Synnøve des Bouvrie
Professor emérita i antikkens kultur og litteratur
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Publikasjoner utenom Cristin
Publikasjoner (utvalg) /Publications (selection)
Tragic workings in Euripides’ drama. The Anthropology of Greek Tragedy. [Euripides, Andromakhe, Iphigeneia in Tauris, Iphigeneia at Aulis, Hekabe, Troades, Herakleidai and Herakles] monograph (In progress)
‘Continuity and change without agency. The Attic ritual theatre and the “socially unquestionable” in the tragic genre,’ in Angelos Chaniotis (ed.), Ritual Dynamics in the Ancient Mediterranean: Agency, Emotion, Gender, Representation (Frank Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart) 2011, 139-178
‘Euripides’ Hiketides: Why is this drama a tragedy?’ in Dieter Mezler (ed.), Mazzo di fiori. Festschrift Herbert Hoffmann (Ruhpolding and Mainz) 2010, 114-138
‘Qva de re agatur in Tragoedia Graeca antiqva?’ Vox Latina 46, 179, 2010, 23-29
‘Artemis Ortheia—a Goddess of Nature or a Goddess of Culture?’ in Tobias Fischer-Hansen and Birte Poulsen (eds.), From Artemis to Diana. The Goddess of Man and Beast. Acta Hyperborea 12, 2009, 153-190
‘Myth as a mobilizing force in Attic warrior society,’ Papers at The Celtic conference in Classics, Rennes, 1-4 Sept. 2004, Kernos. Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique 18, 2005, 185-201
S. des Bouvrie, (ed.), Myth and Symbol II. Symbolic phenomena in ancient Greek culture. Papers from the Norwegian Institute at Athens 7 (Bergen) 2004
‘Olympia and the epinikion, A creation of symbols,’ in S. des Bouvrie 2004, 353-391
‘The pilgrimage to Olympia, Settings and sentiments,’ in Michael Wedde (ed.), Celebrations. Sanctuaries and the vestiges of cult practice. Papers from the Norwegian Institute at Athens 6 (Bergen) 2004:237-274
S. des Bouvrie (ed.), Myth and Symbol I. Symbolic phenomena in ancient Greek culture. Papers from the Norwegian Institute at Athens 5 (Bergen) 2002
‘The Definition of Myth. Symbolic phenomena in ancient Greek culture,’ in S. des Bouvrie 2002,11-69
‘The symbol of the warrior in Greek tragedy?’ in S. des Bouvrie 2002, 287-311
‘Euripides, Bakkhai. An Anthropological Approach,’ Classica & Mediaevalia 48, 1997, 75-114
‘Aiskhulos’ Prometheus. An Anthropological Approach,’ Metis. revue d'anthropologie du monde grec ancien : philologie - histoire - archéologie, (Paris, Athènes), 8:1-2, 1993 [1996], 187-216
‘Gender and the Games at Olympia,’ B. Berggreen, N. Marinatos (eds.), Greece and Gender Papers from the Norwegian Institute at Athens 2 (Bergen) 1995, 55-74
‘Creative Euphoria. Dionysos and the Theatre,’ Kernos, Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique 6, 1993, 79-112.
‘Helen of Troy: A Symbol of Greek Culture,’ Ø. Andersen, H. Whittaker (eds.), The Norwegian Institute at Athens. The First Five Lectures Papers from the Norwegian Institute at Athens 1 (Athens) 1991, 29-40
Women in Greek Tragedy. An Anthropological Approach. Symbolae Osloenses Fasc. Suppl. XXVII (Oslo) 1990/Oxford University Press (reworked dr. philos. thesis), Reprint 1992
‘Aristotle’s Poetics and the Subject of Tragedy,’ Arethusa 21. 1988. 47-73.
‘Augustus Legislation on Morals - Which Morals and What aims?,’ Symbolae Osloenses 59 1984, 93-113.
‘The interpretation of Sappho’s fragment 16 L.-P., Symbolae Osloenses 53, 1978, 5-23
Review David D. Leitao, The Pregnant Male as Myth and Metaphor in Classical Greek Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP 2012. XII, 307 S. 60 £ , Gnomon 86 (2014) Heft 3, 201-206
Review J.H. Kim On Chong-Gossard, Gender and Communication in Euripides’ Plays. Between Song and Silence, Mnemosyne Supplement 296, Brill. Leiden, Boston 2008, Gnomon 84,3,2012, 193-198
Review, C.A.E. Luschnig, Granddaughter of the Sun. A Study of Euripides’ Medea. Gnomon 81:6, 2009, 485-488
Review, Claude Calame, Masks of Authority. Fiction and Pragmatics in Ancient Greek Poetics. By translated from the French by Peter M. Burk. Myth and Poetics Series. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2005. Pp xiv+248. History of Religion (Chicago),Vol. 47, No. 4, 2008, 336-338
Review, D. M. Carter, The Politics of Greek Tragedy. Greece and Rome live. University of ExeterPress/Bristol Phoenix Press 2007. for: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 12.06.2008
Review, Radcliffe G. Edmonds III, Myths of the Underworld Journey: Plato, Aristophanes, and the ‘Orphic’ Gold Tablets. Cambridge, New York Cambridge University Press 2006- xii+276 pp. Journal of religion (Chicago):153-154
Review Jean Rudhardt, Thémis et les Hôrai. Recherche sur les divinités grecqes de la justice et de la paix. (Genève) 1999, in History of Religions (Chicago) 43:2, 2004, 157-60
Review A. D. Nuttall, Why Does Tragedy give Pleasure?. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. Reviewed by Synnøve des Bouvrie -- Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 Bryn Mawr Classical review 05.03. 1997
Antikkens greske teater, spesielt tragedien
Gresk mytologi og religion
Antropologisk tilnærming til antikke feiringer
De olympiske leker og dens poesi
Kjønn og kultur i Antikken
Muntlig latin
Medlem i forskningsgruppe
Curriculum Vitae 2012
Fellow of the Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University, for the academic year 2011-2012
Professional career
Presently (2012) full professor in classical litterature and culture (since 1990) at the University of Tromsø, Norway
1981 Associate professor at the University of Tromsø
1972 Assistant professor at the University of Tromsø
1999-2002 Director of The Norwegian Institute at Athens (research institute owned by the Norwegian universities)
2006-present President of Academia Borealis, Academy of Sciences and Letters of Northern Norway
Member of The Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters
Member of the Academia Latinitati Fovendae, Rome
1988 Dr. philos. at the University of Tromsø, Norway
1970 doctoraalexamen, cum laude, Leiden University
1963-1970 University of Leiden. Studies in classical philology and Ancient culture, comparative Indo-European linguistics.
Studies abroad
2003 Visiting scholar, Athens
1999-2002 Research at the American School of Classical Studies, Deutsches archäologisches Institut, l’École Française, Athens
1998 Visiting scholar University of Leiden and Amsterdam
1993 Visiting scholar Paris, Centre Louis Gernet, and Oxford University
1988 Visiting scholar, Swedish Institute, Athens
1983 Visiting scholar, Barnard College, New York
Guest lectures, Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus, Stockholm, Göteborg, Athens, Paris, Washington, Bryn Mawr
Conference organization
1998, 2000, 2002, Organizer of the First, Second and Third International Symposium on ‘Myth & Symbol’ at Tromsø and Athens
1999 Organizer International Symposium ‘Celebrations. Sanctuaries and the Vestiges of Cult Practice’ at the 10th anniversary of the Norwegian institute at Athens