Teaching Nordic Constitutionalism? How to understand the histories of the Nordic constitutions / Insegnare il costituzionalismo nordico? Come capire le storie delle costituzioni dei paesi nordici
Journal of Constitutional History 2024
Dag Michalsen
Det militante demokrati: Om grenser for demokratiets forsvarsmekanismer
From Union Law to International Law: Nordic legal internationalism
Dag Michalsen
Medieval legislation and modernity - an introduction
Dag Michalsen
Histories of legal sciences and their designations: How to define legal pragmatism historically
Dag Michalsen
Civil law, Common law, Nordic law - and their interactions
Dag Michalsen
Reflections on United Kingdoms of the long 19th century. On Alvin Jackson, United Kingdoms: Multinational union states in Europa and Beyond, 1800-1925 Oxford University Press 2023
Dag Michalsen
Reflections on "The Limits of Legal Complex"
Dag Michalsen
Hong Kongs rettshistorie
Dag Michalsen
Michael Stolleis: «recht erzählen». Regionale Studien 1650–1850,Vittorio Klostermann. Frankfurt am Main 2021
Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap 2022
Dag Michalsen
Om "Law and the Christian Tradition in Scandinavia" (Routledge 2022) - en kommentar
Dag Michalsen
Nye forskningstilganger om rett i tidlig europeisk middelalder - en rettshistoriografisk studie