Insurance & health matters - international students

Insurance & health matters

UiT The Arctic University of Norway does not issue or provide any insurance to cover accident, liability, health or travel.

All international students (inbound exchange studfents, joint-degree students and degree / programme students) at UiT The Arctic University of Norway must have adequate insurance coverage against theft, loss, illness and liability before they leave home. We strongly advise you to buy travel insurance and to insure coverage of emergency travel home in the event of serious illness or any force majeure during your period of studies or traineeship at UiT.

All international students (inbound exchange students, joint-degree students and degree / programme students) at UiT The Arctic University of Norway must have adequate insurance coverage against theft, loss, illness and liability before they leave home. We strongly advise you to buy travel insurance and to insure coverage of emergency travel home in the event of serious illness or any force majeure during your period of studies or traineeship at UiT.

You are a member of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme if you are registered in the  National Population Register  in Norway. If you are not a member, you are nevertheless entitled to health services under the National Insurance Act and you do not have to verify it with a European Health Insurance Card.

You must bring with you your  European Health Insurance Card or private medical insurance to cover your medical care in Norway.

NOTE: If you are not entitled to a European Health Insurance Card from your home country, you must have other insurance to cover any medical expenses you might incur in Norway.

We strongly recommend a travel insurance in addition.

If you are staying in Norway for less than 3 months (90 days): You must bring an insurance from your home country to cover your medicale care and expenses in Norway. You CANNOT become members of the National Insurance scheme and should have private or public social security coverage from your home country.

If you are staying in Norway between 3 months (90 days) and 12 months (1 year): We strongly advise that you bring an insurance from your home country, which covers your medical care and expenses in Norway.

You may become a member of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme but note that the processing time for application of membership takes about 6 months to complete, and that there is no guarantee that you will be granted membership. Once you have registered with the local police after your arrival to Norway and obtained your Norwegian ID number (Personnummer), you may apply for voluntary membership by visiting the local office of the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV) or their website: Stay or work in Norway or on Norwegian continental shelf - Applications -

If you are staying in Norway more than 12 months (more than 1 year): You can automatically become a member of the Norwegian National Health Scheme (Folketrygden) provided that you have completed your registration at the local police and have obtained your Norwegian ID Number (Personnummer). Please note that the processing time takes 4-6 weeks to obtain your Norwegian ID Number (Personnummer). We therefore strongly advise you to bring with you an adequate health insurance from your home country to cover any medical care or expenses until you have become a member of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme and are being assigned your doctor (GP) in Norway.

NB please note that you are only covered in Norway, not while travelling to and from Norway, or on travels abroad. The membership entitles you to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare under the same conditions and at the same cost as Norwegian citizens. Dental care and medicine or treatment of illnesses contracted before arrival in Norway are not covered.

According to Norwegian law, the tuberculosis test is mandatory for all international students (inbound exchange students, joint-degree students and degree / programme students) coming from a high endemic country/area and every person who has stayed in those countries/areas for more than 3 months. You must take the test within four weeks after arrival to Norway.

Please note that tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease and is a worldwide problem. Tuberculosis is spread through air from persons with tuberculosis in their lungs.

The tuberculosis test is free of charge. The test for tuberculosis consists of a skin test (Mantoux) or a blood sample and chest x-ray.

After your the registration of your arrival to Norway with the Police Department in your city, you will receive from the health authorities if you are coming from an endemic country. Please remember to mark your post box in Norway with your name, and make sure to read the letter that you have receive. If you need help with understanding the letter, please contact the Student Counseling Centre below.

Useful links

Routine screening for tuberculosis (TB)

Information note about tuberculosis testing

Countries with high occurrence of tuberculosis


Vaccination center - Tromsø

Vaccination center - Alta

Vaccination center - Harstad

Vaccination center - Narvik

Vaccination in Norway

There is a mandatory screening for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus - MRSA - and tuberculosis (TB) when coming an an inbound exchange student to UiT as a medical student and to undertake clinical or practical practice at the University Hospital of Northern Norway or other health care institutions.

Testing for tuberculosis (TB): please see the previous menu above.

Testing for MRSA:

  1. You must take a test in your home country before departure, and after having completed your clinical teaching that semester, so that you will no longer be exposed to a possible contamination. Samples must be taken from nose (both nostrils), throat and any eczema/rash/scars. In case of a positive result, your upcoming exchange period will most probably be compromised. Please note: you must stay clear of entering any hospital in your home country after having been negatively tested for MRSA until your arrival to Norway.
  2. You must get a new screening done immediately upon your arrival to Norway. Please get in touch with the Exchange Coordinator or the Responsible Person at your host department at UiT. You can find the name of the Reponsible Person in your approved Learning Agreement.
  3. After having being inscreened for MRSA, you must submit a form named Self-declaration for MRSA and Tuberculosis. Please read here: MRSA/Tuberculosis | UiT
  4. You are NOT allowed to follow clinical classes and exercises without a negative screening result. Please note that apositive test result might interrupt the possibilities of pursuing your exchange in Norway.


  • In case of a medical emergency, you can call 116 117 around the clock and you will then be put in touch with your local out-of-hours medical centre. It's free to call.
  • In case of life threatening emergencies, call 113. The number is toll free.

User fees: When you use services from out-of-hours medical centres, you must pay a user fee. The deductible varies from around NOK 160-360 for 2023.

Examples of circumstances where it may be appropriate to call the health services:  Out-of-hours medical service in Norway - Helsenorge


Students who have received a Norwegian ID number (fødselsnummer) are entitled to have a GP (general practitioner, or "fastlege" in Norwegian) in Norway. Get in touch with your GP via Helsenorge:  Contact your GP via Helsenorge - Helsenorge


Dental care in Norway is privatised, expensive and not covered by the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme (Folketrygden).

To find a dentist in your city, please check the following website by typing the name of your city:  Tannleger Norge – Den enkleste veien til tannlegen  or visit the Yellow Page by searching for "Tannlege + your city"):  Opplysningen 1881

If you have any questions regarding your rights or procedures, contact the Student Counselling Centre, see the last menu below.


List of authorized pharmacies in Norway (in Norwegian):  Apotekoversikt - Legemiddelverket

We urge all international students to familiarize themseleves with the safety guidelines on campus by visiting the following website:  Emergency info online | UiT

The Student Counselling Centre, administered by the Arctic Student Welfare Organisation, provides a counselling service for Norwegian and international students on campus.

Experienced professionals are available to help students cope with the personal and practical challenges of student life. Studying far from home in a foreign country can be particularly challenging. You will be required to adapt to a new culture and different social behaviours and expectations.

Ansvarlig for siden: Mustta B. Malharunmi
Sist endret: 22.07.2024 13.26
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