Hilde Ljones,
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Synnøve Magnussen,
Oddveig G Rikardsen,
sonja eriksson Steigen,
elisabeth Sundkvist
S100A4 Expression in Xenograft Tumors of human carcinoma cell lines is induced by the tumor microenvironment
American Journal of Pathology 2011
Renate Elenjord,
Jasmine Blue Allen,
Harald Thidemann Johansen,
Harald T. Johansen,
hanne Kildalsen,
Gunbjørg Svineng
Collagen I regulates matrix metalloproteinase-2 activation in osteosarcoma cells independent of S100A4
The FEBS Journal 2009
Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen,
Petra Strelec,
Derna Campbell,
Steve Hudson,
Thrina Loennechen
Adherence to medication guideline criteria in cancer pain management
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2009
Renate Elenjord,
Hilde Ljones,
elisabeth Sundkvist,
Thrina Loennechen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Dysregulation of matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors by S100A4
Connective Tissue Research 2008
Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen,
Ann Lisbeth Torbergsen,
Petra Strelec,
Derna Campbell,
Steve Hudson,
Thrina Loennechen
A medication assessment tool to evaluate adherence to medication guideline criteria in cancer pain management
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (IJPP) 2008
Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen,
Steve Hudson,
Thrina Loennechen
Design and validation of a medication assessment tool for cancer pain management
Pharmacy World & Science (PWS) 2006
Berit Ellen Mathisen,
Thrina Loennechen,
T Gedde-Dahl,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Fibroblast Fibroblast Heterogeneity in Collagenolytic Response to Colchicine
Biochemical Pharmacology 2006
Thrina Loennechen,
berit ellen Mathisen,
Janne Hansen,
Rune I. Lindstad,
Sara-Ann El-Gewely,
Kristin Andersen
Colchicine induces membrane-associated activation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in osteosarcoma cells in an S100A4-independent manner
Biochemical Pharmacology 2003
berit ellen Mathisen,
Rune I. Lindstad,
Janne Hansen,
Sara-Ann El-Gewely,
Gunhild Mari Mælandsmo,
Eivind Hovig
S100A4 regulates membrane induced activation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in osteosarcoma cells
? 2003
Thrina Loennechen,
B Mathisen,
J Hansen,
Rune I Lindstad,
SA El-Gewely,
K Andersen
Colchicine Induces Membrane Associated Activation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 in Osteosarcoma Cells in an S100A4 Independent Manner
Biochemical Pharmacology 2003
B Mathisen,
Rune I Lindstad,
J Hansen,
SA El-Gewely,
E Hovig,
Ø Fodstad
S100A4 Regulates Membrane Induced Activation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 in Human Osteosarcoma Cells
Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 2003
thrina Loennechen,
Egil Utsi,
Ingeborg Hartz,
Roy A Lysaa,
hanne Kildalsen,
Jarle Aarbakke
Detection of one single mutation predicts thiopurine S-methyltransferase activity in a population of Saami in Northern Norway
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2001
Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen,
P Strelec,
D Campbell,
Steve Hudson,
Thrina Loennechen
Adherence to medication guideline criteria in cancer pain management
Pharmacy World & Science (PWS) 2010
Helge bjarne Ovesen,
Carl Fenelon,
Thrina Loennechen,
Steve Hudson
Characterisation and quantification of pharmaceutical care delivery to hospital inpatients
Pharmacy World & Science (PWS) 2009
Ann Lisbeth Torbergsen,
Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen,
Steve Hudson,
Thrina Loennechen,
Derna Campbell
Evaluation of an assessment tool for adherence to medication guideline criteria in cancer pain management
Pharmacy World & Science (PWS) 2009
Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen,
Petra Strelec,
Derna Campbell,
Steve Hudson,
Thrina Loennechen
Adherence to medication guideline criteria in cancer pain management
Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen,
Thrina Loennechen
Bruk av et verktøy for å evaluere behandling av kreftsmerte
Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift (NFT) 2007
Renate Elenjord,
Ellen Marie Melling,
hanne Kildalsen,
thrina Loennechen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Bisphosphonates down regulate the Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Osteosarcoma Cell lines
Renate Elenjord,
Ellen Marie Melling,
hanne Kildalsen,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
thrina Loennechen
Bisfosfonater i kreftbehandling: Uttrykk og aktivering av matriks metalloproteinase -2 fra osteosarcomceller nedreguleres av bisfosfonater
Renate Elenjord,
Ellen Marie Melling,
hanne Kildalsen,
thrina Loennechen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Bisphosphonates down regulate the Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Osteosarcoma Cell lines
Ann Lisbeth Torbergsen,
Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen,
Steve Hudson,
thrina Loennechen,
Derna Campbell
Evaluation of an assessment tool for adherence to medication guideline criteria in cancer pain management
M Almløf,
Renate Elenjord,
R Solberg,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
thrina Loennechen,
HT Johansen
Legumain activity is increased in malignant osteosarcoma cells compared to non-malignant cells
Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen,
Thrina Loennechen
Bruk av et verktøy for å evaluere behandling av kreftsmerte
Renate Elenjord,
JB Allen,
hanne Kildalsen,
thrina Loennechen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
The effects of collagen I, TNF-a and S100A4 on MMP expression in osteosarcoma cells
Hilde Ljones,
Marianne Nygårdsvoll,
Renate Elenjord,
hanne Kildalsen,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
thrina Loennechen
Effects of PGE2 on the Expression of MMP-2 in Osteosarcoma Cells with a High Metastatic Potential (High level of S100A4)
Renate Elenjord,
JB Allen,
hanne Kildalsen,
thrina Loennechen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
The Fffect of Collagen I, TNF-α, bFGF and S100A4 on Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) Expression in Osteosarcoma Cells
Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen,
Steve Hudson,
Thrina Loennechen
Design and validation of the Norwegian Medication Assessment Tool for Cancer Pain Management (MAT-CP)
thrina Loennechen
Faglig ledelse sett fra den faglige leders synspunkt
Gro Dahlseng Håkonsen,
Tone Nordøy,
Thrina Loennechen
Pain management in cancer patients: A pilot study
Renate Elenjord,
J Allen,
W Gaard,
H Ljones,
hanne Kildalsen,
Thrina Loennechen
Extracellular matrix act in synergy with cytokines and growth factors in the regulation of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in osteosarcoma cells
Renate Elenjord,
J Allen,
W Gaard,
H Ljones,
hanne Kildalsen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
S100A4 involvement in extracellular matrix induced regulation of MMP-2 activation in osteosarcoma cells
J Allen,
R Andersen,
W Gaard,
hanne Kildalsen,
Thrina Loennechen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Extracellular matrix act in synergy with cytokines and growth factors in the regulation of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in osteosarcoma cells
Renate Elenjord,
W Gaard,
J Allen,
hanne Kildalsen,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Thrina Loennechen
S100A4 involvement in extracellular matrix induced regulation of mmp-2 activation in osteosarcoma cells
thrina Loennechen
Legemidler, naturlegemidler og naturmidler- hva er forskjellen
Ottar 2003
thrina Loennechen,
J Hansen,
M Folkestad,
K Kolstad,
L Larsen,
hanne Kildalsen
Biokjemiske mekanismer for metastasering og invasjon
Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift (NFT) 2003
thrina Loennechen,
Roy A Lysaa,
trude Giverhaug,
Ingebrigt Sylte,
L-E Mathisen,
Jarle Aarbakke
Nye styringsverktøy for tiopuriner i leukemi og transplantasjonsbehandling
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2002