Future Trajectories

This WP aims to gradually integrate research done under other WPs, and reflect on, develop, and propose new perspectives to, and trajectories for, legal research and for the substantive framework of LOSOG, with the view of being able to respond to the systemic challenges. 

This is done through the following tasks:

Task 1: Regional Arctic Ocean governance: A case study

This task utilizes a regional case study to bring to bear and integrate the research carried out in the other WPs. The choice of the Arctic reflects is special vulnerabilities to environmental change, its special position with respect to geopolitical interests, and the geo-localization of the Centre.

Task 2: Future trajectories

This task will coordinate the articulation of future trajectories for sustainable oceans that will have emerged in the other WPs with the view of integrating them into a coherent set of proposals for the legal research community and for policy makers.

Participants: All project group members and partners