Emil Lundedal Hammar
Førstelektor medie- og dokumentasjonsvitenskap
Emil Lundedal Hammar is a PhD candidate in Media- and Documentation Studies at the Department of Culture, Literature & Linguistics at UiT Tromsø. Hammar holds a Cand. IT. in Computer Games Analysis, as well as a Ba. in Philosophy. His dissertation deals with computer games, cultural memory, and marginalized identities.
Hammar's field of research covers the intersection between ethical theory, computer games, minority rights and politics of recognition, memory studies, and design theory. His master's thesis focused on the ethical aspects of representation and participation of marginalized minority groups in contemporary computer games culture and the associated social responsibilities relevant to this area.
Hammar is supervised by associate professor Holger Pötzsch. He is also attached to the international research project WARGAME and is coordinator of the ENCODE research group at UiT Tromsø.
De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →
Ethics, Multiculturalism, Minority Rights, Postphenomenology, Play studies, Design theory, Computer Games, War & Conflict, Politics of Recognition, Philosophy of Science, Cultural Memory, Historical Trauma, Computer Games Aesthetics & Ontology
MDV-1003: Media, Communiation, & Society - Fall semester 2015 (co-lecturer)
MDV-1002: Digital Media - Spring semester 2016 (head lecturer)
MDV-1003: Media, Communiation, & Society - Fall semester 2016 (head lecturer)