Bilde av Bergh, Steffen Gunnar
Foto: Kai Mortensen
Bilde av Bergh, Steffen Gunnar
Professor Institutt for geovitenskap 91329113 Tromsø

Steffen Gunnar Bergh

  • Harald Hansen, Trond Slagstad, Steffen Gunnar Bergh, Andrey Bekker :
    Geochronology and chemostratigraphy of the 2.47–1.96 Ga rift-related volcano-sedimentary succession in the Karasjok Greenstone Belt, northern Norway, and its regional correlation within the Fennoscandian Shield
    Precambrian Research 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Steffen Gunnar Bergh, Linda Cecilia Haaland, L. Arbaret, Nolwenn Coint, Melanie Forien :
    1.80–1.75 Ga granite suites in the west Troms Basement Complex, northern Norway: Palaeoproterozoic magma emplacement during advancing accretionary orogeny, from field observations
    Precambrian Research 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Paul Heckmann, Sabina Strmic Palinkas, Harald Hansen, Giada Iacono Marziano, Kristijan Rajic, Melanie Forien m.fl.:
    Petrogenesis of zoned and unzoned mafic pegmatites: An insight from the Palaeoproterozoic mafic-ultramafic Hamn intrusion, Northern Norway
    Lithos 03. august 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl, Steffen Gunnar Bergh, Arthur G. Sylvester :
    Tectonic evolution of the Indio Hills segment of the San Andreas fault in southern California, southwestern USA
    Solid Earth (SE) 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Louise Mary Vick, Martin Mikkelsen, Geoffrey Corner, Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman, Leif Trønnes, Anne Hormes m.fl.:
    Evolution and temporal constraints of a multiphase postglacial rock slope failure
    Geomorphology 2021 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Hanne-Kristin Paulsen, Steffen G Bergh, Sabina Strmic Palinkas, Siri Karlsen, Sofie Kolsum, Ida Ulvik Rønningen m.fl.:
    Palaeoproterozoic foreland fold-thrust belt structures and lateral faults in the West Troms Basement Complex, northern Norway, and their relation to inverted metasedimentary sequences
    Precambrian Research 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Louise Mary Vick, Steffen G Bergh, Stephan Höpfl, Jack James Percival, Ellery Brydon Daines :
    The role of lithological weakness zones in rockslides in northern Norway
  • Hanne-Kristin Paulsen, Steffen G Bergh, Sabina Strmic Palinkas :
    Late Palaeozoic fault-controlled hydrothermal Cu–Zn mineralisation on Vanna island, West Troms Basement Complex, northern Norway
    Norwegian Journal of Geology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Louise Mary Vick, Martina Böhme, Line Rouyet, Steffen G Bergh, Geoffrey D. Corner, Tom Rune Lauknes :
    Structurally controlled rock slope deformation in northern Norway
    Landslides. Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Steffen G Bergh, Arthur G. Sylvester, Alula Damte, Kjetil Indrevær :
    Polyphase kinematic history of transpression along the Mecca Hills segment of the San Andreas fault, southern California
    Geosphere 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl, Steffen G Bergh, Per Terje Osmundsen, Thomas Fitzmaurice Redfield, Kjetil Indrevær, Halldis Lea m.fl.:
    Late devonian–carboniferous faulting and controlling structures and fabrics in NW finnmark
    Norwegian Journal of Geology 2019 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DATA / DOI
  • Corine Davids, Jeff A. Benowitz, Paul Layer, Steffen G Bergh :
    Direct 40Ar/39Ar K‐feldspar dating of Late Permian–Early Triassic brittle faulting in Northern Norway
    Terra Nova 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jean-Baptiste Koehl, Steffen G Bergh, Tormod Henningsen, Jan Inge Faleide :
    Middle to Late Devonian–Carboniferous collapse basins on the Finnmark Platform and in the southwesternmost Nordkapp basin, SW Barents Sea
    Solid Earth (SE) 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl, Steffen G Bergh, Klaus Wemmer :
    Neoproterozoic and post-Caledonian exhumation and shallow faulting in NW Finnmark from K–Ar dating and p/T analysis of fault rocks
    Solid Earth (SE) 20. juli 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Steffen G Bergh, Kristian Liland, Geoffrey D. Corner, Tormod Henningsen, Petter Andreas Lundekvam :
    Fault-controlled asymmetric landscapes and low-relief surfaces on vestvågøya, lofoten, north norway: Inherited mesozoic rift-margin structures?
    Norwegian Journal of Geology 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Thomas Ibsa Beka, Steffen G Bergh, Maxim Smirnov, Yngve Birkelund :
    Magnetotelluric signatures of the complex tertiary fold–thrust belt and extensional fault architecture beneath Brøggerhalvøya, Svalbard
    Polar Research 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elizabeth Schermer, Thomas Fitzmaurice Redfield, Kjetil Indrevær, Steffen G Bergh :
    Geomorphology and topography of relict surfaces: the influence of inherited crustal structure in the northern Scandinavian Mountains
    Journal of the Geological Society 2017 DOI
  • Harald Øverli Eriksen, Steffen G Bergh, Yngvar Larsen, Ingrid Skrede, Lene Kristensen, Tom Rune Lauknes m.fl.:
    Relating 3D surface displacement from satellite- and ground-based InSAR to structures and geomorphology of the Jettan rockslide, northern Norway
    Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Harald Øverli Eriksen, Tom Rune Lauknes, Yngvar Larsen, Geoffrey D. Corner, Steffen G Bergh, John Dehls m.fl.:
    Visualizing and interpreting surface displacement patterns on unstable slopes using multi-geometry satellite SAR interferometry (2D InSAR)
    Remote Sensing of Environment 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Thomas Ibsa Beka, Maxim Smirnov, Yngve Birkelund, Kim Senger, Steffen G Bergh :
    Analysis and 3D inversion of magnetotelluric crooked profile data from central Svalbard for geothermal application
    Tectonophysics 2016 DOI
  • Steffen G Bergh, Fernando Corfu, Nadezhda Priyatkina, Kåre Kullerud, Per Inge Myhre :
    Multiple post-Svecofennian 1750-1560 Ma pegmatite dykes in Archaean-Palaeoproterozoic rocks of the West Troms Basement Complex, North Norway: Geological significance and regional implications
    Precambrian Research 2015 DOI
  • Thomas Ibsa Beka, Maxim Smirnov, Steffen G Bergh, Yngve Birkelund :
    The First Magnetotelluric Image of the Lithospheric-Scale Geological Architecture in Central Svalbard, Arctic Norway
    Polar Research 2015 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • John-Are Hansen, Steffen G Bergh, Per Terje Osmundsen, Timothy Fitzgerald Redfield :
    Stress inversion of heterogeneous fault-slip data with unknown slip sense: An objective function algorithm contouring method
    Journal of Structural Geology 2015 DOI
  • Steffen G Bergh, Kåre Kullerud, Per Inge Myhre, Fernando Corfu, P.E.B. Armitage, K.B. Zwaan m.fl.:
    Archaean Elements of the Basement Outliers West of the Scandinavian Caledonides in Northern Norway: Architecture, Evolution and Possible Correlation with Fennoscandia
    Springer 2014 DOI
  • Kjetil Indrevær, Steffen G Bergh :
    Linking onshore-offshore basement rock architecture and brittle faults on the submerged strandflat along the SW Barents Sea margin, using high-resolution (5 x 5 m) bathymetry data
    Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 2014 ARKIV
  • Kjetil Indrevær, Holger Stunitz, Steffen G Bergh :
    On Palaeozoic-Mesozoic brittle normal faults along the SW Barents Sea margin: fault processes and implications for basement permeability and margin evolution
    Journal of the Geological Society 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Amber Distlebrink, Grace Shephard, Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl, Steffen Gunnar Bergh, Anouk Beniest :
    Insights into the tectonic evolution of the northern Norwegian passive margin: Integrating field observations and plate modeling over 200 million years
  • Linda Cecilia Haaland, Steffen Gunnar Bergh :
    The Ersfjord Granite (1.79 Ga) in West Troms Basement Complex: A result of anatexis in a Late-Svecofennian accretionary thrust system
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Louise Mary Vick, Martina Böhme, Line Rouyet, Steffen Gunnar Bergh, Geoffrey D. Corner, Tom Rune Lauknes :
    Structurally-controlled rock slope deformation in northern Norway
  • Bernt Kristian Flekstad Vik, Gaute Sikveland, Martina Böhme, Louise Mary Vick, Steffen Gunnar Bergh :
    Structural assessment and characterisation of the unstable rock slope at Mellomfjellet
  • Louise Mary Vick, Steffen Gunnar Bergh, Martina Böhme, Geoffrey D. Corner :
    The influence of inherited bedrock structure on the deformation of unstable rock slopes in northern Norway
  • Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl, Steffen G Bergh, Tormod Henningsen, Jan Inge Faleide, Aleksandra Smyrak-Sikora, Snorre Olaussen m.fl.:
    Mid/Late Devonian-early Carboniferous collapse basins in the Barents Sea and Svalbard
  • Jean-Baptiste Koehl, Steffen G Bergh, Tormod Henningsen, Jan Inge Faleide :
    Mid/late Devonian-Carboniferous collapse basins along the SW Barents Sea margin
  • Jean-Baptiste Koehl, Klaus Wemmer, Steffen G Bergh :
    Shallow faulting and westwards migration of rifting from mid-Permian times in North Norway, evidence from K/Ar dating
  • Jean-Baptiste Koehl, Steffen G Bergh, Tormod Henningsen, Tore Forthun, Jan Inge Faleide, Tor-Einar Kvanli m.fl.:
    Prospectivity of the Late Devonian-early Carboniferous rift, SW Barents Sea
  • Kjetil Indrevær, Steffen G Bergh, Holger Stunitz, Arild Ingebrigtsen :
    The structural architecture of the SW Barents Sea Margin. - insights from an onshore-offshore correlation study
  • Jean-Baptiste Koehl, Steffen G Bergh, Kjetil Indrevær, Halldis Lea, Espen Bergø, Tormod Henningsen m.fl.:
    Nearshore half-grabens as analogues for offshore, early Carboniferous rift-basins along the SW Barents Sea Margin
  • Jean-Baptiste Koehl, Steffen G Bergh, Kjetil Indrevær, Jan Inge Faleide, Tormod Henningsen, Halldis Lea m.fl.:
    Nearshore half-grabens as analogues for offshore, early Carboniferous rift-basins
  • Jean-Baptiste Koehl, Steffen G Bergh, Kjetil Indrevær, Jan Inge Faleide, Tormod Henningsen, Halldis Lea m.fl.:
    Nearshore half-grabens as analogues for offshore rift-basins on the Finnmark Platform
  • Jean-Baptiste Koehl, Steffen G Bergh :
    Onshore-offshore relationships on the SW Barents Sea Margin with emphasis on the Troms and Finnmark coastal areas: Fault correlation, tectonic landscapes and margin architecture
  • Jean-Baptiste Koehl, Steffen G Bergh :
    Onshore-offshore relationships on the SW Barents Sea Margin with emphasis on the Troms and Finnmark coastal areas: fault correlation, tectonic landscape and margin architecture
  • Jean-Baptiste Koehl, Steffen G Bergh :
    Onshore-offshore relationships on the SW Barents Sea Margin with emphasis on the Troms and Finnmark coastal areas: fault correlation, tectonic landscape and margin architecture
  • Jean-Baptiste Koehl, Steffen G Bergh, Kjetil Indrevær, Holger Stunitz, Tormod Henningsen, Arild Ingebrigtsen :
    Onshore-offshore fault correlation on the SW Barents Sea margin
  • Jean-Baptiste Koehl, Steffen G Bergh, Kjetil Indrevær, Tormod Henningsen :
    Onshore-offshore realtionships on the SW Barents Sea with emphasis on the Troms and Finnmark coastalareas: fault correlation, tectonic landscape and margin architecture
  • Steffen G Bergh :
    Hvorfor er det så vanskelig å forutsi fjellskred?
    Labyrint 2015
  • Kjetil Indrevær, Steffen G Bergh :
    Linking onshore-offshore basement rock architecture and brittle faults on the submerged strandflat along the SW Barents Sea margin, using high-resolution (5 x 5 m) bathymetry data.
  • Steffen G Bergh, Arthur G. Sylvester, Alula Damte, Kjetil Indrevær :
    Evolving transpressional strain fields along the San Andreas fault in southern California: implications for fault branching, fault dip segmentation and strain partitioning
  • Kjetil Indrevær, Steffen G Bergh, Holger Stunitz, Elizabeth Schermer, Jean-Baptiste Koehl, Arild Ingebrigtsen m.fl.:
    Post-Caledonian brittle fault zones along the SW Barents Sea Margin: Onshore-offshore margin architecture and fault rock-forming conditions
  • Tom Rune Lauknes, Steffen G Bergh, Roald Elvenes :
    Viktig med lokal kompetanse
    Nordlys 19. september 2013
  • John-Are Hansen, Steffen G Bergh :
    Inversion of fault-slip data from Northern Norway: challenges and new development
    Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway 2013

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