Bilde av Loennechen, Thrina
Foto: Gunnar Graff
Bilde av Loennechen, Thrina
Dekan Institutt for farmasi

Thrina Loennechen


Mer informasjon på engelsk.

  • Hilde Ljones, Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen, Synnøve Magnussen, Oddveig G Rikardsen, sonja eriksson Steigen, elisabeth Sundkvist m.fl.:
    S100A4 Expression in Xenograft Tumors of human carcinoma cell lines is induced by the tumor microenvironment
    American Journal of Pathology 2011 DOI
  • Renate Elenjord, Jasmine Blue Allen, Harald Thidemann Johansen, Harald T. Johansen, hanne Kildalsen, Gunbjørg Svineng m.fl.:
    Collagen I regulates matrix metalloproteinase-2 activation in osteosarcoma cells independent of S100A4
    The FEBS Journal 2009 DOI
  • Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen, Petra Strelec, Derna Campbell, Steve Hudson, Thrina Loennechen :
    Adherence to medication guideline criteria in cancer pain management
    Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2009
  • Renate Elenjord, Hilde Ljones, elisabeth Sundkvist, Thrina Loennechen, Jan-Olof Winberg :
    Dysregulation of matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors by S100A4
    Connective Tissue Research 2008 DOI
  • Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen, Ann Lisbeth Torbergsen, Petra Strelec, Derna Campbell, Steve Hudson, Thrina Loennechen :
    A medication assessment tool to evaluate adherence to medication guideline criteria in cancer pain management
    International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (IJPP) 2008
  • Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen, Steve Hudson, Thrina Loennechen :
    Design and validation of a medication assessment tool for cancer pain management
    Pharmacy World & Science (PWS) 2006 DOI
  • Berit Ellen Mathisen, Thrina Loennechen, T Gedde-Dahl, Jan-Olof Winberg :
    Fibroblast Fibroblast Heterogeneity in Collagenolytic Response to Colchicine
    Biochemical Pharmacology 2006
  • Thrina Loennechen, berit ellen Mathisen, Janne Hansen, Rune I. Lindstad, Sara-Ann El-Gewely, Kristin Andersen m.fl.:
    Colchicine induces membrane-associated activation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in osteosarcoma cells in an S100A4-independent manner
    Biochemical Pharmacology 2003
  • berit ellen Mathisen, Rune I. Lindstad, Janne Hansen, Sara-Ann El-Gewely, Gunhild Mari Mælandsmo, Eivind Hovig m.fl.:
    S100A4 regulates membrane induced activation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in osteosarcoma cells
    ? 2003
  • Thrina Loennechen, B Mathisen, J Hansen, Rune I Lindstad, SA El-Gewely, K Andersen m.fl.:
    Colchicine Induces Membrane Associated Activation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 in Osteosarcoma Cells in an S100A4 Independent Manner
    Biochemical Pharmacology 2003
  • B Mathisen, Rune I Lindstad, J Hansen, SA El-Gewely, E Hovig, Ø Fodstad m.fl.:
    S100A4 Regulates Membrane Induced Activation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 in Human Osteosarcoma Cells
    Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 2003
  • thrina Loennechen, Egil Utsi, Ingeborg Hartz, Roy A Lysaa, hanne Kildalsen, Jarle Aarbakke :
    Detection of one single mutation predicts thiopurine S-methyltransferase activity in a population of Saami in Northern Norway
    International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2001
  • Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen, P Strelec, D Campbell, Steve Hudson, Thrina Loennechen :
    Adherence to medication guideline criteria in cancer pain management
    Pharmacy World & Science (PWS) 2010
  • Helge bjarne Ovesen, Carl Fenelon, Thrina Loennechen, Steve Hudson :
    Characterisation and quantification of pharmaceutical care delivery to hospital inpatients
    Pharmacy World & Science (PWS) 2009
  • Ann Lisbeth Torbergsen, Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen, Steve Hudson, Thrina Loennechen, Derna Campbell :
    Evaluation of an assessment tool for adherence to medication guideline criteria in cancer pain management
    Pharmacy World & Science (PWS) 2009
  • Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen, Petra Strelec, Derna Campbell, Steve Hudson, Thrina Loennechen :
    Adherence to medication guideline criteria in cancer pain management
  • Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen, Thrina Loennechen :
    Bruk av et verktøy for å evaluere behandling av kreftsmerte
    Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift (NFT) 2007
  • Renate Elenjord, Ellen Marie Melling, hanne Kildalsen, thrina Loennechen, Jan-Olof Winberg :
    Bisphosphonates down regulate the Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Osteosarcoma Cell lines
  • Renate Elenjord, Ellen Marie Melling, hanne Kildalsen, Jan-Olof Winberg, thrina Loennechen :
    Bisfosfonater i kreftbehandling: Uttrykk og aktivering av matriks metalloproteinase -2 fra osteosarcomceller nedreguleres av bisfosfonater
  • Renate Elenjord, Ellen Marie Melling, hanne Kildalsen, thrina Loennechen, Jan-Olof Winberg :
    Bisphosphonates down regulate the Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Osteosarcoma Cell lines
  • Ann Lisbeth Torbergsen, Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen, Steve Hudson, thrina Loennechen, Derna Campbell :
    Evaluation of an assessment tool for adherence to medication guideline criteria in cancer pain management
  • M Almløf, Renate Elenjord, R Solberg, Jan-Olof Winberg, thrina Loennechen, HT Johansen :
    Legumain activity is increased in malignant osteosarcoma cells compared to non-malignant cells
  • Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen, Thrina Loennechen :
    Bruk av et verktøy for å evaluere behandling av kreftsmerte
  • Renate Elenjord, JB Allen, hanne Kildalsen, thrina Loennechen, Jan-Olof Winberg :
    The effects of collagen I, TNF-a and S100A4 on MMP expression in osteosarcoma cells
  • Hilde Ljones, Marianne Nygårdsvoll, Renate Elenjord, hanne Kildalsen, Jan-Olof Winberg, thrina Loennechen :
    Effects of PGE2 on the Expression of MMP-2 in Osteosarcoma Cells with a High Metastatic Potential (High level of S100A4)
  • Renate Elenjord, JB Allen, hanne Kildalsen, thrina Loennechen, Jan-Olof Winberg :
    The Fffect of Collagen I, TNF-α, bFGF and S100A4 on Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) Expression in Osteosarcoma Cells
  • Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen, Steve Hudson, Thrina Loennechen :
    Design and validation of the Norwegian Medication Assessment Tool for Cancer Pain Management (MAT-CP)
  • thrina Loennechen :
    Faglig ledelse sett fra den faglige leders synspunkt
  • Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen, Tone Nordøy, Thrina Loennechen :
    Pain management in cancer patients: A pilot study
  • Renate Elenjord, J Allen, W Gaard, H Ljones, hanne Kildalsen, Thrina Loennechen m.fl.:
    Extracellular matrix act in synergy with cytokines and growth factors in the regulation of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in osteosarcoma cells
  • Renate Elenjord, J Allen, W Gaard, H Ljones, hanne Kildalsen, Jan-Olof Winberg m.fl.:
    S100A4 involvement in extracellular matrix induced regulation of MMP-2 activation in osteosarcoma cells
  • J Allen, R Andersen, W Gaard, hanne Kildalsen, Thrina Loennechen, Jan-Olof Winberg :
    Extracellular matrix act in synergy with cytokines and growth factors in the regulation of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in osteosarcoma cells
  • Renate Elenjord, W Gaard, J Allen, hanne Kildalsen, Jan-Olof Winberg, Thrina Loennechen :
    S100A4 involvement in extracellular matrix induced regulation of mmp-2 activation in osteosarcoma cells
  • thrina Loennechen :
    Legemidler, naturlegemidler og naturmidler- hva er forskjellen
    Ottar 2003
  • thrina Loennechen, J Hansen, M Folkestad, K Kolstad, L Larsen, hanne Kildalsen m.fl.:
    Biokjemiske mekanismer for metastasering og invasjon
    Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift (NFT) 2003
  • thrina Loennechen, Roy A Lysaa, trude Giverhaug, Ingebrigt Sylte, L-E Mathisen, Jarle Aarbakke :
    Nye styringsverktøy for tiopuriner i leukemi og transplantasjonsbehandling
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2002

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