Yannik Karl Heinz Schneider
Reseach Interests:
My interest is to discover new bioactive molecules for drug discovery, mainly from marine bacteria. A crucial step in the discovery-process is the identification of known or unknown molecules which is heavily relying on HPLC-HR-MS2. Beside anti-cancer and other pharmaceutically relevant bioactivities, anti-bacterial activity and MoA is a strong interest of mine. Identified candidates are then isolated and their structure is elucidated by NMR. Another project I am working on deals with the screenig of marine rest-raw-material hydrolysates for new neutraceuticals to combat the metabolic syndrome.
At a glance:
HPLC/ Liquid-Chromatography
Analytical and preparative Chemistry
Mass Spectrometry/ HR-MS/MS and Ion mobillity spectroscopy (IMS), Metabolomics
Natural product drug discovery (anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory...)
Investigation of Compounds Molecular Mode of Action
Bioactive Peptides/ Neutraceuticals from Marine Rest-Raw-Material
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Reseach Interests:
My interest is to discover new bioactive molecules for drug discovery, mainly from marine bacteria. A crucial step in the discovery-process is the identification of known or unknown molecules which is heavily relying on HPLC-HR-MS2. Beside anti-cancer and other pharmaceutically relevant bioactivities, anti-bacterial activity and MoA is a strong interest of mine. Identified candidates are then isolated and their structure is elucidated by NMR. Another project I am working on delas with the screenig of marine rest-raw-material hydrolysates for new neutraceuticals to combat the metabolic syndrome.
At a glance:
HPLC/ Liquid-Chromatography
Analytical and preparative Chemistry
Mass Spectrometry/ HR-MS and Ion mobillity spectroscopy (IMS), Metabolomics
Natural product druch discovery (anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory...)
Investigation of Compounds Molecular Mode of Action
Bioactive Peptides/ Neutraceuticals from Marine Rest-Raw-Material
BIO-2606: Forlesning: Restråstoff fra fiskeindustrien og makroalger, prosessering og applikasjoner
FSK-1122: Mikrobiologie og Biokjemi: Forelesning og Seminar i Mikrobiologi