Bilde av Dragseth, Roy
Bilde av Dragseth, Roy
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Roy Dragseth


  • Ledelse av seksjonen med personal- og budsjettansvar
  • Ansvarlig for planlegging og gjennomføring av seksjonens arbeidsområder

  • Seppo Ovaska, Roy Einar Dragseth, Svenn Agnar Hanssen :
    Impact of retrofitted CPU water cooling on supercomputer performance and power consumption
    Conference proceedings - IEEE Southeastcon 2016 DOI
  • Seppo J. Ovaska, Roy Einar Dragseth, Svenn Agnar Hanssen :
    Direct-to-chip liquid cooling for reducing power consumption in a subarctic supercomputer centre
    International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • roy einar Dragseth :
    Arctic Datacenters and Heat Reuse: How the University of Tromso Employs Liquid-Cooled IT and Re-Uses the Waste Heat
  • roy einar Dragseth, Svenn Agnar Hanssen :
    Design considerations for hot water cooling: Reducing operational costs and environmental impact of large datacenters
  • roy einar Dragseth :
    GPUs an alternative view
  • svenn agnar Hanssen, roy einar Dragseth :
    Datagigant på vei
    08. november 2007
  • roy einar Dragseth :
    Competing in the world of science
    Public Service Review Nordic States 2004 FULLTEKST

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