Katja Karppinen
Associate Professor in Plant Biotechnology
Førsteamanuensis i Plantebioteknologi og Bioenergi i ARC-Arctic Centre for Sustainable Energy. Medleder av ABSORB-prosjekt. Aktuelle forskningsinteresser finner du her.
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Publikasjoner utenom Cristin
Alakärppä E, Taulavuori E, Valledor L, Marttila T, Jokipii-Lukkari S, Karppinen K, Nguyen N, Taulavuori K, Häggman H. 2019. Early growth of Scots pine seedlings is affected by seed origin and light quality. Journal of Plant Physiology 237, 120-128.
Vuosku J, Karppinen K, Muilu-Mäkelä R, Kusano T, Sagor G.H.M, Avia K, Alakärppä E, Kestilä J, Suokas M, Nickolov K, Hamberg L, Savolainen O, Häggman H, Sarjala T. 2018. Scots pine aminopropyltransferases shed new light on evolution of polyamine biosynthesis pathway in seed plants. Annals of Botany 121, 1243-1256.
Jaakola L, Zoratti L, Giongo L, Karppinen K, Uleberg E, Martinussen I, Häggman H. 2017. Influence of light and temperature conditions on anthocyanin accumulation in Vaccinium spp. berries. Acta Horticulturae 1180. doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1180.43
Karppinen K, Derzsó E, Jaakola L, Hohtola A. 2016. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of hyp-1 type PR-10 family genes in Hypericum perforatum. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:526.
Primetta AK, Karppinen K, Riihinen KR, Jaakola L. 2015. Metabolic and molecular analysis of white mutant Vaccinium berries show down-regulation of MYBPA1-type R2R3 MYB regulatory factor. Planta 242, 631-643.
Ardanov P, Lyastchenko S, Karppinen K, Häggman H, Kozyrovska N, Pirttilä AM. 2015. Effects of Methylobacterium sp. on emergence, yield, and disease prevalence in three cultivars of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were associated with the shift in endophytic microbial community. Plant and Soil, 405, 299-310.
Haapala A, Härkönen J, Leviäkangas P, Kess P, Häggman H, Arvola J, Stoor T, Ämmälä A, Karppinen K, Leppilampi M, Niinimäki J. 2015. Bioeconomy potential – focus on Northern Finland. International Journal of Sustainable Economy 7, 66-90.
Zoratti L, Sarala M, Carvalho E, Karppinen K, Martens S, Giongo L, Häggman H, Jaakola L. 2014. Monochromatic light increases anthocyanin content during fruit development in bilberry. BMC Plant Biology 14:377.
Zoratti L, Karppinen K, Luengo-Escobar A, Häggman H, Jaakola L. 2014. Light-controlled flavonoid biosynthesis in fruit plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 5:534.
Jepson C, Karppinen K, Daku RM, Sterenberg BT, Suh DY. 2014. Hypericum perforatum hydroxyalkylpyrone synthase involved in sporopollenin biosynthesis - Phylogeny, site-directed mutagenesis, and expression in nonanther tissues. FEBS Journal 281, 3855-3868.
Karppinen K, Hirvelä E, Nevala T, Sipari N, Suokas M, Jaakola L. 2013. Changes in the abscisic acid levels and related gene expression during fruit development and ripening in bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.). Phytochemistry 95, 127–134.
Cocetta G, Karppinen K, Suokas M, Hohtola A, Häggman H, Spinardi A, Mignani I, Jaakola L. 2012. Ascorbic acid metabolism during bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) fruit development. Journal of Plant Physiology 169, 1059–1065.
Košuth J, Smelcerovic J, Borsch T, Zuehlke S, Karppinen K, Spiteller M, Hohtola A, Čellárová E. 2011. The hyp-1 gene is not limiting for hypericin biosynthesis in the genus Hypericum. Functional Plant Biology 38, 1–9.
Karppinen K, Taulavuori E, Hohtola A. 2010. Optimization of protein extraction from Hypericum perforatum tissues and immunoblotting detection of Hyp-1 at different stages of leaf development. Molecular Biotechnology 46, 219–226.
Karppinen K, Hokkanen J, Mattila S, Neubauer P, Hohtola A. 2008. Octaketide-producing type III polyketide synthase from Hypericum perforatum is expressed in dark glands accumulating hypericins. FEBS Journal 275, 4329–4342.
Karppinen K, Hohtola, A. 2008. Molecular cloning and tissue-specific expression of two cDNAs encoding polyketide synthases from Hypericum perforatum. Journal of Plant Physiology 165, 1079–1086.
Tillman-Sutela E, Kauppi A, Karppinen K, Tomback DF. 2008. Variant maturity in seed structures of Pinus albicaulis (Engelm.) and Pinus sibirica (Du Tour): key to a soil seed bank, unusual among conifers? Trees 22, 225–236.
Karppinen K, Hokkanen J, Tolonen A, Mattila S, Hohtola A. 2007. Biosynthesis of hyperforin and adhyperforin from amino acid precursors in shoot cultures of Hypericum perforatum. Phytochemistry 68, 1038–1045.
Karppinen K, György Z, Kauppinen M, Tolonen A, Jalonen J, Neubauer P, Hohtola A, Häggman H. 2006. In vitro propagation of Hypericum perforatum L. and accumulation of hypericins, pseudohypericins and phloroglucinols. Propagation of Ornamental Plants 6, 170–179.
Karppinen K, Hohtola A, Tolonen A, Jalonen J, György Z, Neubauer P. 2006. Comparison of growth and secondary metabolite accumulation in cultures of compact callus aggregates and shoots of Hypericum perforatum L. in shake flasks and in a bubble column bioreactor. Acta Horticulturae 725, 605–612.
Hohtola A, Jalonen J, Tolonen A, Jaakola L, Kämäräinen T, Pakonen M, Karppinen K, Laine K, Neubauer P, Myllykoski L, György Z, Rautio A, Pelkonen O. 2005. Natural product formation by plants; enhancement, analysis, processing and testing, In: Jalkanen A & Nygren P (eds.), Sustainable use of renewable natural resources: from principles to practices. Department of Forest Ecology Publications 34, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, 10 pages.
Vuosku J, Jaakola L, Jokipii S, Karppinen K, Kämäräinen T, Pelkonen V-P, Jokela A, Sarjala T, Hohtola A, Häggman H. 2004. Does extraction of DNA and RNA by magnetic fishing work for diverse plant species? Molecular Biotechnology 27, 209–215.
BIO-1105 Innføring i biologi
BIO-2009 Green Biotechnology and Bioenergy
Medlem i forskningsgruppe
- 2002 Master of Science in Plant Physiology, University of Oulu, Finland.
- 2010 Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Physiology, University of Oulu, Finland.
Project: Biosynthesis of hypericins and hyperforins in Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John's wort)
- 2013-2015 University pedagogic studies (25 ECTS), University of Oulu, Finland.
- 2018 Docent in Plant Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Oulu, Finland.
- 2010-2014 Project Manager and Coordinator in International Green Chemistry and Bioproduction Educational Programme (EU-funded project), University of Oulu, Finland.
- 2014-2018 Post doc researcher, Genetics and Physiology Unit, University of Oulu, Finland /
Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, UiT, Tromsø, Norway.
Project: Transcriptional and hormonal regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis in Vaccinium berries
- 2018-2020 Researcher, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, UiT / NIBIO Institute, Tromsø, Norway.
- Since 2020 Associate Professor, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology under ARC-Arctic Centre for Sustainable Energy, UiT, Tromsø, Norway.
- Since 2021 Co-leader of ABSORB-project.