Laust Færch,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Nick Hughes,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Mapping icebergs in sea ice: An analysis of seasonal SAR backscatter at C- and L-band
Remote Sensing of Environment 2024
Laust Færch,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Nick Hughes,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
A comparison of constant false alarm rate object detection algorithms for iceberg identification in L- and C-band SAR imagery of the Labrador Sea
Carolina Gabarró,
Nick Hughes,
Jeremy Wilkinson,
Laurent Bertino,
Astrid Bracher,
Thomas Diehl
Improving satellite-based monitoring of the polar regions: Identification of research and capacity gaps
Frontiers in Remote Sensing 17. februar 2023
Denis Demchev,
Leif E.B. Eriksson,
Anders Hildeman,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking
Alignment of Multifrequency SAR Images Acquired over Sea Ice Using Drift Compensation
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 2023
Laurent Ferro-Famil,
F Boutet,
S Avrillon,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Torbjørn Eltoft,
Polona Itkin
Overview of Ground-Based Radar Measurements of Snow-Covered Sea-Ice Led During the 2022 CIRFA Arctic Cruise
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings 2023
Stein Sandven,
Gunnar Spreen,
Georg Heygster,
Fanny Girard-Ardhuin,
Sinéad L. Farrell,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking
Sea Ice Remote Sensing—Recent Developments in Methods and Climate Data Sets
Eduard Khachatrian,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Saloua Chlaily,
Torbjørn Eltoft,
Frode Dinessen,
Nick Hughes
SAR and Passive Microwave Fusion Scheme: A Test Case on Sentinel-1/AMSR-2 for Sea Ice Classification
Geophysical Research Letters 2023
Eduard Khachatrian,
Saloua Chlaily,
Torbjørn Eltoft,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Frode Dinessen,
Andrea Marinoni
Automatic Selection of Relevant Attributes for Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Analysis: A Case Study on Sea Ice Classification
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 2021
Luisa Von Albedyll,
Christian Haas,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking
Linking sea ice deformation to ice thickness redistribution using high-resolution satellite and airborne observations
Johannes Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Dierking
Incident Angle Dependence of Sentinel-1 Texture Features for Sea Ice Classification
Ferran Gibert,
Jacqueline Boutin,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Alba Granados,
Yan Li,
Eduard Makhoul
Results of the Dragon 4 Project on New Ocean Remote Sensing Data for Operational Applications
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Harry L. Stern,
Jennifer K. Hutchings
Estimating statistical errors in retrievals of ice velocity and deformation parameters from satellite images and buoy arrays
Johannes Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Dierking
Mapping sea-ice types from Sentinel-1 considering the surface-type dependent effect of incidence angle
Ingri Halland Soldal,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anton Korosov,
Armando Marino
Automatic Detection of Small Icebergs in Fast Ice Using Satellite Wide-Swath SAR Images
Xiaoyi Shen,
Markku H. Similä,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Xi Zhang,
Changqing Ke,
Meijie Liu
A New Retracking Algorithm for Retrieving Sea Ice Freeboard from CryoSat-2 Radar Altimeter Data during Winter–Spring Transition
Johannes Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Dierking
An Optimal Decision-Tree Design Strategy and Its Application to Sea Ice Classification from SAR Imagery
Dmitrii Murashkin,
Gunnar Spreen,
Marcus Huntemann,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking
Method for detection of leads from Sentinel-1 SAR images
Jakob Griebel,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking
Impact of sea ice drift retrieval errors, discretization and grid type on calculations of ice deformation
Temesgen Gebrie Yitayew,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Torbjørn Eltoft,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Camilla Brekke,
Anja Rösel
Sea ice segmentation using Tandem-X pursuit mono static and alternative bistatic modes
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings 2017
Stefanie Linow,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking
Object-based detection of linear kinematic features in sea ice
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Oliver Lang,
Thomas Busche
Sea ice local surface topography from single-pass satellite InSAR measurements: A feasibility study
Jakob Griebel,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking
A method to improve high-resolution sea ice drift retrievals in the presence of deformation zones
Thomas Hollands,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking
Dynamics of the Terra Nova Bay Polynya: The potential of multi-sensor satellite observations
Remote Sensing of Environment 2016
Armando Marino,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Christine Wesche
A Depolarization Ratio Anomaly Detector to Identify Icebergs in Sea Ice Using Dual-Polarization SAR Images
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2016
Laust Færch,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Nick Hughes,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Time-Series Analysis of SAR Backscatter from Icebergs at L- and C-band
Anna Telegina,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Denis Demchev,
Anton Korosov
Prediction of sea ice conditions using Sentinel 1 imagery and sea ice drift forecast. Methodology and accuracy assessment.
Anna Telegina,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Denis Demchev
Methodology for prediction of ice conditions based on SAR mages and model sea ice drift data
Anna Telegina,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anton Korosov,
Denis Demchev
Short term prediction of ice conditions: an integration of SAR Imagery and model derived sea ice drift data
Anton Korosov,
Malin Johansson,
R. Shuchman,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Ron Kwok
Plenary Presentation and Discussion Theme 4: Sea Ice Retrievals
Truls Karlsen,
Malin Johansson,
Johannes Lohse,
Wolfgang Dierking
Arctic sea ice monitoring using C- and L-band SAR – how multi-frequency SAR can support a changing Arctic
Johannes Lohse,
Wolfgang Dierking
Towards combining C- and L-band SAR imagery for automated sea ice classification
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Andrea Schneider,
Torbjørn Eltoft,
Sebastian Gerland
CIRFA Cruise 2022. Cruise report.
Laust Færch,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Nick Hughes
A comparison of Backscatter Intensity of Icebergs in C- and L-band SAR Imagery
Laust Færch,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking
Malin Johansson,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking
POLSAR/Multi-frequency Theme 3: Sea ice and ocean
Johannes Lohse,
Wolfgang Dierking,
Malin Johansson,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Catherine Taelman
Towards combining C-and L-band SAR imagery for operational sea ice type classification
Laust Færch,
Thomas Kræmer,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Nick Hughes
Evaluation of iceberg detection limits from remote sensing data- An investigation around Negribreen
Laust Færch,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Iceberg Detections with SAR at C-and L-band
Laust Færch,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Iceberg Detections at C- and L-band
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Malcolm Davidson
Enhanced sea ice monitoring at L- and C-bands using ROSE-L and Sentinel-1
Sebastian Gerland,
Dmitry V Divine,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Torbjørn Eltoft,
Malin Johansson
Use of in situ and airborne Arctic sea ice surveys for SAR satellite remote sensing application improvements
Johannes Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Dierking
Strategies for Automated Sea Ice Classification at CIRFA - Algorithm Development and Application Examples
Johannes Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Dierking
New Strategies for Automated Sea Ice Classification at CIRFA
Johannes Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Dierking
Ice Type Mapping from Sentinel-1 Considering Surface-Type Dependent Effect of Incidence Angle
Vahid Akbari,
Johannes Lohse,
Wolfgang Dierking,
Torbjørn Eltoft
Characterization and detection of icebergs in
open water and sea ice using spaceborne fully
polarimetric SAR
Ingri Halland Soldal,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anton Korosov,
Armando Marino
Automatic detection of small icebergs in fast ice using satellite wide-swath SAR images
Armando Marino,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Ingri Halland Soldal
Using Sentinel-1 dual-polarization incoherent images to detect iceberg
Johannes Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Dierking
Sea Ice Classification from SAR on Varying Scales
Johannes Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Dierking
Sea Ice Mapping from Sentinel-1