Else Grete Broderstad,
Lena Gross
The Násávárre Indigenous–Industry Dialogue: Knowledges and Agency in the Permit Process
Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2025
Eva Josefsen,
Else Grete Broderstad,
Hans Kristian Hernes
Sannhet for forsoning? Om den norske sannhets- og forsoningskommisjonens rapport
Else Grete Broderstad,
Eva Josefsen
Who governs our stories? The collected material of the Norwegian truth and reconciliation commission
Eva Josefsen,
Else Grete Broderstad
Hvordan forstå fornorskningspolitikkens formelle sluttpunkt?
Heimen - Lokal og regional historie 2024
Else Grete Broderstad,
Eva Josefsen
The Norwegian TRC: Truth, Reconciliation, and Public Engagement
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 19. juli 2023
Else Grete Broderstad
Sámi education between law and politics – The Sámi-Norwegian context
Universitetsforlaget 2022
Else Grete Broderstad
Om departemental politisk spagat og folkerettens kulturvern
Tidsskriftet UTMARK 2022
Sigrid Engen,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Per Fauchald,
Audun Ruud,
Else Grete Broderstad
Small hydropower, large obstacle? Exploring land use conflict, Indigenous opposition and acceptance in the Norwegian Arctic
Energy Research & Social Science 2022
Sigrid Engen,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Georgina G. Gurney,
Else Grete Broderstad,
Rose Keller,
Aase Kristine Aasen Lundberg
Blue justice: A survey for eliciting perceptions of environmental justice among coastal planners’ and small-scale fishers in Northern-Norway
Nina Monica Tennberg,
Else Grete Broderstad,
Hans-Kristian Hernes
Revisiting the governance triangle in the Arctic and beyond
Routledge 2021
Camilla Brattland,
Else Grete Broderstad,
Catherine Howlett
Indigenous agency in aquaculture development in Norway and New Zealand
Routledge 2021
Hans-Kristian Hernes,
Else Grete Broderstad,
Nina Monica Tennberg
Indigenous rights and governance theory
Routledge 2021
Else Grete Broderstad
International law, state compliance and wind power. Gaelpie (Kalvvatnan) and beyond
Routledge 2021
Else Grete Broderstad,
Amalie Drage Habbestad
Truth and Reconciliation in Sápmi and beyond
Sigrid Engen,
Else Grete Broderstad,
Jannike Falk-Andersson,
Per Fauchald,
Georgina G. Gurney,
Vera Helene Hausner
Blue justice: eliciting perceptions of environmental justice related to planning and use of coastal areas in Northern-Norway
Eva Josefsen,
Else Grete Broderstad,
Hans Kristian Hernes
TRUCOM-forskere:– Høyst uvanlig
Eva Josefsen,
Else Grete Broderstad,
Hans Kristian Hernes
Knuser kommisjonen:– Manglende maktkritikk
Eva Josefsen,
Else Grete Broderstad
Hva kan og bør forsoning innebære?
nordnorskdebatt.no 29. februar 2024
Sigrid Engen,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Per Fauchald,
Eirik Inge Mikkelsen,
Jannike Falk-Andersson,
Emma Annika Salminen
Blue justice: eliciting the perceptions of environmental justice among coastal planners, fishers (fish farmers and tourism operators) in Northern-Norway
Else Grete Broderstad,
Amalie Drage Habbestad
Truth and Reconciliation in Sápmi and beyond
Else Grete Broderstad,
Eva Josefsen
The Norwegian TRC’s depiction of Historical Recognition, Indigeneity and Resistance
Else Grete Broderstad,
Eva Josefsen
Truth and Reconciliation in Sápmi: The Norwegian TRC
Else Grete Broderstad,
Lena Gross
Indigenous Knowledge in Resource Governance and Decision-Making
Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2024
Eva Josefsen,
Else Grete Broderstad
Media coverage, reconciliation and recommendations
Else Grete Broderstad
Om Sannhets- og forsoningskommisjonens rapport – hva kan føre til forsoning?
Eva Josefsen,
Hans Kristian Hernes,
Elin Skaar,
Stein Roar Mathisen,
Kjell Ole Kjærland Olsen,
Else Grete Broderstad
Om den norske sannhets-og forsoningskommisjonen: foreløpige funn
Else Grete Broderstad,
Eva Josefsen
Who governs our stories? The gathered narratives of the Norwegian Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Else Grete Broderstad,
Eva Josefsen
Reconciliation, justice and injustice: the Nordic context.
Else Grete Broderstad,
Eva Josefsen
Hvem skal forvalte våre historier?
Else Grete Broderstad,
Eva Josefsen
Vi trenger etiske retningslinjer for forskning på materialet til Sannhets- og forsoningskommisjonen
Forskersonen.no 2023
Else Grete Broderstad,
Eva Josefsen
Hva kan føre til forsoning?
nordnorskdebatt.no 2023
Eva Josefsen,
Else Grete Broderstad
Sagt om kommisjonen: intervjudata, foreløpige funn
Eva Josefsen,
Else Grete Broderstad
Følgeforskning og salmehefte
Else Grete Broderstad
Historie, samepolitisk utvikling og institusjonsbygging
Else Grete Broderstad
Indigenous peoples, natural resources and governance
Else Grete Broderstad,
Berit Merete Nystad Eskonsipo
Sámi vuoigatvuođabarggu ovdáneapmi. Vuorrováikkuhus gaskal akšuvnnaid ja organisašuvdnabarggu
Else Grete Broderstad
International law, state compliance and wind power on reindeer herding lands: Cases from Norway
Else Grete Broderstad,
Eva Josefsen
Samarbeidsutfordringene mellom FeFo, Sametinget og fylkeskommunen
Else Grete Broderstad
Introduction to the Nasafjell case
Else Grete Broderstad
Problematiserte kommisjonens taushetsstrategi
06. mai 2022
Eva Josefsen,
Else Grete Broderstad
Den tause kommisjon?
Sigrid Engen,
Georgina G. Gurney,
Aase-Kristine Aasen Lundberg,
Rose Keller,
Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur,
Emma Annika Salminen
Blue Justice: a survey for eliciting perceptions of environmental justice among coastal planners’ and small-scale fishers in Northern-Norway
Lena Gross,
Else Grete Broderstad
Urfolkskunnskap, planlegging og beslutninger i miljøforvaltningen. Lokal forankring av konsekvensutredninger
Else Grete Broderstad
Implementing Indigenous Self-Determination: The Case of the Sámi in Norway
Morten Kræmer,
Else Grete Broderstad
NRK Helgemorgen, intervju om Lappekodisillen
24. oktober 2021
Ana Luisa Sanchez Laws,
Else Grete Broderstad,
Anna Nordahl Carlsen,
Emma Mary Louisa Arnold,
Lena Gross
Civil disobedience, non-violence, democracy and climate change
Else Grete Broderstad,
Eva Josefsen
The Norwegian TRC’s investigation of state assimilation policy towards the Indigenous Sámi and the Kven minority – mandate and public engagement
Else Grete Broderstad,
Hans-Kristian Hernes
Approaches and strategies to mining on Sámi lands