Per-Arne Amundsen,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Eirik Haugstvedt Henriksen,
Aslak Smalås,
Raul Primicerio
Takvatnprosjektet – vellykket samarbeid mellom
forskere og fiskeentusiaster
Miroslava Soldánová,
Ana Born-Torrijos,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Rune Knudsen,
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Tomas Scholz
Cercariae of a Bird Schistosome Follow a Similar Emergence Pattern under Different Subarctic Conditions: First Experimental Study
Miroslava Soldánová,
Petra Kundid,
Tomas Scholz,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Rune Knudsen
Somatic Dimorphism in Cercariae of a Bird Schistosome
Ana Born-Torrijos,
Gabrielle S. Van Beest,
Tereza Vyhlídalová,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Taxa-specific activity loss and mortality patterns in freshwater trematode cercariae under subarctic conditions
Ana Born-Torrijos,
Rachel Paterson,
Gabrielle van Beest,
Tereza Vyhlídalová,
Eirik Haugstvedt Henriksen,
Rune Knudsen
Cercarial behaviour alters the consumer functional response of three-spined sticklebacks
Journal of Animal Ecology 2021
Ana Born-Torrijos,
Rachel Paterson,
Gabrielle van Beest,
Jessica Schwelm,
Tereza Vyhlídalová,
Eirik Haugstvedt Henriksen
Temperature does not influence functional response of amphipods consuming different trematode prey
Svetlana Murzina,
Sergey G. Sokolov,
Svetlana N. Pekkoeva,
Evgeny P. Ieshko,
Nina N. Nemova,
Roar Kristoffersen
First data on the parasite fauna of daubed shanny Leptoclinus maculatus (Fries 1838) (Actinopterygii, Perciformes: Stichaeidae) in Svalbard waters
Eirik Haugstvedt Henriksen,
André Frainer,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Armand M. Kuris,
Kevin D. Lafferty
Fish culling reduces tapeworm burden in Arctic charr by increasing parasite mortality rather than by reducing density-dependent transmission
Journal of Applied Ecology 2019
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Raul Primicerio,
Aslak Smalås,
Eirik Haugstvedt Henriksen,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen
Long-term ecological studies in northern lakes – challenges, experiences and accomplishments
Limnology and Oceanography 2018
Rune Knudsen,
Eirik Haugstvedt Henriksen,
Karl Øystein Gjelland,
Haakon Hansen,
Ditte Katrine Hendrichsen,
Roar Kristoffersen
Are hybrids between Atlantic salmon and brown trout suitable long-term hosts of Gyrodactylus salaris during winter?
Journal of Fish Diseases 2017
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
André Frainer,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Effects of fish species composition on Diphyllobothrium spp. infections in subarctic brown trout - is three-spined stickleback a key species?
Journal of Fish Diseases 2016
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
A simplified method to estimate Diphyllobothrium spp. infection in salmonids
Journal of Fish Diseases 2016
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Raul Primicerio,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Temporal changes and between-host variation in the intestinal parasite community of Arctic charr in a subarctic lake
Eirik Haugstvedt Henriksen,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Armand M. Kuris,
Kevin D. Lafferty,
Anna Siwertsson
Ontogenetic dynamics of infection with Diphyllobothrium spp. cestodes in sympatric Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.) and brown trout Salmo trutta L.
Ditte Katrine Hendrichsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Karl Øystein Gjelland,
Rune Knudsen,
Stefan Kusterle,
Audun H. Rikardsen
Transmission dynamics of the monogenean Gyrodactylus salaris under seminatural conditions
Journal of Fish Diseases 2015
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Rune Knudsen,
Jonas Jakobsen,
D. J. Marcogliese,
S. A. Locke
Parasite communities of two three-spined stickleback populations in subarctic Norway—effects of a small spatial-scale host introduction
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Kevin D. Lafferty,
Rune Knudsen,
Raul Primicerio,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Anders Klemetsen
New parasites and predators follow the introduction of two fish species to a subarctic lake: implications for food-web structure and functioning
Karl Øystein Gjelland,
Knut Andreas Eikland Bækkelie,
Åge Brabrand,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Martin Svenning,
Antti Eloranta
Overvåking av fisk i store innsjøer – FIST 2018
Svetlana A. Murzina,
Sergey G. Sokolov,
Svetlana N. Pekkoeva,
Evgeny P. Ieshko,
Nina N. Nemova,
Roar Kristoffersen
Correction to: First data on the parasite fauna of daubed shanny Leptoclinus maculatus (Fries 1838) (Actinopterygii, Perciformes: Stichaeidae) in Svalbard waters
Miroslava Soldánová,
Ana Born-Torrijos,
Tereza Vyhlídalová,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Concomitant predation on parasites and hosts affect trematode transmission success
Ana Born-Torrijos,
Tereza Vyhlídalová,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Miroslava Soldánová
Parasites in the food web: concomitant predation on snail hosts and their trematodes by fish can modulate the risk of infection
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Takvatnprosjektet (1980-2017): relasjoner til Fustavassdraget?
Roar Kristoffersen,
Rune Knudsen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Bendelmark i ørret og røye
Jakt og fiske 2017
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Rune Knudsen
Statusrapport Takvatn 2017
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Aslak Smalås,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Anna Siwertsson,
Anders Klemetsen
Forskning og kultivering av en overbefolka røyebestand
Septentrio Reports 2015
Roar Kristoffersen
Long-term dynamics of the ectoparasite Gyrodactylus salaris (Monogenea) in young Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in two riverine systems in northern Norway.
Eirik Haugstvedt Henriksen,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Armand M Kuris,
Kevin D. Lafferty,
Anna Siwertsson
Ontogenetic dynamics of Diphyllobothrium infections in sympatric Arctic charr and brown trout
Anna Siwertsson,
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
Anders Klemetsen
Towards a holistic view of a lake food web - the importance of including benthic habitats and parasites
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Raul Primicerio,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Temporal changes and structural variation in the intestinal parasite community of Arctic charr in a subarctic lake
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Temporal changes and structural variation in the intestinal parasite community of Arctic charr in a subarctic lake
8th International Charr Symposium - Book of Abstract 2015
Anna Siwertsson,
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Anders Klemetsen,
Jesper Andreas Kuhn
Towards a holistic view of a lake food web - the importance of including benthic habitats and parasites
Anna Siwertsson,
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Anders Klemetsen,
Jesper Andreas Kuhn
Food web structure in a subarctic lake
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
Anna Siwertsson,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen
Økologi og forvaltning av fiskevatn – Takvatnprosjektet og resultater fra undersøkelser i seks innsjøer i Hamarøy-området
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Aslak Smalås,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Anna Siwertsson,
Anders Klemetsen
Takvatnprosjektet - Forskning og kultivering av en overbefolka røyeberstand
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
A. Frainer,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Effects of fish species composition on Diphyllobothrium spp. infections in subarctic brown trout and Arctic charr – is three-spined stickleback a key species?
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
A. Frainer,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Effects of fish species composition on Diphyllobothrium spp. infections in subarctic brown trout and Arctic charr – is three-spined stickleback a key species?
6th Conference of the Scandinavian Baltic Society for Parasitology. Uppsala, Sweden 2015
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Effects of fish species composition on Diphyllobothrium spp. infections in subarctic brown trout and Arctic charr - is three-spined stickleback a key species?
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Anders Klemetsen
Long-term population and community responses following ecological perturbation
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Rune Knudsen,
J. Jakobsen,
David J. Marcogliese,
S. A. Locke
Parasite communities of two three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) populations in subarctic Norway - Effects of a local-scale host introduction
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Effects of fish species composition on Diphyllobothrium spp. infections in subarctic brown trout and Arctic charr ‐ is the three‐spined stickleback a key species?
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Effects of fish species composition on Diphyllobothrium spp. infections in subarctic brown trout and Arctic charr ‐ is the three‐spined stickleback a key species?
DAFINET book of abstracts, Frederiksberg, Denmark 2014
Anna Siwertsson,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Anders Klemetsen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
The role of parasites in food-web topology and dynamics of subarctic lakes – background and current status
Rune Knudsen,
Anna Siwertsson,
Anders Klemetsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
The role of parasites in food-web of subarctic lakes
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Effects of fish species composition on Diphyllobothrium spp. infections in subarctic brown trout and Arctic charr ‐ is three‐spined stickleback a key species?
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Anders Klemetsen
Long-term studies following experimental density depletion of a stunted Arctic charr population - ecological and management implications
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Rune Knudsen
Statusrapport for fiskebestandene i Takvatn og tre andre innsjøer i Balsfjord og Målselv
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Anders Klemetsen
Long-term effects of experimental density depletion of a stunted Arctic charr population - ecological and management implications
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen
Statusrapport for fiskebestandene i Josefvatn og tre andre innsjøer i Balsfjord og Målselv
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen
Statusrapport for fiskebestandene i Sagelvvatn og tre andre innsjøer i Balsfjord og Målselv
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Karl Øystein Gjelland,
Anders Klemetsen
Long-term studies in relation to fish harvesting and invasions in freshwater systems