “Let’s build a waterfall!” is about the continuous struggle to maintain a rural community. The village Bleik in North Norway seems to stand strong in this struggle; contrary to most fishing villages, Bleik experiences growth. There are waiting lists to get housing lots and children to the local school. With strong traditions of voluntary work, Bleik has numerous local groups, a new sport arena, golf course, community center, local shop, café and pub. Being called Bleik Indians, ‘the savages behind the mountains’, is turned from stigma to pride. This documentary explores the processes of resilience and mobilization. Bleik is characterized by proud traditions of local story telling. Facing new challenges, old stories are reactivated, like the one about being the first village to have a power station; “What do we do in Bleik when we don’t have a waterfall? We build one!” The film tells stories of a vital village with strong traditions of mobilizing, but also of the drama coastal communities are facing. When the harbour is threatened, will they manage to mobilize to maintain the fishing community?

    Lets Build a Waterfall 


    Les Mairuuwas - Masters of Water 

    Waage, T. (2020). Les Mairuuwas - Masters of Water. Journal of Anthropological Films, 4(01)

    ‘LES MAIRUUWAS’ (The Masters of Water) is an ethnographic film about young male migrants and their dreams of succeeding in the city. The filmmaker has followed a milieu of water transporters in urban Cameroon over many years. The four men portrayed, are among the thousands uneducated poor, that annually migrates from the Central African Republic to Cameroon searching a better life. The film describes their daily struggles to make a living and create meaning in harsh and highly vibrant urban surroundings.

    We meet Coco the youngest of them, as he prepares to get his own room after years on the street. We follow Uncle as he strives to earn enough money to take care of his son. Abel expresses the felt stigma and his deeply desired wish for another way of life, after more than 15 years as a water transporter. Their belonging as a group and their possibilities to get work in the neighborhood is dramatically challenged when Bachirou is arrested.




    Northern Norway, West and Central Africa (Cameroon, The Central African Republic, Mali, Niger)

    Migration, Clandestine refugees, urbanisation,  Boko Haram, the conflict in the Central African Republic, the Anglophone Crisis

    Visual Anthropology, Collaboration and inclusive visual methods

    Local community dialouges

    Research as collaboration

     The Visual Anthropology of the North