Bjørn Gulliksen
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Publikasjoner utenom Cristin
a)International journals:
Lande, E. & B. Gulliksen. 1971. Extreme high densities of Zirfea crispata (L., 1758) (Mollusca, Pelecypoda) near Strømmen in Borgenfjorden, Trondheimsfjorden. K. norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 1971 (11):1-4.
Gulliksen, B. 1971. A new record of Gonionemus vertens Agassiz (Limnomedusea) in Norway. K. norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 1971:1-4.
Lande, E. & B. Gulliksen. 1973. The benthic fauna of the tidal rapids to Borgenfjorden, North-Trøndelag, Norway. K. norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 1973 (1):1-6.
Gulliksen, B. 1972. Spawning, larval settlement, growth, biomass, and distribution of Ciona intestinalis L. (Tunicata) in Borgenfjorden, North-Trøndelag, Norway. Sarsia:51:83-96.
Gulliksen, B. & S.H. Skjæveland. 1973. The sea-star Asterias rubens L., as predator on the ascidian Ciona intestinalsi (L.) in Borgenfjorden, North-Trøndelag, Norway. Sarsia 52:15-20.
Gulliksen, B. 1973. The vertical distribution and habitat of the ascidians in Borgenfjorden, North-Trøndelag, Norway. Sarsia52:21-28.
Gulliksen, B. 1973. Colonization of marine algae and animals on "new" lava grounds at Jan Mayen in 1972. Confederation mondiale des activites subaquaticus. 3.Symposium of the Scientific Committee. pp:118-121.
Gulliksen, B. 1974. Bunnfaunaundersøkelsene på Bouwensonbåen og Eggvingrunnen i 1972. Norsk Polarinstitutt Årbok 1972:47-54.
Gulliksen, B. 1974. Marine investigations at Jan Mayen in 1972. K. norske Vidensk. Selsk. Miscnea 19:1-46.
Gulliksen, B. 1974. The ascidian fauna on level bottom areas in the Borgenfjord, 1967-1973. K. norske Vidensk. Selsk. Miscnea 21:1-18.
Gulliksen,B. 1974. Ascidians of Jan Mayen island. Astarte 7:67-70.
Gulliksen, B. & K.M. Derås. 1975. A diver-operated suction sampler for fauna on rocky bottoms. A diver-operated suction sampler for fauna on rocky bottoms. Oikos 26:246-249.
Sneli, J.-A. & B. Gulliksen. 1975. Tethyum sociabile Gunnerus, 1765 (Tunicata, Ascidiacea): proposed suppressions under the plenary powers. Z.N. (S.) 2087. Bull. zool. Nomencl. 32(2):127-128.
Sneli, J.-A. & B. Gulliksen. 1975. Ascidia singularis Gunnerus, 1770 and Distomus mamillaris Pallas, 1774: proposed suppression; Polycarpa Heller, 1877 (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) proposed type-species designation under the plenary powers Z.N. (S.) 2088. Bull. zool. Nomencl. 32(3):158-160.
Gulliksen, B. 1975. The prosobranch Trivia arctica as predator on the solitary ascidian Ascidia conchilega. Proc. malac. Lond. 41:377-378.
Gulliksen, B. 1975. The macrobenthic fauna of rocks and boulders in the Lübeck Bay (Western Baltic Sea). Helgoländer wiss. Meeresunters. 27:439-449.
Gulliksen, B. 1977. Studies from the "UWL Helgoland" on the macrobenthic fauna of rocks and boulders in Lübeck Bay (Western Baltic Sea). Helgoländer wiss. Meeresunters. 30:519-526.
Sundnes, G., B. Gulliksen & J. Mork. 1977. Notes on the swim-bladder physiology of cod (Gadus morhua) investigated from the underwater laboratory "Helgoland". Helgolander wiss. Meeresunters. 29:460-463.
Gulliksen, B. 1977. Ascidian species recorded in Finnmark and Troms, northern Norway, in 1976. Tromura - Tromsö Museums Rapportserie. Naturvitenskap. 1:1-18.
Hopkins, C.C.E. & B. Gulliksen. 1978. Diurnal vertical migration and zooplankton-epibenthos relationships in a north-norwegian fjord. Pp. 271-280 in McLusky, D.S. & A.J. Berry (eds.). The physiology and behaviour of marine organisms. Proc. 12th Eur. Symp. mar. Biol. Pergamon. London.
Gulliksen, B. 1978. Rocky bottom fauna in a submarine gulley at Loppkalven, Finnmark, Northern Norway. Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science. 7:361-372.
Gulliksen, B. 1979. Shallow water benthic fauna from Bear Island. Astarte 12:5-12.
Sandnes, O.K. & B. Gulliksen. 1980. Monitoring and manipulation of a sublittoral hard bottom biocoenosis in Balsfjord, northern Norway. Helgoländer wiss. Meeresunters. 33:467-472.
Gulliksen, B. 1980. The macrobenthic rocky-bottom fauna of Borgenfjorden, North-Tröndelag, Norway. Sarsia 65:115-136.
Gulliksen, B., T. Haug & O.K.Sandnes. 1980. Benthic macrofauna on new and old lava grounds at Jan Mayen. Sarsia 65:137-148.
Evans, R.A., B. Gulliksen & O.K. Sandnes 1980. The effect of sedimentation on rocky bottom organisms in Balsfjord, Northern Norway. Pp. 603-607 in: Howard J. Freeland, David M. Farmer & Colin D. Levings (eds.). Fjord Oceanography Plenum Publ. Corp. New York. 715 pp.
Gulliksen, B. 1982. Sedimentation close to a near vertical wall in Balsfjorden, northern Norway. Sarsia 67:21-27.
Gulliksen, B. & J.P. Taasen 1982. Effects of an oil spill in Spitzbergen in 1978. Marine Pollution Bulletin 13(3):96-98.
Haug, T. & B. Gulliksen 1982. Size, age, occurrence, growth, and food of Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum) in coastal waters of western Spitzbergen. Sarsia 68(4):293-297.
Lönning,S., E. Kjörsvik, T. Haug & B. Gulliksen 1982. The early development of the halibut Hippoglossoides hippoglossoides (L.) compared with other marine teleosts. Sarsia 67(2):85-95.
Gulliksen, B. 1984. Under-ice fauna from Svalbard waters. Sarsia 69:17-23.
Gulliksen, B. & B. Holte. 1984. Norwegian action plan for oil spills at Svalbard. Progress in Underwater SciencePu 9:121-124.
Gulliksen, B., B. Holte & K.J. Jakola 1985. The soft bottom fauna in Van Mijenfjord and Raudfjord at Svalbard. Pp. 199-215 in Gray, J.S. & M. Christiansen (eds.): Marine Biology of Polar regions and effects of Stress on Marine Organisms. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Chichester. New York. Brisbane. Toronto. Singapore. 639pp.
Kottmeier, S.T., M.A. Miller, M.P. Lizotte, L.L. Craft, B. Gulliksen & C.W. Sullivan. 1985. Ecology of Sea Ice Microbial Communities (SIMCO) during the 1984 Winter to Summer Transition in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Ant. J. U.S. 20:128-130.
Falk-Petersen, I.-B., V. Frivoll, B. Gulliksen & T. Haug 1986. Occurrence and size/age relations of polar cod, Boreogadus saida (Lepechin), in Spitzbergen coastal waters. Sarsia 71:235-245.
Holte, B., K.-J. Jakola & B. Gulliksen 1987. Benthic communities and their physical environment in relation to urban pollution from the city of Tromsö, Norway. 1. The physical environment: Hydrography, plant nutrients, organic enrichment, heavy metals and redox conditions. Sarsia 72:125-132.
Holte, B. & B. Gulliksen 1987. Benthic communities and their physical environment in relation to urban pollution from the city of Tromsö, Norway. 2. Soft bottom communities. Sarsia 72:133-141.
Jakola, K.-J. & B. Gulliksen 1987. Benthic communities and their physical environment in relation to urban pollution from the city of Tromsö, Norway. 3. Epifauna on pier-pilings. Sarsia 72:173-182.
Haug, T. & B. Gulliksen 1988. Variations in liver and body condition during gonad development of Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossoides hippoglossoides (L.). FiskDir. Skr. Ser. HavUnders., 18:351-363.
Haug, T. & B. Gulliksen 1988. Fecundity and oocyte sizes in ovaries of female Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.). Sarsia 73:259-261.
Lönne, O.J. & B. Gulliksen. 1989. Size, age and diet of polar cod, Boreogadus saida (Lepechin 1773), in ice covered waters. Polar Biol. 9:187-191.
Falk-Petersen, I.B., V. Frivoll, B. Gulliksen, T. Haug & W. Vader 1988. Age/size relations and food of two snailfishes Liparis gibbus and Careoproctus reinhardtii (Teleostei, Liparidae), from Spitsbergen coastal waters. Polar Biol. 8:353-358.
Gulliksen, B. & O.J. Lönne 1989. Distribution, abundance and ecological importance of marine sympagic fauna ("under-ice fauna") in the Arctic. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 188:133-138.
Lönne, O.J. & B. Gulliksen 1989 Occurrence and ecological importance of sympagic fauna in the Fram Strait, Svalbard area, and the western Barents Sea. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer. 188:170.
Gulliksen, B. & O.J. Lønne 1991 Sea ice macrofauna in the Antarctic and the Arctic. Journal of Marine Systems: 2:53-61.
Lønne, O.J. & B. Gulliksen. 1991 On the distribution of sympagic macro-fauna in the seasonally ice covered Barents Sea. Polar Biol 11:457-469.
Lønne, O.J. & B. Gulliksen. 1991 Sympagic macro-fauna from multiyear sea-ice near Svalbard. Polar Biol 11: 471-477.
Lønne,O.J. & B. Gulliksen 1991. Source, density and composition of sympagic fauna in the Barents sea. ProMare symposium 1990. Polar Research: 10(1):289-294.
Horner, R., S.F. Ackley, G.S. Dieckmann, B. Gulliksen, T. Hoshiai, I.A. Melnikov, W.S. Reeburgh, M. Spindler & C.W. Sullivan. 1992 Ecology of Sea Ice Biota. 1. Habitat and terminology. Polar Biol: 12:417-427.
Legendre, L., S.F. Ackley, G.S. Dieckmann, B. Gulliksen, R. Horner, T. Hoshiai, I.A. Melnikov, W.S. Reeburgh, M. Spindler & C.W. Sullivan 1992 Ecology of sea ice biota. 2. Global Significance of Sea Ice Production. Polar Biol. 12: 429-444.
Andreasen,T.V., B. Gulliksen, T.Haug, E.M. Nilsen & E. Ringø. 1993 Protein content and amino acid composition of young Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) captured in the autumn in North-Norway. ICES J. mar. Sci. 50: 93-100.
Kanapathippillai, P., E. Berg, J. d. Santos, B. Gulliksen & T. Pedersen. 1994 The food consumtion of cod (Gadus morhua L.) in a high latitude enhancement area. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 25 Supplement 1: 65-76.
Sakshaug, E., A. Bjørge, B. Gulliksen, H. Loeng & F. Mehlum. 1994 Structure, biomass distribution, and energetics of the pelagic ecosystem in the Barents Sea: A synopsis. Polar Biology 14:405-411.
Holte,B., S. Dahle, B. Gulliksen & K. Næs. 1996 Some macrofaunal effects of local pollution and glacier-induced sedimentation, with indicative analyses, in the sediments of two Arctic fjords. Polar Biology 16:549-557.
Holte, B. & B. Gulliksen 1998.Common macrofaunal dominant species in the sediments of some north Norwegian and Svalbard glacial fjords. Polar Biol 19:375-382.
Andersen, M., Hjelset, A. M., Gjertz, I., Lydersen, C. and Gulliksen, B. 1999. Growth, age at sexual maturity and condition in bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) from Svalbard, Norway. Polar Biol. 21: 179-185.
Hjelset, A. M., Andersen, M., Gjertz. I., Lydersen, C. and Gulliksen, B. 1999. Feeding habits of bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) from the Svalbard area, Norway. Polar Biol. 21: 186-193.
Jørgensen, Lis. L., Pearson, T.H., Anisimova, N.A., Gulliksen, B., Dahle, S., Denisenko, S.G., Matishov, G.G. 1999 Environmental influences on benthic fauna associations of the Kara Sea (Arctic Russia). Polar Biol. 22:395-416.
Dahl TM, Lydersen, C., Kovacs, K.M., Falk-Petersen, S., Sargent, J., Gjertz, I., Gulliksen, B. 2000 Fatty acid composition of the blubber in white whales (Delphinapterus leucas). Polar Biology 23:401-409.
Jørgensen, Lis L. & B. Gulliksen 2001 Rocky bottom fauna in arctic Kongsfjord (Svalbard) studied by means of suction sampling and photography. Polar Biol. 24:113-121.
Falk-Petersen, S., J.R.Sargent, S. Kwasniewski, B. Gulliksen & R.-M. Millar 2001 Lipids and fatty acids in Clione limacina and Limacina helicina in Svalbard Waters and the Arctic Ocean: Trophic Implications. Polar Biol. 24(3):163-170.
Bahr, G. & B. Gulliksen 2001 Variation of the epifauna on pier-pilings between 1980 and 1992 near the city of Tromsø, Norway. 2001 Polar Biol. 24(4):282-291.
Scott C.L., Falk-Petersen S., Gulliksen B., Lønne O.J. & Sargent J.R. 2001. Lipid Indicators of the Diet of Gammarus wilkitzkii in the Marginal Ice Zone and in Open Waters of Svalbard. Polar Biology 24 (8):572-576
Borgå, K., M. Polterman, O. Pavlova, A. Polder, B. Gulliksen, G.W. Gabrielsen & J.U. Skaare 2002 The influence of diet and sea ice drift route on the bioaccumulation of organochlorines in arctic ice-associated amphipods. Environmental Pollution 117: 47-60.
Borgå, K., B. Gulliksen, G.W. Gabrielsen & J.U. Skaare 2002 Size-related bioaccumulation and between-year variation of organochlorines in ice-associated amphipods from the Arctic Sea. Chemosphere 46:1383-1392.
Falk-Petersen, S., Dahl, T.M., Scott, C.L., Sargent, J.R., Gulliksen, B.,Kwasniewski, S., Hop, H. & Millar, R.-M. 2002: Lipid biomarkers and trophic linkages between the Arctic ctenophores and calanoid copepods in Svalbard waters. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 227:187-194.
Hop H., Pearson T., Hegseth E.N., Kovacs K.M, Wiencke C., Kwasniewski S, Eiane K, Mehlum F., Gulliksen N, Wlodarska-Kowalczuk M., Lydersen C., Weslawski JM, Cochrane S., Gabrielsen G.W., Leakey R., Lønne O.J., Zajaczkowski M., Falk-Petersen S., Kendall M., Wängberg S-Å., Bischof K., Voronkov A.Y., Kovaltchouk N.A., Wiktor J., Poltermann M., di Prisco G., Papucci C. & Gerland S. 2002. The marine ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Polar Research 21(1):167-208.
Camus, L., S.-R. Birkely, J.F. Børseth, B. Gulliksen, M.B. Jones, O.J. Lønne, F. Regoli & M.H. Depledge. 2003 Biomarker responses and PAH uptake in Mya truncata following exposure to oil-contaminated sediment in an Arctic Fjord (Svalbard). The Science of the Total Environment 308:221-234.
Birkely, S.-R. & Gulliksen, B. 2003 Population features of the caridean shrimp, Sclerocrangon boreas (Phipps, 1774) in Isfjorden, Spitsbergen. Crustaceana 76(1):87-101.
Birkely, S.-R., O. Grahl-Nielsen & B. Gulliksen. 2003 Temporal variations and anatomical distributions of fatty acids in the bivalve Mya truncata, L. 1758, from Isfjorden, Spitsbergen. Polar Biology 26:83-92.
Birkely S.-R. & Gulliksen, B. 2003 Feeding ecology in five shrimp species (Decapoda, Caridea)from an Arctic fjord (Isfjorden, Svalbard), with emphasis on Sclerocrangon boreas (Phipps, 1774). Crustaceana 76(6):699-715.
Søreide JE, Hop H, Falk-Petersen S, Gulliksen B & Hansen E 2003 Macrozooplankton communities and environmental variables in the Marginal Ice Zone in the Barents Sea during late winter and spring. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 263:43-64.
Beuchel, F., Gulliksen, B. (2003) Monitoring of rocky-bottom macrobenthic communities on locations at Svalbard and Jan Mayen using digital image analysis. Conference paper CM 2003/J:07, ICES, ASC in Tallin/ Estonia, 23-26. September 2003
Palerud, R., Gulliksen, B., Brattegard, T. & Sneli J.-A. 2004 A species list of marine macro-organisms in Svalbard waters. Norsk Polarinstitutts Skrifter. 201:5-56.
Camus L & Gulliksen B. 2004 Total oxyradical scavenging capacity in the deep sea amphipod Eurythenes gryllus Marin Environmental Research. 58:615-618.
Clason, B.,Gulliksen B & Zauke, G-P. 2004 Bioaccumulation of trace metals in the amphipod Gammarus oceanicus Segerstråle, 1947 from Grunnfjord (Northern Norway): Comparison of two-compartment and hyperbolic toxicokinetic models Science of the total Environment 323(1-3):227-241.
Gulliksen, B., F. Beuchel, T. Brattegard & R. Palerud. 2004 The marine sublittoral fauna of Jan Mayen Island. Pp. 159-171 in Proceedings: NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Jan Mayen Island in Scientific Focus. Oslo. November 2003. Editor: S. Skreslet. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Netherlands.
Camus L & B Gulliksen 2005 Antioxidant defense properties of Arctic amphipods: comparison between deep-, sublittoral and surface-water species. Marine Biology, 146:355-362.
Gannefors C, Böer M, Kattner K, Graeve M, Eiane K, Gulliksen B, Hop H & Falk-Petersen S 2005 The Arctic sea butterfly Limacina helicina: lipids and life strategy. Marine Biology, 147 (1):169-177.
Camus L, B Gulliksen, MH Depledge & MB Jones 2005 Polar bivalves are characterized by high antioxidant defences Polar Research 24 (1): 111-118.
Kuklinski P, B Gulliksen, OJ Lønne & JM Weslawski 2005 Composition of bryozoan assemblages related to depth in Svalbard fjords and sounds Polar Biology 28(8):619-630.
Arndt CA, Fernandez-Leborans G, Seuthe L, Berge J & Gulliksen B 2005 Ciliated epibionts on the arctic sympagic amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii as indicators for sympago-benthic coupling Marine Biology 147:643-652.
Berge J, G Johnsen, F Nilsen, B Gulliksen & D Slagstad 2005 Ocean temperature oscillations enable reappearance of blue mussels Mytilus edulis in Svalbard after a 1000 year absence Mar Ecol Prog Ser 303:167-175
Kuklinski P, B Gulliksen, OJ Lønne & JM Weslawski 2006 Substratum as a structuring influence on assemblages of Arctic Bryozoans. Polar Biology 29:652-661.
Berge J, Johnsen G, Nilsen F, Gulliksen B, Slagstad D, Pamapanin D 2006 The Mytilus edulis population in Svalbard: how and why. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 309:305-306.
Lundberg M, Hop H, Eiane K, Gulliksen B, Falk-Petersen S. 2006 Population structure and accumulation of lipids in the ctenophore Mertensia ovum. Marine Biology 49(6):1345-1353
Beuchel F, Gulliksen B & Carroll ML 2006 Long-term patterns of rocky-bottom macrobenthic community structure in an Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard) in relation to climate variability (1980-2003). Journal of Marine Systems 63:35-48.
Renaud PE, Wlodarska-Kowalczuk M, Trannum H, Holte B, Weslawski JM, Dahle S, & Gulliksen B 2007 Multidecadal stability of benthic community structure in a high-Arctic glacial fjord (van Mijenfjord, Spitsbergen). Polar Biology 30(3):295-305.
Haukås M, Berger U, Hop H, Gulliksen B, & Gabrielsen GW 2007 Bioaccumulation of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in selected marine species from the Barents Sea food web. Environmental Pollutions 148:360-371.
Nygård H, Berge J, Gulliksen B, Camus L 2007 Records of Eualus gaimardii gibba Krøyer 1841 (Crustacea, Decapoda) in the sympagic habitat; an example of bentho-sympagic coupling. Polar Biology 30(10):1351 - 1354.
Beuchel F. & B. Gulliksen 2008 Temporal patterns of benthic community development in an Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard): results of a 24-year manipulation study. Polar Biology 31(8):913-924.
Krapp RH, Berge J, Flores H, Gulliksen B, Werner I. 2008. Sympagic occurrence of Eusirid and Lysianassoid amphipods under Antarctic pack ice. Deep-Sea Research II 55: 1015-1023
Falk-Petersen S., Leu E, Berge J, Kwasniewski S., Nygård H., Røstad A, Keskinen E., Thormar J, Quillfeldt C von, Wold A. & Gulliksen B. 2008. Vertical migration in high Arctic waters during the record minimum sea ice extent in autumn 2004 Deep Sea Res. II 55(20-21): 2275-2284.
Tadesse M, Gulliksen B, Strøm MB, Styrvold OB & Haug T 2008 Screening for antibacterial and antifungal activities in marine benthic invertebrates from northern Norway. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 99:286 - 293.
Berge J, Renaud PE, Eiane K, Gulliksen B, Cottier FR, Varpe Ø, Brattegard T 2009 Changes in the decapod fauna of an Arctic fjord during the last 100 years (1908-2007). Polar Biol 32:953-961.
Arndt, C., B.Gulliksen, OJ Lønne & J.Berge 2009 Sea Ice Fauna. Pp. 296-322 in Sakshaug E, Johnsen G & Kovacs K (eds.) "Ecosystem Barents Sea". Tapir Academic Press. 587 pp.
Gulliksen,B., H. Hop & M. Nilsen 2009 Benthic Life. Pp. 339-372 in Sakshaug E, Johnsen G & Kovacs K (eds.) "Ecosystem Barents Sea". Tapir Academic Press. 587 pp.
Beuchel, F., R.Primicerio, O.-J. Loen, B. Gulliksen & S.-R. Birkely. 2010. Counting and measuring epibenthic organisms from digital photographs: A semi-automated approach. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. (in print).
b) Reports, Popular Science & Educational material:
Gulliksen, B. Ascidiacea. Pp. 9-14 in Strömgren, T. (ed.): Borgenfjordundersökelsene. Preliminærrapport 1969 Trondheim. 41 pp.
Gulliksen, B. & E. Lande 1971. Bunnfaunaen i Strömmen. Pp. 27-31 i Strömgren, T. (ed.): Borgenfjordundersökelsene. Preliminærrapport 1970. Trondheim. 40 pp.
Gulliksen, B. 1971. Vekst og næringsopptak hos Asterias rubens matet med Ciona intestinalis. Pp. 32-36 i Strömgren, T. (ed.): Borgenfjordundersökelsene. Preliminærrapport 1971-1972. Trondheim. 11 pp.
Gulliksen, B. 1974. Dykkerutstyr, dykkerklokker, undervannsbåter og undervannslaboratorier som biologiske hjelpemidler. Naturen 2:55-62.
Gulliksen, B. 1974. Marine bore-og groeorganismer. Fauna 27:185-195.
Gulliksen, B. 1975. Undervannslaboratoriet "Helgoland" - et nyttig redskap for utforskning av havet. Forskningsnytt 4:40-44.
Gulliksen, B. 1975. Trekk fra den marine fauna og flora ved Jan Mayen. Fauna 28:140-151.
Gulliksen, B. 1976. Sjöpungene. Det kgl. norske vidensk. selsk. museet. Fortids Kultur - Samtids Natur.
Gulliksen, B. 1976. UWL Helgoland. Ålesundsdykkeren Mai 1976:7-12.
Gulliksen, B. 1977. Borgenfjordprosjektet. Sluttrapport. Trondhjem Biologiske Stasjon 1977. 33 pp.
Gulliksen, B. 1977. Presentasjon av Marinbiologisk avdeling. Norden - Nord-Norges Landbrukstidsskrift. 33:788-789.
Gulliksen, B. 1977. Sorberacea - en nyopprettet klasse innen kappedyrene. Fauna 30:20-22.
Gulliksen, B. 1978. Forskningsfartöyene ved Universitetet i Tromsö. Uniternt 1/78.
Gulliksen, B., G.W. Pettersen & O.K. Sandnes 1978. Nord-Norge - Livet i sjöen. Brosjyre. 12 pp.
Gulliksen, B. 1979. Bunndyr i nord. Miljönytt 2/79.
Gulliksen, B. 1979. Marine bunndyr ved Björnöya. Ottar 110-112:73-80.
Haug, T. & B. Gulliksen 1979. Kveita - vår störste flyndrefisk. Glött fra Universitetet i Tromsö.
Schei, B., H. Chr. Eilertsen, S. Falk-Petersen, B. Gulliksen & J.-P- Taasen. 1979. Marinbiologiske undersökelser i Van Mijenfjorden (Vest-Spitsbergen) etter oljelekkasje ved Sveagruva 1978. Tromura - Tromsö Museums rapportserie. Naturvitenskap. 2:1-50.
Gulliksen, B. 1980. Marinbiologisk forskning i polarområdene. NAVF-konferanse. Klækken hotell. 1980.
Gulliksen, B. & O.K. Sandnes 1980 Marine bunndyrsamfunn, "nökkelarter" og felteksperimenter på hardbunn. Fauna 33:1-9.
Haug, T., B. Gulliksen & I. Christiansen 1981. Observasjoner av delfin i Nord-Norge. Fauna 34:97-100.
Gulliksen, B., O. Nordgård, U. Normann & F. Pettersen 1981 Havmiljödata fra nord-norske fjorder i 1980. Tromura - Tromsö Museums rapportserie. Naturvitenskap. 14:1-107.
Evans, R. & B. Gulliksen 1982 Overvåkning av marin forurensning. NAVF-Pressetjeneste: Ukens kronikk. 9:1-4
Gulliksen, B., T. Haug & L. Jörgensen 1982 Observasjoner av dobbeltflyndrer i Balsfjord og Trondheimsfjord. Fauna 35:150-153.
Haug, T., B. Gulliksen & O.K. Sandnes 1982 Om Goulasutbyggingens mulige innflytelse på fiskekvalitet og forurensninger på fiskeredskap og forurensninger på fiskeredskap i Kåfjorden. Goulasskjönnet. Rapport 1982.
Gulliksen, B. 1982 Nise og springere. Ottar 138:54-56.
Haug,T. & B. Gulliksen 1982 Spermkvalen - giganten blant tannkvalene. Ottar 138:40-43.
Sakshaug, E. & B. Gulliksen. 1983. Marinökologisk Forskningsprogram i Arktis. Rammeprogram. NAVF/NFFR/MD. 55 pp.
Gulliksen, B. 1983. Næringskjeder og næringsnett i havet. Ottar 140:3-5.
Gulliksen, B. 1983. Bunndyrene. Ottar 140:17-23.
Gulliksen, B. 1984. Marin forurensning og overvåkning av marin forurensning i Svalbard og Barentshavområdet. Pp. 41-44 i: Arktis som Livsmiljö. Karin Ida Ross (ed.). 58 pp.
Gulliksen, B. 1984. Det fysiske havmiljö ved Svalbard og i Barentshavet. Ottar 150:3-5.
Gulliksen, B. 1984. Isflora og isfauna - næringsgrunnlag for pattedyr og sjöfugl i isdekte farvann. Ottar 150:14-18.
Gulliksen, B. 1984. Dyr og planter (benthos) på havbunnen ved Svalbard. Ottar 150:19-25.
Haug, T. & B. Gulliksen. 1984. Fiskene ved Svalbard. Ottar 150:26-34.
Gulliksen, B. 1984. Fisheries research in Arctic waters. Tromura - Fellesserie. 6:63-69.
Haug, T. & B. Gulliksen. 1984. Kveita - biologi, atferd og bestand. Sluttrapport NFFR-prosjekt I 405.01. 16 pp.
Gulliksen,B. 1985. Rapport fra Pro Mare tokt no. 4 med M/V "Polarbjörn" 25.4.-11.5.1985. Universitetet i Tromsö. 16 pp. + 1 ill.
Gulliksen, B. 1985. Oppdrett av andre marine organismer: alger, krepsdyr, pigghuder, sjöpunger, sjöanemoner og flerartskulturer.Ottar 6:59-64.
Gulliksen,B. 1986. Ishavsakvarium i Troms. Forskningsstiftelsen ved Universitetet i Tromsö. 16 pp.
Gulliksen, B. 1986. Marine Ice Organisms in the Barents Sea (Arctic) and McMurdo Sound (Antarctica). Lecture. Inst. Meereskunde. Kiel. 11 pp.
Holte, B., J. Kögeler & B. Gulliksen. 1986. Miljöundersökelser i Dönnesfjord, Hasvik Kommune. 36 pp.
Holte, B., J. Kögeler & B. Gulliksen 1986. Miljöundersökelser ved Ure i Vestvågöy. Rapport - Akvaplan 33 pp.
Haug, B. & B. Gulliksen. 1986. Framdriftsbudsjett til NFFR-prosjekt nr. I 405.003: Kveita - en framtidig oppdrettsfisk.
Gulliksen, B. 1987. Liste over marine invertebrater og fisk innenfor Svalbards territorialfarvann. Rapport - Norsk Polarinstitutt.
Fieler, R., B. Gulliksen, B. Holte & E. Oug 1987. Miljöundersökelser i forbindelse med etablering av Havbruksstasjon i Kårvika. Rapport - Akvaplan 43 pp.
Gulliksen, B. 1987. Marinbiologiske Ressurser. Pp. 147-157 in Hansson, R., Prestrud, P. & Øritsland, N.A. (eds.): Analysesystem for miljø-og næringsvirksomhet på Svalbard. Rapport - Norsk Polarinst. 39, 289 pp.
Gulliksen, B. 1988. Arktisk forskning ved Universitetet i Tromsö - Marinbiologi. Vårkonferanse ved UiTö i 1988 - "Arktisk Forskning". 6 pp.
Gulliksen, B. 1988. Marinbiologiske forhold i Svalbards territorialfarvann. Norsk Polarinstitutt - Rapportserie 42:1-43.
Gulliksen, B. 1988. Resepientundersökelser i Vesterbotn - 24. & 25. August 1988. Rapport - Akvaplan 24 pp.
Dahle, S., B. Gulliksen & B. Holte 1989. Miljöundersökelse i Gratangen. Rapport - Akvaplan 26 pp + Vedlegg.
Gulliksen, B. 1989. Registrering av död sild på bunnen av fjordene Gratangen og Lavangen i Sör-Troms - Januar 1989. Intern Rapport 24 pp + Ill.
Gulliksen, B. 1989. Marinbiologiske Ressurser. Pp. 133-145 in Hansson, R., Prestrud, P. & Øritsland, N.A. Analysesystem for miljø-og næringsvirksomhet på Svalbard - Versjon 2. Norsk Polarinstitutt - Rapportserie 48,274 pp.
Gulliksen, B. 1990. Observasjoner av havlærskilpadde i Nord-Norge (Nord-Troms) høsten 1989. Fauna 43:45.
Gulliksen,B., O.J. Lønne & C. Hellum. 1990 Marinebiological studies in the Weddell sea and north of Queen Maud Land. Norsk Polarinst. Medd. 113:131-138.
Dahle,S., B.Gulliksen, T. Pearson & M. Haakstad 1990 Marinbiologiske undersøkelser i Gratangen og Lavangen etter sildedøden høsten 1988. Rapport- Akvaplan. 59 pp + vedlegg
Gulliksen, B. 1992. Sensitivity of the Arctic Environment. Nordisk Navigasjonsforum. Int. Symposium on Arctic Operations and Navigation
Holte, B., G. Bahr, B. Gulliksen, T. Jacobsen, J. Knutzen, K. Næs & E. Oug. 1992. Resipientundersøkelser i Sandnessundet og Tromsøsundet. Tromsø Kommune, 1991-92. Akvaplan-niva Rapport 91247-01-01. 162 pp.
Fjeld, P.E. & B. Gulliksen 1992. Sentralfeltet på Svalbard.- En foreløpig vurdering av miljøpåvirkning fra kullskipning i Van Mijenfjorden og Bellsund. Rapport Norsk Polarinstitutt/Akvaplan-niva A/S. 57 pp.
Sakshaug, E., A. Bjørge, B. Gulliksen, H. Loeng & F. Mehlum 1992 Økosystem Barentshavet Mesna-Trykk A.s. 304 pp.
Evenset, A., S. George, B. Gulliksen, S.H. Hansen, O.J. Lønne & L.K. Sydnes 1993 The fate of Hydrocarbons in the Arctic Food Chain of the Ice Community OKN-Report. Contract Agreement No. T. 183028 60 pp.
Gulliksen, B., & T. Haug 1994 Marin Systematikk. Kompendium til Kurs F-130. Norges Fiskerihøgskole 1994. 38 pp.
Gulliksen, B. 1994 Isfauna Barentshavet Nord.Rapport Akvaplan-niva til Nærings-og energidepartementet 32 pp.
Holte,B, K.Næs, S. Dahle & B. Gulliksen 1994 Marine resipientundersøkelser ved Longyearbyen og Barentsburg, Svalbard. Bunndyrsamfunn og miljøgifter i bunnsedimenter. Rapport Akvaplan - niva til Sysselmannen på Svalbard 47 pp.
Dahle,S., S. Cochrane, B. Gulliksen, L.-H. Larsen & R. Palerud. 1995 Barentshavet Nord. Geografisk fordeling av bunndyrsamfunn. Rapport no. 421.93.301 Akvaplan-niva 80 pp.
Dahle,S, S. Cochrane, K.R. Fredriksen, B. Gulliksen, E. Oug & R. Palerud 1995 Barentshavet Nord. Metoder for Miljøovervåking. Rapport no. 421.93.302 Akvaplan-niva. 65 pp.
Dos Santos, Jorge, S.Dahle, K. Næs, K.-R. Fredriksen, B. Gulliksen & G. Matishov 1996 Baseline studies of contaminants in sediments: SVALBARD, BARENTS SEA and FRANZ JOSEF LAND 1992. A technical report to the Arctic Monotoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Report no. 414.92.242 Akvaplan-niva. 12 pp.
Gulliksen, B & T. Brattegard 1997 Ascidiacea. Pp. 316 - 323 in Brattegard T & Holthe T (eds.). Distribution of marine, benthic macroorganisms in Norway. Research Report for DN 1997-1. Dir. Nat. Management. 409 pp.
Cochrane, S. J., S. Dahle, E.Oug, B. Gulliksen & S. Denisenko 1998 Benthic Fauna in the Northern Barents Sea. Akvaplan-niva report 434-97-1286. 33 pp + Appendix.
Olsson, K., V. Savinov, B. Gulliksen & S. Dahle 1998 Contaminants in marine sediments, Svalbard 1997. Akvaplan-niva report 414.98.1396. 36 pp.
Gulliksen, B., R. Palerud, T. Brattegard & J.-A. Sneli. 1999. Distribution of marine benthic macro-organisms at Svalbard (including Bear Island) and Jan Mayen. Research Report for DN 1999-4. Directorate for Nature Management. 1-148.
Gulliksen, B., T. Holthe, T. Loennechen Moen, H.T. Rapp, J.-A. Sneli & Ø. Stokland. 2000. Dyrelivet på fjordbunnen. S. 133-148 i Sakshaug, E. og Sneli, J.-A. (red.):Trondheimsfjorden. Tapir forlag, Trondheim, 336 sider.
Pedersen, G., C. Hvingel & B. Gulliksen. 2000. Påvirker reketråling diversitet og biomasse i arktiske bunndyrsamfunn? Akvaplan-niva rapport nr./ report no.: APN-421.1553.
Quillfeldt von CH, Eliassen J-E, L Føyn, B Gulliksen, C Lydersen & L Marstrander 2002 Marine verdier i havområdene rundt Svalbard. Norsk Polarinstitutt Rapportserie 118:1-100 pp.
Gulliksen, B. & E. Svensen 2004. Svalbard and Life in Polar Oceans. Kom Forlag. 160 pp.
Gulliksen, B. & E. Svensen 2004. Svalbard og dyreliv i polare hav. KOM Forlag 160 pp.
Sneli, J.-A. & Gulliksen, B 2006 Prosobranch Molluscs and Ascidians in the Trondheimsfjord. NTNU Zoologisk Rapport 2006-1. 56 pp.
Sneli, J.-A. & Gulliksen, B. 2006 Kappedyr Tunicata. Norsk Rødliste 2006 pp.339-340.
Birkely, S.-R., Gulliksen B 2007 Establishment and monitoring of permanently marked habitats on rocky bottom in North Norway and Spitzbergen. IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series 5: 85-89.
c) Posters:
Gulliksen, B. & O.J. Lønne 1997 Possible fate of sympagic organisms after melting of sea ice. Gordon Research Conference. Ventura, California, USA
Hjelset, A.M., M. Andersen, I. Gjertz, B. Gulliksen & C. Lydersen 1998 Feeding habits of bearded Seals (Erignathus barbatus) from the Svalbard area, Norway. WMMSC, Monaco, January 1998.
Andersen, M., A.M. Hjelset, I. Gjertz, B. Gulliksen & C. Lydersen 1998 Growth, age at sexual maturity and condition in Bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) from Svalbard, Norway.WMMSC, Monaco, January 1998.
Aschan, M., B. Gulliksen, W. Vader & G.S. Jaklin 2000. A Springboard to the Arctic Sea. A century of Marine and Fishery Science in Tromsø, Norway. ICES-Conference. Helsinki. August 2000.
Bartke,U., B. Gulliksen & O.J. Lønne 2000 Image Analysis. A method for analysis of underwater photographs of Megabenthos. Årsmøte i Oslo. Norske Havforskeres Forening. November 2000.
Richardsen S-R, O Grahl-Nielsen & B. Gulliksen. 2000 Fatty acid composition in the bivalve Mya truncata from Isfjorden, Svalbard. Norske Havforskeres Forening. November 2000.
Camus, L., Richardsen S-R., Børseth J.F. Gulliksen B, Lønne O.J. Depledge M.H. 2001 Biomarker Responses and PAH uptake in Mya truncata following exposure to oil-contaminated sediment in an Arctic fjord (Svalbard). Symposium SETAC Europe 2001 (Madrid)
Camus, L., Richardsen S-R., Børseth J.F., Grøsvik B.E., Gulliksen B., Jones, M.B., Lønne O.J., Regoli, F., Depledge M.H. 2001 Biomarkers in the soft shell Arctic clam Mya truncata: seasonal variability and impact of PAH. Symposium: Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms. July 2001 (Plymouth).
Hop, H., Gulliksen, B., Cochrane, S., Voronkov, A.Y., Kovaltchouk, N.A., Beuchel, F. 2001 Changes in diversity and distribution of benthic marine organisms within Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Norske Havforskeres Forening. Årsmøte. November 2001.
Gannefors, Charlotte, Stig Falk-Petersen, Haakon Hop, Bjørn Gulliksen & Ketil Eiane. 2003 Life cycle, body composition and lipids of the shelled butterfly Limacina helicina (Gastropoda) in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Symposium: Arctic - Alpine. Ecosystems and people in a changing environment. Polar Environmental Centre, Tromsø, Norway. 24 February - 1 March 2003.
Camus, L. & B. Gulliksen 2003. Antioxidant defence properties of deep-sea and arctic amphipods. Norske Havforskeres Forening. Årsmøte. Longyearbyen. Oktober 2003.
Beuchel, F. & B. Gulliksen. 2003. Monitoring of rocky-bottom macrobenthic communities on locations at Svcalbard and Jan Mayen using digital image analysis. Norske Havforskeres Forening. Årsmøte. Longyearbyen. Oktober 2003.
Borgå, K., J.U. Skaare, B. Gulliksen & G.W. Gabrielsen. 2003 Forekomst av organiske miljøgifter i marine organismer i drivis i Barentshavet; biokonsentrasjon og biomagnifikasjon. Forskerseminar for forskningsprogrammene Proof og ProFo. Skedsmo. 14.-15. Oktober 2000.
Camus, L. & B. Gulliksen. 2003 Heavy metal induced oxidative stress in the Arctic sea ice amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii. Symposium: European Society for comparative physiology and biochemistry. December 2003. Alessandria, Italy.
Falk-Petersen, S., A. Wold, A. Røstad, E. Leu, H. Nygård, B. Gulliksen, J. Berge, E. Keskinen, J. Gjaldbæk Thormar, S. Kwasniewski. 2004. Intense feeding of Calanus hyperboreus on Arctic Autumn Bloom Propagated by a Record Minimum Sea Ice Extent in 2004. ACIA International Symposium on Climate Change in the Arctic. Reykjavik, Iceland, 9-12 November 2004.
Berge, J., G. Johnsen, F. Nilsen & B. Gulliksen 2004 Discovery of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in Svalbard - indication of a recent temperature increase in the Arctic environment? Norske Havforskeres Forening. Årsmøte. Trondheim. November 2004.
Lundberg,M., Hop,H., Eiane,K., Gulliksen, B. & Falk-Petersen, S. 2005. Population structure and accumulation of lipids in the ctenophore Mertensia ovum. ASLO. Summer meeting 2005. Santiago de Compostella. Spain.
Beuchel,B. & Gulliksen, B. 2005. Long-term monitoring of an arctic macrobenthic community in relation to climate variability. Summer meeting 2005. Santiago de Compostella. Spain.
Krapp R, Berge J, Gulliksen B & Werner I. 2005 Eusirid and Lysianassid Amphipods under sea ice in the Central Weddell Sea: are they sympagic or pelagic. International Glaciological Society. 5-9. Dec. Dunedin, New Zealand.
Haukås,M., Gabrielsen, GW., Hop, H., Gulliksen, B. & Berger, U. 2005 Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and related compounds in a Norwegian arctic marine food chain.
d) Presentations:
Brattegard, T., B. Gulliksen, T. Holthe, J. Rueness, J.-A. Sneli, B. Christiansen, M.E. Christiansen, T. Høisæter, T.E. Lein, L.B. Mortensen, K.M. Olsen, E. Oug, A. Pedersen, P. Pethons, O.S. Tendal, W. Vader & P.B. Wikander 1993 Geografisk fordeling av benthisk marin flora og fauna langs norskekysten. Forslag til inndeling i biogeografiske områder. Norske Havforskeres Forening. Årsmøte 1993.
Cochrane, S., S. Dahle, E.Oug, B. Gulliksen & S.G. Denisenko. 1999 What controls the benthic fauna in the Barents Sea? - a study along a transect south-east of Spitsbergen. Symposium: Planton ecology and vertical flux on polar and subpolar shelves and fjords of Norway and Spitsbergen, NFH/Univ. Tromsø.
Gulliksen, B. & R. Palerud. 1999 Benthos-investigations around Svalbard. Symposium: Planton ecology and vertical flux on polar and subpolar shelves and fjords of Norway and Spitsbergen, NFH/Univ.
Jørgensen, L.L., T.H.Pearson, N.A. Anisimova, B. Gulliksen, S. Dahle, S. Denisenko & G.G. Matishov. 1999 Environmental influences on benthic fauna associations of the Kara Sea (Arctic Russia). Symposium: Planton ecology and vertical flux on polar and subpolar shelves and fjords of Norway and Spitsbergen, NFH/Univ.
Falk-Petersen, S. Sargent, J.R., Scott, C.L., Dahl,T.M., Kwasniewski, S.,Gulliksen, B., Hop, H. and Millar R.-M. 2000. Lipid Biomarkers and Trophic Linkages between the Arctic Ctenophores and Calanoid Copepods in Svalbard Waters. ASLO Symposium Copenhagen June 2000.
Borgå, K., B. Gulliksen, G.W. Gabrielsen & J.U. Skaare 2000 Size-related bioaccumulation of organochlorines in Arctic sea-ice-amphipods. Congress: Dioxin 2000.
Camus L., Richardsen S.R., Børseth J.F., Grøsvik B.E., Gulliksen B., Jones M.B., Lønne O.J., Regoli F. and Depledge M.H. 2002 Biomarkers of poly aromatic hydrocarbons in Arctic marine invertebrates AMAP Conference Tromsø
F. Beuchel And B.Gulliksen 2002 Monitoring of rocky-bottom biotopes in northern Norway and Svalbard using image analysis ICES CM 2002/ Ocean Observation - The integration of acoustic and optical survey techniques and marine biological data for the purpose of seabed classification
Gulliksen, B. 2002. Macrobenthic fauna in Svalbard waters. Invited speaker to "Kieler Woche - Scientific Part" by Das Rectorat der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. 22-30 June 2002.
Gulliksen, B. 2003 Sympagic Fauna (Ice Fauna) and Benthic Fauna in Arctic and Antarctic Ecosystems. Invited speaker to the Symposium: Arctic - Alpine. Ecosystems and people in a changing environment. Polar Environmental Centre, Tromsø, Norway. 24 February - 1 March 2003.
Gulliksen, B. 2003 Bunnfauna og Isfauna ved Svalbard. Norske Havforskeres Forening. Årsmøte Longyearbyen Oktober 2003 (Key note - Invited Speaker).
Gulliksen, B., F. Beuchel, T. Brattegard & R. Palerud 2003. The marine sublittoral fauna of Jan Mayen Island. NATO ARW Conference. Oslo. November 2003.
Camus,L., R Bocchetti, K Borgå, D. Muir, F Regoli & B Gulliksen 2005 The giant amphipod Eurythenes gryllus, a sentinel species for monitoring levels and biological effects of contaminants in the deep sea. PRIMO 13, Alessandria, Italy, June 2005
Pampanin DM, L Camus, A Bjørnstad, OK Andersen & B Gulliksen 2005 A proteomic study using the deep sea amphipod Eurythenes gryllus. How do copper, mercury and benzo(a)pyrene affect the protein expression signatures?
Gulliksen,B. 2005. Time trend studies and variability in the coastal zone. STATOIL. International Seminar. Longyearbyen, Svalbard. June 2005 (Invited speaker).
Gulliksen, B. 2006. Sympagic fauna (Ice fauna) and benthic fauna in Arctic and Antarctic ecosystems. Presentation. Huinay Research Station. January 2006
Gulliksen B, H Haanæs 2008 High species richness in aggregations of the polychaete Filograna implexa in a subarctic tidal rapid in northern Norway. World Conference on Marine Diversity. MARBEF. Valencia 11-15 Nov 2008.
Gulliksen, B. 2010. Chile & Norway are countries with unique fjords: Similarities and differences in ecologigal conditions and the marine fauna illustrated with underwater photos. Presentation University of Tromsø 19. March 2010.
Marin ecology with study focus on following themes:
Colonization, succession and long term variation in biodiversity and trophic relationships of benthic communities on rocky bottom substrates
Composition and importance of sympagic (=sea ice) communities in polar food chains (Arctic; Antarctica)
Underwater photography and image analysis as a tool in benthic research
Systematics, ecology and geographical distribution of species within the animal class Ascidiacea (Subphylum Tunicata)
Yearly expeditions (ca. 30 days per year) with R/V "Harry Borthen", Trondheim, along the coast of mid-Norway (Trøndelag) during the period 1968-76.
Jan Mayen-island. R/V "Sjøfareren". Norwegian Polar Institute (1972) (1 month).
UWL "Helgoland". Lübeck, West-Germany. Saturation diving. 2 periods, each about 2 weeks (1974-75).
Expeditions along the coast of Northern norway (Troms, Finn¬mark) with R/V "Asterias", R/V "Johan Ruud", R/V "Ottar", and R/V "Hyas". About 25 days at sea per year, usually as "chief scien¬tist".
Svalbard (Bear Island, Spitsbergen archipelago, Nordaust¬landet, Hopen, Barents Sea)and Jan Mayen island). Cruises with respectively M/V "Polarbjørn", R/V "Lance", and R/V "Johan Ruud". Chief scien¬tist on M/V "Polarbjørn" , R/V "Johan Ruud", R/V «Jan Mayen». 1-2 months at sea every year since 1977.
Canada, British Columbia. 2 expeditions of 2 weeks duration and a total of about 20 dives with submersible PISCES IV. Institute of Ocean Science, Patricia Bay.
McMurdo Sound, Antartica. U.S. Antartic Research Program (USARP). 2 months studies of ice-biota (1984).
Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition (1989-90) (NARE). Studies of the sympagic fauna in the Weddell Sea.
SCUBA-diving experience: About 50-150 dives a year from 1966 with experience from the coasts of Norway, Jan Mayen, Svalbard, UK-west coast, Canada (British Columbia) Calfornia, Mexico (Baja California), Mediterranean (Italy, France), Red Sea (Israel,Egypt, Baltic Sea (Finland, West-Germany), Antarctica (McMurdo Sound, Weddell Sea), Mexico (Yucatan peninsula) & Chile.