Bilde av Heiland, Ines
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Bilde av Heiland, Ines
Coordinator Institutt for arktisk og marin biologi +4777646889 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Ines Heiland


Prof. for Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics

  • Roland Sauter, Suraj Sharma, Ines Heiland :
    Accounting for NAD Concentrations in Genome-Scale Metabolic Models Captures Important Metabolic Alterations in NAD-Depleted Systems
    Biomolecules 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anna-Sophia Egger, Eva Rauch, Suraj Sharma, Tobias Kipura, Madlen Hotze, Thomas Mair m.fl.:
    Linking metabolism and histone acetylation dynamics by integrated metabolic flux analysis of Acetyl-CoA and histone acetylation sites
    Molecular Metabolism 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lena Elise Høyland, Magali R Van Linden, Marc Niere, Øyvind Strømland, Suraj Sharma, Jörn Lukas Franz Dietze m.fl.:
    Subcellular NAD+ pools are interconnected and buffered by mitochondrial NAD+
    Nature Metabolism 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Suraj Sharma, Yin-Chen Hsieh, Jørn Dietze, Mathias Bockwoldt, Øyvind Strømland, Mathias Ziegler m.fl.:
    Early Evolutionary Selection of NAD Biosynthesis Pathway in Bacteria
    Metabolites 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Soumya R Mohapatra, Ahmed Sadik, Suraj Sharma, Gernot Poschet, Hagen M Gegner, Tobias V Lanz m.fl.:
    Hypoxia Routes Tryptophan Homeostasis Towards Increased Tryptamine Production
    Frontiers in Immunology 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Mirja Tamara Prentzell, Ulrike Rehbein, Marti Cadena Sandoval, Ann-Sofie De Meulemeester, Ralf Baumeister, Laura Brohée m.fl.:
    G3BPs tether the TSC complex to lysosomes and suppress mTORC1 signaling
  • Jørn Dietze, Alienke van Pijkeren, Anna-Sophia Egger, Mathias Ziegler, Marcel Kwiatkowski, Ines Heiland :
    Natural isotope correction improves analysis of protein modification dynamics
    Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2021 DOI
  • Mathias Ziegler, Magnus Monnè, Andrey Nikiforov, Gennaro Agrimi, Ines Heiland, Ferdinando Palmieri :
    Welcome to the Family: Identification of the NAD+ Transporter of Animal Mitochondria as Member of the Solute Carrier Family SLC25
    Biomolecules 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Verena Panitz, Saša Končarević, Ahmed Sadik, Dennis Friedel, Tobias Bausbacher, Saskia Trump m.fl.:
    Tryptophan metabolism is inversely regulated in the tumor and blood of patients with glioblastoma
    Theranostics 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Alienke Van Pijkeren, Jørn Dietze, Alejandro Sánchez Brotons, Anna-Sophia Egger, Tim Lijster, Andrei Barcaru m.fl.:
    Combined metabolic and chemical (CoMetChem) labeling using stable isotopes - A strategy to reveal site-specific histone acetylation and deacetylation rates by LC-MS
    Analytical Chemistry 2021 DOI
  • Mathias Bockwoldt, Ines Heiland, Karsten Fischer :
    The evolution of the plastid phosphate translocator family
    Planta 2019 DOI
  • Øyvind Strømland, Marc Niere, Andrey Nikiforov, Magali R Van Linden, Ines Heiland, Mathias Ziegler :
    Keeping the balance in NAD metabolism
    Biochemical Society Transactions 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mathias Bockwoldt, Dorothee Houry, Marc Niere, Toni I. Gossmann, Ines Reinartz, Alexander Schug m.fl.:
    Identification of evolutionary and kinetic drivers of NAD-dependent signaling
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 24. juli 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Alexander Martin Heberle, Patricia Razquin Navas, Miriam Langelaar-Makkinje, Katharina Kasack, Ahmed Sadik, Erik Faessler m.fl.:
    The PI3K and MAPK/p38 pathways control stress granule assembly in a hierarchical manner
    Life Science Alliance (LSA) 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Fabrizio Clarelli, Jingyi Liang, Antal Martinecz, Ines Heiland, Pia Abel zur Wiesch :
    Multi-scale modeling of drug binding kinetics to predict drug efficacy
    Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (CMLS) 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Soumya R. Mohapatra, Ahmed Sadik, Lars-Oliver Tykocinski, Jørn Dietze, Gernot Poschet, Ines Heiland m.fl.:
    Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1α Inhibits the Expression of Immunosuppressive Tryptophan-2,3-Dioxygenase in Glioblastoma
    Frontiers in Immunology 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Arina Afanasyeva, Mathias Bockwoldt, Christopher Cooney, Ines Heiland, Toni Ingolf Gossmann :
    Human long intrinsically disordered protein regions are frequent targets of positive selection
    Genome Research 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Isabell Adam, Dyah L. Dewi, Joram Mooiweer, Ahmed Sadik, Soumya R. Mohapatra, Bianca Berdel m.fl.:
    Upregulation of tryptophanyl-tRNA synthethase adapts human cancer cells to nutritional stress caused by tryptophan degradation
    Oncoimmunology 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sascha Schäuble, Anne-Kristin Stavrum, Mathias Bockwoldt, Pål Puntervoll, Ines Heiland :
    SBMLmod: a Python-based web application and web service for efficient data integration and model simulation
    BMC Bioinformatics 2017 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Dyah L Dewi, Soumya R Mohapatra, Saioa Blanco Cabañes, Isabell Adam, Luis F Somarribas Patterson, Bianca Berdel m.fl.:
    Suppression of indoleamine-2, 3-dioxygenase 1 expression by promoter hypermethylation in ER-positive breast cancer
    Oncoimmunology 2017 DOI
  • Christiane A. Opitz, Ines Heiland :
    Dynamics of NAD-metabolism: everything but constant
    Biochemical Society Transactions 2015 DOI
  • Ines Heiland, K Thedieck :
    Nutrigenomics: Toward a cross-disciplinary understanding of nutrient-driven networks in health and disease: What can we learn from the study of cross-talk in complex protein kinase and metabolic networks?
    Aktuelle Ernãhrungsmedizin 2015 DOI
  • Walter Wencke, Bernd Ketelsen, Gaquerel Emmanuel, Ian T. Baldwin, Kim Sang-Gyu, Ines Heiland :
    Improving the accuracy of expression data analysis in time course experiments using resampling
    BMC Bioinformatics 2014 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Anne-Kristin Stavrum, Ines Heiland, Stefan Schuster, Pål Puntervoll, Mathias Ziegler :
    Model of tryptophan metabolism, readily scalable using tissue-specific gene expression data
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 2013 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kathrin Schmeisser, Johannes Mannsfeld, Doreen Kuhlow, Sandra Weimer, Steffen Priebe, Ines Heiland m.fl.:
    Role of sirtuins in lifespan regulation is linked to methylation of nicotinamide
    Nature Chemical Biology 2013 DOI
  • Sascha Schäuble, Anne-Kristin Stavrum, Pål Puntervoll, Stefan Schuster, Ines Heiland :
    Effect of substrate competition in kinetic models of metabolic networks
    FEBS Letters 2013 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Ines Heiland, Christoph Kaleta :
    Stoffwechselanalyse: Neue Wege im Labyrinth entdecken
    Laborwelt 2012
  • Sunniva Katharina Thode, Ines Heiland :
    Energisentrene i cellene holder oss friske
    23. februar 2025 FULLTEKST
  • Ines Heiland :
    Kinetic regulation of NAD homeostasis
  • Anze Zupanic, Hans Christopher Bernstein, Ines Heiland :
    Systems biology – Current status and challenges
    Cellular and Molecular Biology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mathias Bockwoldt, Ines Heiland, Toni Ingolf Gossmann, Thomas Rattei :
    Sequence-Based Analysis of Eukaryotic Protein Evolution
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
  • Toni Ingolf Gossmann, Arina Afanasyeva, Mathias Bockwoldt, Ines Heiland, Cooney Chris :
    Human intrinsically long disordered protein regions are frequent targets of positive selection
  • Roland Sauter, Ines Heiland :
    Arctic Marine Bioplastics
  • Mathias Bockwoldt, Ines Heiland, Gossmann Toni, Mathias Ziegler :
    Phylogenetic and simulation-based analysis of NAD metabolism
  • Roland Sauter, Ines Heiland :
    Metabolic Modeling of Marine Biomass Conversion
  • Ines Heiland, Mathias Bockwoldt, Pål Puntervoll, Sascha Schäuble, Anne-Kristin Stavrum :
    Tissue specific models of Trp- and NAD-metabolism — insights into metabolic crosstalk.
  • Mathias Bockwoldt, Ines Heiland :
    Phylogenetic Analysis of NAD biosynthesis and consumption
  • Ines Heiland, Mathias Bockwoldt, Anne-Kristin Stavrum, Pål Puntervoll, Mathias Ziegler :
    Tissue specific models of Tryptohan-metabolism — insights into metabolic crosstalk
  • Mathias Bockwoldt, Anne-Kristin Stavrum, Toni I. Gossmann, Mathias Ziegler, Ines Heiland :
    Dynamics of NAD-metabolism - everything but constant
    2015 OMTALE
  • Carolyn Elliss, Thomas Rattei, Ines Heiland :
    50 Years of FEBS´ Education Training Awards
    FEBS News 2015 FULLTEKST
  • Mathias Bockwoldt, Ines Heiland :
    Phylogenetic Analysis of NAD biosynthesis and consumption
  • Mathias Bockwoldt, Ines Heiland :
    Use of resampling to improve accuracy of data analysis in time course experiments
  • Ines Heiland :
    Chemo Informatik: Was hat Tryptophan mit Krebs und Parkinson zu tun?
    Chemie in unserer Zeit 2014 DOI
  • Wencke Walter, Emmanuel Gaquerel, Ian T. Baldwin, Sang-Gyu Kim, Ines Heiland :
    Improving the analysis of high throughput time course data using modelling based approaches
  • Ines Heiland, Susanne Brandes, Anne-Kristin Stavrum, Christian Bodenstein, Mathias Ziegler :
    NAD-metabolism and the circadian clock -- Unraveling contradictions
  • Anne-Kristin Stavrum, Ines Heiland, Stefan Schuster, Pål Puntervoll, Mathias Ziegler :
    Predicting pathological metabolic changes using a kinetic model of tryptophan metabolism
  • Ines Heiland, Susanne Brandes, Anne-Kristin Stavrum, Christian Bodenstein, Mathias Ziegler :
    NAD-metabolism and the circadian clock
  • Ines Heiland :
    Metabolic modelling: From networks to dynamics and back

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →


    Mathematical simulations are an important tool in physics and engineering, but its application to biology and medicine is still in its infancy. However, as our knowledge of the molecular basis of biological processes is progressing, mathematical modelling is increasingly used to understand the complexity of living organisms.

    We use existing biochemical data to built dynamic models of metabolisms and ageing. The resulting models can be used to understand the basis of diseases and guide the development of drugs. We work in close collaboration with experimental groups, which is advantageous, as model building is always an iterative process of simulation and experimental verification of model hypothesis. It furthermore guides the developement of our models and usually defines the aim of the model.


    Current teaching activities

    BIO-2018 Anvendt molekylærbiologi og bioinformatikk 

    BIO-3027 Scientific Programming with Pyhthon for Life Sciences

    BIO-3010/8011 Modelling in Systems Biology I -Metabolic pathway modelling

    Chair of the board of the National Research School for Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Systems Biology (NORBIS)

    Past teaching activities:

    Basis pedagogisk kompetanse 2016 - Pedagogisk mappe




    Sept/2015 - Prof. for molecular biology and  bioinformatics at the Department of arctic and marine biology


    Dec/2012 - Sept/2015 Assoc. Prof. for molceular bioinformatics at the Department of arctic and marine biology

    2008 - 2012
    Postdoctoral researcher and junior group leader at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Department of Bioinformatics
    Project: Modelling and simulation of circadiane rhythms and dynamic metabolic processes

    2005 - 2006
    Postdoctoral reseracher at the FSU Jena Department of General Botany
    Project: Data evaluation of large scale proteome projects of C. reinhardtii

    2004 - 2005
    Postdoctoral researcher at the Ruhr University Bochum Laboratory of Systems Biochemistry
    Project: Characterisation of the Pex3p-Complexes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae



    2003 - 2004 Ruhr Universit Bochum, Laboratory of Systems Biochemistry
    2001 - 2002 Department of Biochemistry, Free University Berlin

    I have done my PhD-thesis in the group of Prof. Ralf Erdmann. The title of my work was: "Investigating peroxisomal membrane biogenesis". I have defended my PhD thesis at the 19th of November in 2004 at the FU Berlin.



    04/2011 - 05/2011 Computational Biology Unit, Uni Reserach, Bergen, Norway

    03/2004 - 04/2004 Biological school of sciences, C. Stirling Group, Manchester University, England

    06/1999 - 07/1999 Department of Organic Chemistry, S. Oscarsons Group, Arhenius Laboratories, Stockholm University, Sweden


    Undergraduate Studies in Biochemistry

    1995 - 1997 Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    1997 - 2000
    Free University Berlin