Bilde av Nuridzhanian, Gaiane
Foto: Stina Guldbrandsen

Gaiane Nuridzhanian


  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian, Denys Azarov, Dmytro Koval, Volodymyr Venher :
    Understanding Russia’s Actions in Ukraine as the Crime of Genocide
    Journal of International Criminal Justice 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    The Principle of ne bis in idem in International Criminal Law
    Routledge 2024
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian, Carrie McDougall :
    On Double Jeopardy, the ICC, and the Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression
    Just Security 2024 FULLTEKST
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Justice for Atrocity Crimes and Human Rights Violations Committed in Ukraine: the Role of Open-Source Evidence
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    «Nordmannen» etterforskes for krigsforbrytelser
    11. januar 2024 FULLTEKST
  • Artem Galushko, Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Attacks on critical civilian infrastructure in Ukraine - a decade since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the impact of the war, its hybrid methods, and the relevance of justice.
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Seeking justice before international courts and tribunals: why does it matter?
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Pursuing justice for atrocity crimes in Ukraine: it’s more than meets the eye
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Breakfast Briefing with Gaiane Nuridzhanian: The Principle of Ne Bis In Idem in International Criminal Law
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Ukraine's experience with applying the Genocide Convention
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Destruction of culture as a manifestation of genocidal intent
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    International Enough? A Council of Europe Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression
    Just Security 03. juni 2024 FULLTEKST
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Forceful imposition of foreign citizenship as discrimination and breach of the right to respect for private life
    EJIL:Talk! 18. juni 2024 FULLTEKST
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Accountability for Russia’s aggression against Ukraine
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Компетенція міжнародних судів та її межі в забезпеченні відповідальності за сексуальне насильство під час збройної агресії росії проти України [Limits of the jurisdiction of international courts concerning responsibility for sexual violence committed during Russia's aggression against Ukraine]
    2023 FULLTEKST
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Путіна - за ґрати. Усе, що треба знати про трибунал щодо агресії Росії [Putin behind the bars. All you need to know about the tribunal on Russia's aggression]
    11. mars 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Перший крок до Гааги. Головні питання про ордер на арешт Путіна і чому це — справді історичне рішення [First step towards The Hague. Main issues related to Putin's arrest warrant and why it is a historic development]
    18. mars 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    From ‘denazification’ to fighting ‘satanism’: unlawfulness of Russia’s ‘special military operation’, and efforts to prosecute atrocity crimes committed in Ukraine
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    ECHR in times of war: understanding Ukraine v Russia
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s critical infrastructure: military necessity or a war crime?
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Ensuring Fairness of War Crime Trials in Ukraine
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    All you need to know about the ICC’s arrest warrant for Putin: what it means
    18. mars 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Why Has Ukraine Not Ratified the Rome Statute? Myths and misunderstanding have prevented Kyiv from joining the ICC.
    04. april 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Interview about the arrest warrant for Putin and Lvova-Belova issued by the International Criminal Court
    18. mars 2023
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Prosecution of Crimes Against Ukraine as A Driver of Evolution of International Criminal Law
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Questions of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in Ukraine and the Netherlands v. Russia
    völkerrechtsblog 27. januar 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    FAKENEWS project: Governmental Powers under the European Convention on Human Rights to Counter Disinformation
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Проблема для Путіна: які наслідки вже має ордер МКС на арешт президента РФ [Problem for Putin: What consequences does the ICC arrest warrant already have for Russia's President?]
    Європейська правда [European Pravda] 2023
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Викрадення українських дітей: ефективність міжнародної кримінальної юстиції? [Unlawful deportation of Ukrainian children: is international criminal justice effective?]
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Putins propaganda: – Han har en plan også utenfor Russland
    03. desember 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    (Re)Building Justice for Ukraine: War Crimes and Beyond
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Disinformation and freedom of expression under the ECHR
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    On current state of affairs in Ukraine: violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    The principle of ne bis in idem in international criminal law
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Disputes between Ukraine and Russia before the European Court of Human Rights
  • Artem Galushko, Gaiane Nuridzhanian, Nandor Knust :
    The response of international law to Russia's invasion of Ukraine
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Application of the ECHR in time of war
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    International Criminal Law. Series of five lectures.
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Control in the context of chaos: the war in Ukraine and Russia’s jurisdiction under the ECHR
    EJIL:Talk! 22. november 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Ukraine: The Challenge of Wartime Justice
    Institute for Peace and War Reporting 20. september 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Ukraine v Russia: Issues relating to the application of the ECHR in time of war
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Enhancing the fairness of the justice process in Ukraine
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Genocidal intent behind Russia's aggression against Ukraine
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Inter-State Proceedings and Implications of Russia's Exclusion from the Council of Europe for Human Rights Protection in Ukraine
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Justice for the Crime of Aggression Today, Deterrence for the Aggressive Wars of Tomorrow: A Ukrainian Perspective
    Just Security 24. august 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Ability of Ukrainian courts to prosecute war crimes
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    International crimes: definitions, distinctions and individual criminal responsibility
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    International crimes: definitions, distinctions, individual criminal responsibility
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Application of the European Convention on Human Rights in Times of War
  • Gaiane Nuridzhanian :
    Responsibility of Russia for war crimes committed in Ukraine

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