Gaute Velle,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Åse Helen Garseth,
Tor Gjøen,
Håvard Lo,
Tor Atle Mo
Balancing the restoration of a native fish and the risks of hitchhiking invasive species
Management of Biological Invasions 2025
Karen M. Dunmall,
Colin W. Bean,
Henrik H. Berntsen,
Dennis Ensing,
Jaakko Erkinaro,
James R. Irvine
Invading and range-expanding pink salmon inform management actions for marine species on the move
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2025
Johanna Eva Bodin,
Kjetil Hindar,
Knut Tomas Dalen,
Nur Duale,
Åse Helen Garseth,
Martin Malmstrøm
Overview of methods for production of sterile salmonids, their applicability in aquaculture and possible implications to wild salmon populations and biodiversity in Norway
Madeleine Berry,
Lucas A. Zena,
Jonathan A. C. Roques,
Erik Sandblom,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Johan Höjesjö
Local variation in stress response of juvenile anadromous brown trout, Salmo trutta
Tim Burton,
Ola Ugedal,
Sten Karlsson,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Geir Hysing Bolstad
Using scale-derived estimates of body size in analyses of Atlantic salmon life-history variation: a cautionary note
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2024
Jack A. Brand,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Thomas P. Quinn,
Tomas Brodin,
Michael G. Bertram
Salmonid fishes
Catherine A. Sayer,
Eresha Fernando,
Randall R. Jiménez,
Nicholas B. W. Macfarlane,
Giovanni Rapacciuolo,
Monika Böhm
One-quarter of freshwater fauna threatened with extinction
Anders Nielsen,
Bjørn Arild Hatteland,
Jo Skeie Hermansen,
Lawrence Richard Kirkendall,
Claus Rasmussen,
Kristin Opdal Seljetun
Risks posed by managed honey bees (Apis mellifera) to wild pollinators in Norway. Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Biodiversity of the Norwegian Scientific Committee
for Food and Environment
Peder Fiske,
Torbjørn Forseth,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Vegar Bakkestuen,
Sigurd Einum,
Morten Falkegård
Novel large-scale mapping highlights poor state of sea trout
Gaute Velle,
Paul Ragnar Berg,
Johanna Järnegren,
Martin Malmstrøm,
Anders Bryn,
Kjetil Hindar
Assessment of risks posed by the import of live crabs intended for human consumption. Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Biodiversity of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment
Lawrence Richard Kirkendall,
Kyrre Linné Kausrud,
Martin Malmstrøm,
Paul Ragnar Berg,
Anders Bryn,
Kjetil Hindar
Assessment of risks posed by import of live medicinal leeches to biodiversity in Norway. Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Biodiversity of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment
Caroline Durif,
M. Arts,
F. Bertolini,
Alessandro Cresci,
F. Daverat,
Egil Erlingsson Karlsbakk
The evolving story of catadromy in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2023
J.D. Guay,
Robert Lennox,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Knut Vollset,
Stian Stensland,
J. Erkinaro
Recreational anglers in Norway report widespread dislike of invasive pink salmon
People and Nature 27. november 2023
Astrid Raunsgard,
Lo Persson,
Yann Czorlich,
Ola Ugedal,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Sten Karlsson
Variation in phenotypic plasticity across age-at-maturity genotypes in wild Atlantic salmon
Molecular Ecology 2023
Kjetil Hindar,
Johanna Eva Bodin,
Nur Duale,
Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker,
Åse Helen Garseth,
Martin Malmstrøm
Environmental risk assessment of genetically modified sterile VIRGIN® Atlantic salmon for use in research trials in aquaculture sea-cages
Robert Lennox,
Johan Henrik Hårdensson Berntsen,
Åse Helen Garseth,
Scott G. Hinch,
Kjetil Hindar,
Ola Ugedal
Prospects for the future of pink salmon in three oceans: From the native Pacific to the novel Arctic and Atlantic
Eivind Nordli,
John Fredrik Strøm,
Thomas Bøhn,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Rosa Maria Serra Llinares,
Rune Nilsen
Behaviour and habitat use of first-time migrant Arctic charr: novel insights from a subarctic marine area
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2023
Polona Pengal,
Blaz Cokan,
Finn Økland,
Johan Höjesjö,
Meelis Tambets,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad
Comparing dominance relationships and movement of native marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) and introduced rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Journal of Fish Biology 2023
Lo Persson,
Astrid Raunsgard,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Gunnel Marie Østborg,
Kurt Urdal,
Harald Sægrov
Iteroparity and its contribution to life-history variation in
Atlantic salmon
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2023
Jan Grimsrud Davidsen,
Andrine Emilie Halvorsen,
Sindre Håvarstein Eldøy,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Leif Asbjørn Vøllestad
Brown trout (Salmo trutta L. 1758) and Arctic charr [Salvelinus alpinus (L. 1758)] display different marine behaviour and feeding strategies in sympatry
Journal of Fish Biology 2023
Morten Falkegård,
Robert Lennox,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Sigurd Einum,
Peder Fiske,
Øyvind Aaberg Garmo
Predation of Atlantic salmon across ontogenetic stages and impacts on populations
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2023
John Fredrik Strøm,
Ola Ugedal,
Audun H. Rikardsen,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad
Marine food consumption by adult Atlantic salmon and energetic impacts of increased ocean temperatures caused by climate change
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Torbjørn Forseth
Beskatningsråd for sjølaksefisket i Finnmark
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Tom Staveley,
Peder Fiske
Pink salmon in rivers: current knowledge, overlap and potential interactions with Atlantic salmon
Eirik Frøiland,
Roar Sandodden,
Camilla Kvitberg Lehne,
Egil Liberg,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Pierre Fagard
Evaluering av tiltak mot pukkellaks i Norge i 2023. Nasjonal kompetansegruppe for tiltak mot pukkellaks
Torbjørn Forseth,
Sigurd Einum,
Peder Fiske,
Morten Falkegård,
Øyvind Aaberg Garmo,
Åse Helen Garseth
Status for norske laksebestander i 2024
Vidar Wennevik,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Elisabeth Stöger,
Vegard M. Ambjørndalen,
Tonje Aronsen,
Ola Håvard Diserud
Rømt oppdrettslaks i vassdrag i 2023. Rapport fra det nasjonale overvåkningsprogrammet
Eva Marita Ulvan,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Tonje Aronsen
Et kunnskapsløft om rømt oppdrettsøals og mulige tiltak i Surna og andre elver i Møre og Romsdal
Jack A. Brand,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Thomas P. Quinn,
Tomas Brodin,
Michael G. Bertram
Salmonid fishes
Current Biology 2024
Torbjørn Forseth,
Sigurd Einum,
Peder Fiske,
Morten Falkegård,
Øyvind Aaberg Garmo,
Åse Helen Garseth
Metoder for vurdering av norske laksebestander i 2024
Caroline Durif,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad
Report on the eel stock, fishery, and other impacts in
Norway, 2023-2024
Caroline Durif,
Jan-Dag Pohlmann,
Elsa Amilhat,
Tea Bašić,
Laurent Beaulaton,
Lamia Bendjedid
Report of the JOINT EIFAAC/ICES/GFCM Working group on eels (WGEEL)
Colin Bean,
Øyvind Fjeldseth,
Timothy F. Sheehan,
Sergey Prusov,
Tim Sheehan,
Tom Staveley
Management of Pink Salmon in the
North Atlantic and Their Potential Threats
to Wild Atlantic Salmon. A Theme-based Special Session
of the Council of NASCO
Wednesday 5 June 2024
Frode Pedersen,
Malte Willmes,
Henrik Berntsen,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Sigurd Einum
Prevalence of vaterite in invasive pink salmon otoliths
Peder Fiske,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
W.R.T. Darwall
Salmo salar (South Norway subpopulation). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2023: e.T196579767A196580911
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 12. desember 2023
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Morten Falkegård,
Peder Fiske,
W.R.T. Darwall
Salmo salar (Teno/Tana subpopulation). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2023: e.T196579912A196580931
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 12. desember 2023
W.R.T. Darwall,
Peder Fiske,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad
Salmo salar (Finnmark subpopulation).The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2023: e.T196579578A196580851
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 12. desember 2023
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Peder Fiske,
W.R.T. Darwall
Salmo salar (Mid and Southwest Norway subpopulation). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2023: e.T196579697A196580871
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 12. desember 2023
Marit Melby Jacobsen,
Jan Grimsrud Davidsen,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Sindre Håvarstein Eldøy
A comparison of life history and biological characters between
Atlantic salmon first-time and repeat spawners in two Norwegian rivers
Vidar Wennevik,
Tor Næsje,
Vegard M. Ambjørndalen,
Tonje Aronsen,
Ola Håvard Diserud,
Per Tommy Fjeldheim
Rømt oppdrettslaks i vassdrag i 2022
— Rapport fra det Nasjonale Overvåkningsprogrammet for Rømt Oppdrettslaks
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Peder Fiske,
Torbjørn Forseth
Vurdering av bruk av fiskeredskap i sjøen til bekjempelse av pukkellaks
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Torbjørn Forseth
Trusselvurdering for sjøørret
Torbjørn Forseth,
Sigurd Einum,
Peder Fiske,
Morten Falkegård,
Øyvind Aaberg Garmo,
Åse Helen Garseth
Status for norske laksebestander i 2023
Eva Bonsak Thorstad
Laksen – en havets nomade: Vi vet mye om laks i elv og fjord, men hva vet vi om laksen i havet?
Marit Melby Jacobsen,
Jan Grimsrud Davidsen,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Sindre Håvarstein Eldøy,
Aslak Darre Sjursen
Har livshistorie-strategien til flergangsgytere endret seg over de siste 40 årene?
Jan Grimsrud Davidsen,
Sindre Håvarstein Eldøy,
Håvard Vedeler Nilsen,
Catrine Schulze,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Tor Næsje
Vandringer til laksesmolt og laksestøinger i de nasjonale laksefjordene Trondheimsfjorden og Beiarfjorden
Beatriz Diaz Pauli,
Johan Henrik Hårdensson,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Eydna í Homrum,
Susan Mærsk Lusseau,
Vidar Wennevik
Pukkellaks, villaksens nye konkurrent i havet?
Line Elisabeth Breivik Sundt-Hansen,
Gunnbjørn Bremset,
Jan Grimsrud Davidsen,
Eva Marita Ulvan,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad
Småblank: den unike laksen som tilbringer hele livet i Øvre Namsen
Geir Hysing Bolstad,
Astrid Raunsgard,
Yann Czorlich,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad,
Gunnel Marie Østborg,
Arne Johan Jensen
Lakseskjell gir ny og spanande kunnskap om laksen sitt liv og genetikk
Astrid Raunsgard,
Lo Persson,
Yann Czorlich,
Ola Ugedal,
Peder Fiske,
Eva Bonsak Thorstad
Phenotypic plasticity across age-at-maturity genotypes in a population of Atlantic salmon