Hyejeong Cheon,
Nataliya Kizilova,
Eirik Grude Flekkøy,
Matthew J. Mason,
Lars Folkow,
Signe Kjelstrup
The nasal cavity of the bearded seal: An effective and robust organ for retaining body heat and water
Journal of Theoretical Biology 2024
Chiara Ciccone,
Fayiri Kante,
Lars Folkow,
David Grey Hazlerigg,
Alexander Christopher West,
Shona Hiedi Wood
Circadian coupling of mitochondria in a deep-diving mammal
Journal of Experimental Biology 2024
Chiara Ciccone,
Fayiri Kante,
Lars Folkow,
David Grey Hazlerigg,
Alexander Christopher West,
Shona Hiedi Wood
Circadian coupling of mitochondria in a deep-diving mammal
Hyejeong Cheon,
Signe Kjelstrup,
Nataliya Kizilova,
Eirik Grude Flekkøy,
Matthew J. Mason,
Lars Folkow
Structure-function relationships in the nasal cavity of Arctic and subtropical seals
Fabian Z.X. Lean,
Ruth Cox,
Knut Madslien,
Simon Spiro,
Ingebjørg Helena Nymo,
Caroline Bröjer
Tissue distribution of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor in wild animals with a focus on artiodactyls, mustelids and phocids
Gerrit A. Martens,
Cornelia Geßner,
Lars Folkow,
Marina Creydt,
Markus Fischer,
Thorsten Burmester
The roles of brain lipids and polar metabolites in the hypoxia tolerance of deep-diving pinnipeds
Journal of Experimental Biology 2023
Andreas Nord,
Vidar Holje,
Benjamin Judik,
Lars Folkow,
Péter L. Pap
Seasonal changes in plumage density, plumage mass, and feather morphology in the world’s northernmost land bird, the Svalbard Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea)
Eirik Grude Flekkøy,
Lars Folkow,
Signe Kjelstrup,
Matthew J. Mason,
Øivind Wilhelmsen
Thermal modeling of the respiratory turbinates in arctic and subtropical seals
Journal of Thermal Biology 2023
W. James Grecian,
Garry B. Stenson,
Martin Biuw,
Lars Boehme,
Lars Folkow,
Pierre J. Goulet
Environmental drivers of population-level variation in the migratory and diving ontogeny of an Arctic top predator
Royal Society Open Science 2022
Charmain D. Hamilton,
Christian Lydersen,
Jon Aars,
Mario Acquarone,
Todd Atwood,
Alastair Baylis
Marine mammal hotspots across the circumpolar Arctic
Diversity and Distributions: A Journal of Conservation Biogeography 2022
Arnoldus S Blix,
Lars Folkow,
James Mercer
The History of Thermal Physiology
in Norway
Gerrit A. Martens,
Lars Folkow,
Thorsten Burmester,
Cornelia Geßner
Elevated antioxidant defence in the brain of deep-diving pinnipeds
Frontiers in Physiology 2022
Cornelia Geßner,
Alena Krüger,
Lars Folkow,
Wilfrid Fehrle,
Bjarni Mikkelsen,
Thorsten Burmester
Transcriptomes Suggest That Pinniped and Cetacean Brains Have a High Capacity for Aerobic Metabolism While Reducing Energy-Intensive Processes Such as Synaptic Transmission
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 2022
Rebecca K. Davidson,
Christiane Kruse Fæste,
Silvio Uhlig,
Feng-Ling Tukun,
Hans Edvin Lian,
Hans Arne Solvang
Pharmacokinetics of a long-acting subcutaneous eprinomectin injection in semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) - a pilot study
Charmain Danielle Hamilton,
Christian Lydersen,
Jon Aars,
Martin Biuw,
Andrei Boltunov,
Erik W. Born
Marine mammal hotspots in the Greenland and Barents Seas
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2021
Andres Marmol-Guijarro,
Robert Nudds,
Lars Folkow,
John Lees,
Jonathan Codd
Does posture explain the kinematic differences in a grounded running gait between male and female Svalbard rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea) moving on snow?
Andres C Marmol-Guijarro,
R Nudds,
Lars Folkow,
William R. Sellers,
P Falkingham,
J Codd
The influence of snow properties on speed and gait choice in the Svalbard rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea)
Integrative Organismal Biology: A Journal of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2021
Simon Birger Byremo Solberg,
Signe Kjelstrup,
Elisa Magnanelli,
Nataliya Kizilova,
Iratxe Lorea Casado Barroso,
Mario Acquarone
Energy efficiency of respiration in mature and newborn reindeer
Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 2020
Andres Marmol-Guijarro,
Robert Nudds,
Lars Folkow,
Jonathan Codd
Examining the accuracy of trackways for predicting gait selection and speed of locomotion
Andreas Nord,
Hegemann Arne,
Lars Folkow
Reduced immune responsiveness contributes to winter energy conservation in an Arctic bird
Journal of Experimental Biology 2020
Cornelia Gessner,
Maren Nicole Stillger,
Naomi Mölders,
Andrej Fabrizius,
Lars Folkow,
Thorsten Burmester
Cell Culture Experiments Reveal that High S100B and Clusterin Levels may Convey Hypoxia-tolerance to the Hooded Seal (Cystophora cristata) Brain
Alena Kruger,
Andrej Fabrizius,
Bjarni Mikkelsen,
Ursula Siebert,
Lars Folkow,
Thorsten Burmester
Transcriptome analysis reveals a high aerobic capacity in the whale brain
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 2020
Andres C Marmol-Guijarro,
Robert L. Nudds,
John C Marrin,
Lars Folkow,
Jonathan R Codd
Terrestrial locomotion of the Svalbard rock ptarmigan: comparing field and laboratory treadmill studies
Andreas Nord,
Lars Folkow
Ambient temperature effects on stress-induced hyperthermia in Svalbard ptarmigan
Marie-Anne Blanchet,
Mario Acquarone,
Martin Biuw,
Roger B. Larsen,
Erling Sverre Nordøy,
Lars Folkow
A life after research? First release of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) after temporary captivity for scientific purposes
Andreas Nord,
Lars Folkow
Seasonal variation in the thermal responses to changing environmental temperature in the world's northernmost land bird
Journal of Experimental Biology 2018
Ingebjørg Helena Nymo,
Rebecca K. Davidson,
Torill Mørk,
Line Olsen,
Bjørn Spilsberg,
Cathrine Arnason Bøe
Sykdommen reinkopper gir sår og skorper rundt øyne og kjønnsorgan hos rein
Reindriftsnytt : Boazodoallu-Oddasat 2024
Ingebjørg Helena Nymo,
Hans Edvin Lian,
Line Olsen,
Hans Arne Solvang,
Lars Folkow,
Renate Thorvaldsen
Erfaringer med sublingval detomidin (Domosedan vet. munngel) til tamrein
Norsk veterinærtidsskrift 2024
Lars Folkow
Seals and hypoxia defense mechanisms - inspiration for the clinic?
Galina Gusarova,
Hedvig Elisabeth Mjøen,
Magali Corti,
Frédéric Mahé,
Pernille Meyer,
Lilja Steinthorsdottir
Bridging past and present: From dietary metabarcoding of large herbivores towards broad scale biodiversity analyses
Hyejeong Cheon,
Signe Helene Kjelstrup,
Nataliya Kizilova,
Eirik Grude Flekkøy,
Matthew J. Mason,
Lars Folkow
Arctic seals’ intricate nose bones keep them warm in forever winters
Science 14. desember 2023
Bob McDonald,
Lars Folkow
Seals' nasal passages in the program 'Quirks & Quarks'
Lars Folkow
ENØK hos dyr
Ingebjørg Helena Nymo,
Torill Mørk,
Line Olsen,
Rebecca K. Davidson,
Bjørn Spilsberg,
Cathrine Arnason Bøe
Sår rundt øynene hos rein med ukjent årsak
Reindriftsnytt : Boazodoallu-Oddasat 2023
Hyejeong Cheon,
Signe Helene Kjelstrup,
Nataliya Kizilova,
Eirik Grude Flekkøy,
Matthew J. Mason,
Lars Folkow
Seals Stay Warm and Hydrated in the Arctic with Larger, More Convoluted Nasal Passages
EurekAlert! 14. desember 2023
Hyejeong Cheon,
Signe Helene Kjelstrup,
Nataliya Kizilova,
Eirik Grude Flekkøy,
Matthew J. Mason,
Lars Folkow
Arctic Seals Have Weird Bones in Their Noses That Help Them Stay Warm.
New scientist (1971) 14. desember 2023
Monica Alterskjær Sundset,
Ellen Kathrine Bludd,
Lars Folkow,
Silje Kristine Helgesson
Hundene i Finnmarksløpet slår syklistene i Tour de France
Monica Alterskjær Sundset,
Lars Folkow,
Ellen Kathrine Bludd,
Silje Kristine Sælen-Helgesson
Finnmarksløpet slår Tour de France
Chiara Ciccone,
Fayiri Kante,
David Grey Hazlerigg,
Lars Folkow,
Alexander Christopher West,
Shona Hiedi Wood
Circadian clockwork and mitochondrial metabolism in a diving mammal: a link between hypoxia tolerance and time of the day
Sandra Núῆez-Egido,
Samuel Jakob Geiseler,
Lars P. Folkow,
Ole-Jakob How
Mitochondria bioenergetics; diving vs non-diving mammals
Chiara Ciccone,
Fayiri Kante,
David Hazlerigg,
Lars Folkow,
AC West,
Shona Wood
Circadian clockwork and mitochondrial metabolism in a diving mammal: clues to hypoxia tolerance?
Lars Folkow
Den dykkende hjernen
Judith Ullmann,
Martin Biuw,
Marie-Anne Blanchet,
Mario Acquarone,
Lars Folkow
The respiratory physiology of the harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus): Total lung capacity, anatomical dead space, and ventilatory response to exercise.
Ingebjørg Helena Nymo,
Rebecca K. Davidson,
Marianne Gilhuus,
Karin Elisabeth Holmgren,
Torill Mørk,
Hans Lian
Egglederbetennelse hos Svalbardryper i fangenskap.
Norsk veterinærtidsskrift 2019
Judith Ullmann,
Martin Biuw,
Marie-Anne Blanchet,
Mario Acquarone,
Lars Folkow
The respiratory physiology of the harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus): Total lung capacity, anatomical dead space, and ventilatory response to exercise
Simon Birger Byremo Solberg,
Elisa Magnanelli,
Nataliya Kizilova,
Signe Kjelstrup,
Lars Folkow
Nasal ducts of arctic mammals as optimal heat and mass exchangers
Alana Krüger,
Andrej Fabrizius,
Bjarni Mikkelsen,
Ursula Siebert,
Lars Folkow,
Thorsten Burmester
Molecular mechanisms of hypoxia tolerance in the whale brain
Mariana L.M. Hoff,
Rabea Scheuplein,
Lars Folkow,
Thorsten Burmester
Pyruvate dehydrogenase in the brain of diving and terrestrial mammals
Lars Folkow,
Thorsten Burmester
Into the deep - how the seal brain copes with diving-induced hypoxemia
Alena Krüger,
A Fabrizius,
Lars Folkow,
Bjarni Mikkelsen,
Ursula Siebert,
Thorsten Burmester
Into the deep: A transcriptome analysis of the molecular mechanisms of hypoxia tolerance in the whale brain