Harald Hansen,
Trond Slagstad,
Steffen Gunnar Bergh,
Andrey Bekker
Geochronology and chemostratigraphy of the 2.47–1.96 Ga rift-related volcano-sedimentary succession in the Karasjok Greenstone Belt, northern Norway, and its regional correlation within the Fennoscandian Shield
Steffen Gunnar Bergh,
Linda Cecilia Haaland,
L. Arbaret,
Nolwenn Coint,
Melanie Forien
1.80–1.75 Ga granite suites in the west Troms Basement Complex, northern Norway: Palaeoproterozoic magma emplacement during advancing accretionary orogeny, from field observations
Paul Heckmann,
Sabina Strmic Palinkas,
Harald Hansen,
Giada Iacono Marziano,
Kristijan Rajic,
Melanie Forien
Petrogenesis of zoned and unzoned mafic pegmatites: An insight from the Palaeoproterozoic mafic-ultramafic Hamn intrusion, Northern Norway
Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl,
Steffen Gunnar Bergh,
Arthur G. Sylvester
Tectonic evolution of the Indio Hills segment of the San Andreas fault in southern California, southwestern USA
Louise Mary Vick,
Martin Mikkelsen,
Geoffrey Corner,
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Leif Trønnes,
Anne Hormes
Evolution and temporal constraints of a multiphase postglacial rock slope failure
Hanne-Kristin Paulsen,
Steffen G Bergh,
Sabina Strmic Palinkas,
Siri Karlsen,
Sofie Kolsum,
Ida Ulvik Rønningen
Palaeoproterozoic foreland fold-thrust belt structures and lateral faults in the West Troms Basement Complex, northern Norway, and their relation to inverted metasedimentary sequences
Louise Mary Vick,
Steffen G Bergh,
Stephan Höpfl,
Jack James Percival,
Ellery Brydon Daines
The role of lithological weakness zones in rockslides in northern Norway
Hanne-Kristin Paulsen,
Steffen G Bergh,
Sabina Strmic Palinkas
Late Palaeozoic fault-controlled hydrothermal Cu–Zn mineralisation on Vanna island, West Troms Basement Complex, northern Norway
Norwegian Journal of Geology 2020
Louise Mary Vick,
Martina Böhme,
Line Rouyet,
Steffen G Bergh,
Geoffrey D. Corner,
Tom Rune Lauknes
Structurally controlled rock slope deformation in northern Norway
Landslides. Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides 2020
Steffen G Bergh,
Arthur G. Sylvester,
Alula Damte,
Kjetil Indrevær
Polyphase kinematic history of transpression along the Mecca Hills segment of the San Andreas fault, southern California
Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh,
Per Terje Osmundsen,
Thomas Fitzmaurice Redfield,
Kjetil Indrevær,
Halldis Lea
Late devonian–carboniferous faulting and controlling structures and fabrics in NW finnmark
Corine Davids,
Jeff A. Benowitz,
Paul Layer,
Steffen G Bergh
Direct 40Ar/39Ar K‐feldspar dating of Late Permian–Early Triassic brittle faulting in Northern Norway
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh,
Tormod Henningsen,
Jan Inge Faleide
Middle to Late Devonian–Carboniferous collapse basins on the Finnmark Platform and in the southwesternmost Nordkapp basin, SW Barents Sea
Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh,
Klaus Wemmer
Neoproterozoic and post-Caledonian exhumation and shallow
faulting in NW Finnmark from K–Ar dating and p/T
analysis of fault rocks
Solid Earth (SE) 20. juli 2018
Steffen G Bergh,
Kristian Liland,
Geoffrey D. Corner,
Tormod Henningsen,
Petter Andreas Lundekvam
Fault-controlled asymmetric landscapes and low-relief surfaces on vestvågøya, lofoten, north norway: Inherited mesozoic rift-margin structures?
Norwegian Journal of Geology 2018
Thomas Ibsa Beka,
Steffen G Bergh,
Maxim Smirnov,
Yngve Birkelund
Magnetotelluric signatures of the complex tertiary fold–thrust belt and extensional fault architecture beneath Brøggerhalvøya, Svalbard
Elizabeth Schermer,
Thomas Fitzmaurice Redfield,
Kjetil Indrevær,
Steffen G Bergh
Geomorphology and topography of relict surfaces: the influence of inherited crustal structure in the northern Scandinavian Mountains
Journal of the Geological Society 2017
Harald Øverli Eriksen,
Steffen G Bergh,
Yngvar Larsen,
Ingrid Skrede,
Lene Kristensen,
Tom Rune Lauknes
Relating 3D surface displacement from satellite- and
ground-based InSAR to structures and geomorphology of
the Jettan rockslide, northern Norway
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 2017
Harald Øverli Eriksen,
Tom Rune Lauknes,
Yngvar Larsen,
Geoffrey D. Corner,
Steffen G Bergh,
John Dehls
Visualizing and interpreting surface displacement patterns on unstable slopes using multi-geometry satellite SAR interferometry (2D InSAR)
Remote Sensing of Environment 2017
Thomas Ibsa Beka,
Maxim Smirnov,
Yngve Birkelund,
Kim Senger,
Steffen G Bergh
Analysis and 3D inversion of magnetotelluric crooked profile data from central Svalbard for geothermal application
Steffen G Bergh,
Fernando Corfu,
Nadezhda Priyatkina,
Kåre Kullerud,
Per Inge Myhre
Multiple post-Svecofennian 1750-1560 Ma pegmatite dykes in Archaean-Palaeoproterozoic rocks of the West Troms Basement Complex, North Norway: Geological significance and regional implications
Precambrian Research 2015
Thomas Ibsa Beka,
Maxim Smirnov,
Steffen G Bergh,
Yngve Birkelund
The First Magnetotelluric Image of the Lithospheric-Scale Geological Architecture in Central Svalbard, Arctic Norway
John-Are Hansen,
Steffen G Bergh,
Per Terje Osmundsen,
Timothy Fitzgerald Redfield
Stress inversion of heterogeneous fault-slip data with unknown slip sense: An objective function algorithm contouring method
Journal of Structural Geology 2015
Steffen G Bergh,
Kåre Kullerud,
Per Inge Myhre,
Fernando Corfu,
P.E.B. Armitage,
K.B. Zwaan
Archaean Elements of the Basement Outliers West of the Scandinavian Caledonides in Northern Norway: Architecture, Evolution and Possible Correlation with Fennoscandia
Kjetil Indrevær,
Steffen G Bergh
Linking onshore-offshore basement rock architecture and brittle faults on the submerged strandflat along the SW Barents Sea margin, using high-resolution (5 x 5 m) bathymetry data
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 2014
Kjetil Indrevær,
Holger Stunitz,
Steffen G Bergh
On Palaeozoic-Mesozoic brittle normal faults along the SW Barents Sea margin: fault processes and implications for basement permeability and margin evolution
Journal of the Geological Society 2014
Amber Distlebrink,
Grace Shephard,
Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl,
Steffen Gunnar Bergh,
Anouk Beniest
Insights into the tectonic evolution of the northern Norwegian passive margin: Integrating field observations and plate modeling over 200 million years
Linda Cecilia Haaland,
Steffen Gunnar Bergh
The Ersfjord Granite (1.79 Ga) in West Troms Basement Complex: A result of anatexis in a Late-Svecofennian accretionary thrust system
Louise Mary Vick,
Martina Böhme,
Line Rouyet,
Steffen Gunnar Bergh,
Geoffrey D. Corner,
Tom Rune Lauknes
Structurally-controlled rock slope deformation in northern Norway
Bernt Kristian Flekstad Vik,
Gaute Sikveland,
Martina Böhme,
Louise Mary Vick,
Steffen Gunnar Bergh
Structural assessment and characterisation of the unstable rock slope at Mellomfjellet
Louise Mary Vick,
Steffen Gunnar Bergh,
Martina Böhme,
Geoffrey D. Corner
The influence of inherited bedrock structure on the deformation of unstable rock slopes in northern Norway
Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh,
Tormod Henningsen,
Jan Inge Faleide,
Aleksandra Smyrak-Sikora,
Snorre Olaussen
Mid/Late Devonian-early Carboniferous collapse basins in the Barents Sea and Svalbard
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh,
Tormod Henningsen,
Jan Inge Faleide
Mid/late Devonian-Carboniferous collapse basins along the SW Barents Sea margin
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Klaus Wemmer,
Steffen G Bergh
Shallow faulting and westwards migration of rifting from mid-Permian times in North Norway, evidence from K/Ar dating
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh,
Tormod Henningsen,
Tore Forthun,
Jan Inge Faleide,
Tor-Einar Kvanli
Prospectivity of the Late Devonian-early Carboniferous rift, SW Barents Sea
Kjetil Indrevær,
Steffen G Bergh,
Holger Stunitz,
Arild Ingebrigtsen
The structural architecture of the SW Barents Sea Margin. - insights from an onshore-offshore correlation study
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh,
Kjetil Indrevær,
Halldis Lea,
Espen Bergø,
Tormod Henningsen
Nearshore half-grabens as analogues for offshore, early Carboniferous rift-basins along the SW Barents Sea Margin
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh,
Kjetil Indrevær,
Jan Inge Faleide,
Tormod Henningsen,
Halldis Lea
Nearshore half-grabens as analogues for offshore, early Carboniferous rift-basins
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh,
Kjetil Indrevær,
Jan Inge Faleide,
Tormod Henningsen,
Halldis Lea
Nearshore half-grabens as analogues for offshore rift-basins
on the Finnmark Platform
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh
Onshore-offshore relationships on the SW Barents Sea Margin with emphasis on the Troms and Finnmark coastal areas: Fault correlation, tectonic landscapes and margin architecture
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh
Onshore-offshore relationships on the SW Barents Sea Margin
with emphasis on the Troms and Finnmark coastal areas:
fault correlation, tectonic landscape and margin architecture
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh
Onshore-offshore relationships on the SW Barents Sea Margin with emphasis on the Troms and Finnmark coastal areas: fault correlation, tectonic landscape and margin architecture
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh,
Kjetil Indrevær,
Holger Stunitz,
Tormod Henningsen,
Arild Ingebrigtsen
Onshore-offshore fault correlation on the SW Barents Sea margin
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Steffen G Bergh,
Kjetil Indrevær,
Tormod Henningsen
Onshore-offshore realtionships on the SW Barents Sea with emphasis on the Troms and Finnmark coastalareas: fault correlation, tectonic landscape and margin architecture
Steffen G Bergh
Hvorfor er det så vanskelig å forutsi fjellskred?
Labyrint 2015
Kjetil Indrevær,
Steffen G Bergh
Linking onshore-offshore basement rock architecture and brittle faults on the submerged strandflat along the SW Barents Sea margin, using high-resolution (5 x 5 m) bathymetry data.
Steffen G Bergh,
Arthur G. Sylvester,
Alula Damte,
Kjetil Indrevær
Evolving transpressional strain fields along the San Andreas fault in southern California: implications for fault branching, fault dip segmentation and strain partitioning
Kjetil Indrevær,
Steffen G Bergh,
Holger Stunitz,
Elizabeth Schermer,
Jean-Baptiste Koehl,
Arild Ingebrigtsen
Post-Caledonian brittle fault zones along the SW Barents Sea Margin: Onshore-offshore margin architecture and fault rock-forming conditions
Tom Rune Lauknes,
Steffen G Bergh,
Roald Elvenes
Viktig med lokal kompetanse
Nordlys 19. september 2013
John-Are Hansen,
Steffen G Bergh
Inversion of fault-slip data from Northern Norway: challenges and new development
Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway 2013