Eirik Mack Eilertsen,
Bård-Jørgen Bårdsen,
Ståle Liljedal,
Geir Rudolfsen,
Ivar Folstad
Experimental evidence for paternal effects on offspring growth rate in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 2009
A.K. Ali,
R. Primicerio,
I. Folstad,
S. Liljedal,
Jørgen Berge
Morphological correlates of mating frequency and clutch size in wild caught female Eudiaptomus graciloides (Copepoda: Calanoida)
Journal of Plankton Research 2009
Ståle Liljedal,
Geir Rudolfsen,
Ivar Folstad
Factors predicting male fertilization success in an external fertilizer
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 2008
Frode Skarstein,
Ivar Folstad,
Mats Grahn,
Ståle Liljedal
Do fish eggs select sperm based on MHC-heterozygosity?
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 2005
F Skarstein,
Ivar Folstad,
Ståle Liljedal,
M Grahn
MHC and fertilization success in the Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 2005
Lars Figenschou,
Ivar Folstad,
Ståle Liljedal
Lek fidelity of male Arctic charr
Canadian Journal of Zoology 2004
Marte Måsvær,
Ståle Liljedal,
Ivar Folstad
Are secondary sex traits, parasites and immunity related to variation in primary sex traits in the Arctic charr?
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 2004
Ståle Liljedal,
Ivar Folstad
Milt quality, parasites and immune function in dominant and subordinate Arctic charr
Canadian Journal of Zoology 2003
Frode Skarstein,
Ivar Folstad,
Ståle Liljedal
Whether to reproduce or not; immune supressions and costs of parasites during reproduction in the Arctic charr
Canadian Journal of Zoology 2001
Ståle Liljedal,
Ivar Folstad,
Frode Skarstein
Secondary sex traits, parasites, immunity and ejaculate quality in the Arctic charr
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 1999
Ståle Liljedal
Factor influencing sperm production, sperm competition and male fertilization success in the Arctic charr, Salvenius alpinus
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2005
Lars Figenschou,
Ivar Folstad,
Ståle Liljedal
On lek fidelity of male Arctic charr
L Figenschou,
Ivar Folstad,
Ståle Liljedal
On lek fidelity of male arctic charr
Andreas Palmén,
Ståle Liljedal,
Mats Grahn,
Ivar Folstad
Spatial heterogeneity in MHC polymorphism and intensity of multiple parasite infection in Arctic charr