Rolf Rudolf Gradinger
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Curriculum Vitae
1986 Master in Biology
Natural Science Faculty, University of Kiel, Germany
1990 PhD in Marine Biology
Natural Science Faculty, University of Kiel, Germany
2016- UiT, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology
2014 - Affiliated faculty, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS), University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), USA
1992 – 2000 Assistant Professor (Hochschulassistent, Oberassistent): University of Kiel, Germany
2001 – 2014 Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor in Oceanography, SFOS, UAF
2011 – 2014 Associate Dean, SFOS, UAF (head of three SFOS academic programs: Fisheries, Oceanography, Marine Biology)
• Research, awards - recent examples
2001 – 2014 During tenure at UAF: Competitive grants awarded from e.g. U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Bureau of Ocean Management, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
2013-2016 Example 1: NSF (PI): Diversity, seasonality and function of parasitic fungi in Arctic Sea ice.
2007–2014 Example 2: NSF (PI): BEST: Sea ice algae, a major food source for herbivorous plankton and benthos in the eastern Bering Sea
2009-2013 Example 3: NSF (Co-PI): Tracking the seasonal contribution of algal fatty acids to the Arctic marine system.
2004-2010 Example 4: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (PI): Arctic Ocean Diversity, a Census of Marine Life Project.
2010- recent publication impact (Google scholar, Sep 4, 2015): 1781 citations, h-index 26 (life time: 34)
1992 – 2000 Number of PhD/ Master Students: 5 PhD, 3 MSc
Natural Science Faculty, University of Kiel, Germany
2001 – 2014 Number of PhD/ Master Students, main advisor: 1 PhD, 6 MSc; on additional student committees: 18, SFOS, UAF
completed UiT course in Forskningsveiledning 2020-2021
2011 – 2014 as Associate Dean responsible for all academic programs SFOS, UAF; total ca. 300 graduate students in fisheries, marine biology, oceanography.
2014 Guest lecturer: University Courses in Svalbard (UNIS): winter ecology
2001 – 2014 Faculty member: SFOS, UAF: graduate level core classes in Biological Oceangraphy, Polar Ecosystems, Marine Ecology, Sea ice processes, Phytoplankton, including field classes on sea ice ecology.
1992 – 2000 Faculty member (Hochschulassistent, Oberassistent): University of Kiel, Germany, graduate level classes on polar marine ecosystems, marine birds, sea ice ecology, polar oceanography, climate change.
2002- Public outreach web sites: e.g.
2016 Session co-chair: PICES international zooplankton conference, Bergen, Norway
2015 Theme co-chair for Arctic Frontiers Conference, Tromsø, Norway
2011 – 2014 Steering committee of the Alaska Marine Science Symposium, USA
2010 Session co-chair Arctic Frontiers Conference, Tromsø, Norway
2008 Session chair at ASLO meeting, Orlando, USA
2003 Session chair, Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, USA
2014 – 2015 Leader of Barents Sea and Polar Oceans program at Institute of Marine Research
2011 – 2014 Associate Dean, SFOS, UAF, USA
2012 – 2014 Director of Institute for Marine Science, UAF, USA
2011 – 2014 Director of Coastal Marine Institute, UAF, USA
2001 – 2014 Member of numerous faculty committees at UAF: e.g. curriculum affairs committee, senator in faculty senate, chair of program review committee
1992 – Reviews for peer reviewed journals (e.g. Mar Ecol Progr Ser, Mar Biol, Polar Biol, Deep Sea Res), 10-15 per year
2001 – Reviews for funding agencies: NSF (about 3 per year), also for European agencies, e.g. NERC, National Research Council of Italy
2004-2007 UNOLS Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (USA)
2005 Chief scientist on NOAA funded multi-PI Arctic Ocean expedition
2005-2009 Editor Polar Biology, Springer
2008 Bering Sea Ecosystem Study Scientific Advisory Board, U.S. NSF
2009-2014 Member NOAA Panel on China-US Cooperation
2010-2011 Chair of UAF wide Program Review Committee
2010-2014 Co-chair International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Marine Working Group, U.S. representative
2011-2012 U.S. representative on Arctic Council program: CBMP (sea ice group)
2015 - Member scientific advisory board for Polarstern Expeditions, AWI, Germany
Online records:
Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1RKfeo0AAAAJ
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6035-3957