Noortje Dijkstra,
Juho Junttila,
Kari Skirbekk,
JoLynn Carroll,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald
Benthic foraminifera as bio-indicators of chemical and physical stressors in Hammerfest harbor (Northern Norway)
Marine Pollution Bulletin 2017
Kari Skirbekk,
Morten Hald,
Marchitto Thomas Jr.,
Juho Junttila,
Dorthe Klitgaard Kristensen,
Steffen Aagaard Sørensen
Benthic foraminiferal growth seasons implied from Mg/Ca-temperature correlations for three Arctic species
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 22. november 2016
Noortje Dijkstra,
Juho Junttila,
Katrine Husum,
JoLynn Carroll,
Morten Hald
Natural variability of benthic foraminiferal assemblages and metal concentrations during the last 150 years in the Ingøydjupet trough, SW Barents Sea.
Marine Micropaleontology 2015
Steffen Aagaard Sørensen,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald,
Thomas Marchitto,
Fred Godtliebsen
Sub sea surface temperatures in the Polar North Atlantic during the Holocene: Planktic foraminiferal Mg/Ca temperature reconstructions
Sergei Korsun,
Morten Hald,
Elena Golikova,
Anna Yudina,
Ivan Kuznetsov,
Dmitry Mikhailov
Intertidal foraminiferal fauna and the distribution of Elphidiidae at Chupa Inlet, western White Sea
Marine Biology Research 2014
Steffen Aagaard Sørensen,
Katrine Husum,
Kirstin Werner,
Robert f. Spielhagen,
Morten Hald,
Thomas Marchitto
A Late Glacial–Early Holocene multiproxy record from the eastern Fram Strait, Polar North Atlantic
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Katrine Husum,
Fred Godtliebsen,
Morten Hald
Surface water conditions and calcium carbonate preservation in the Fram Strait during marine isotope stage 2, 28.8–15.4 kyr
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald
Marine calcium carbonate preservation vs. climate change over the last two millennia in the Fram Strait: Implications for planktic foraminiferal paleostudies
Marine Micropaleontology 2013
Noortje Dijkstra,
Juho Junttila,
Jolynn Carroll,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald,
Georg Elvebakk
Baseline benthic foraminiferal assemblages and habitat conditions in a sub-Arctic region of increasing petroleum development
Marine Environmental Research 2013
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald
Reprint of: Arctic planktic foraminiferal assemblages: Implications for subsurface temperature reconstructions
Marine Micropaleontology 2013
Laura K. Cunningham,
William E. N. Austin,
Karen Luise Knudsen,
Jon Eiriksson,
James D. Scourse,
Alan D. Wanamaker Jr.
Reconstructions of surface ocean conditions from the northeast Atlantic and Nordic seas during the last millennium
Kari-Lise Rørvik,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Morten Hald,
Katrine Husum
Intermediate water ventilation in the Nordic seas during MIS 2
Geophysical Research Letters 2013
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Katrine Husum,
Haflidi Haflidason,
Anne de Vernal,
Erling J Krogh Ravna
Paleoceanographic changes and calcium carbonate dissolution in the central Fram Strait during the last 20 ka
Quaternary Research 2012
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald
Arctic Planktic Foraminiferal Assemblages: Implications for Subsurface Temperature Reconstructions
Marine Micropaleontology 2012
Margot H. Saher,
Dorthe Klitgaard Kristensen,
Morten Hald,
Olga Pavlova,
Lis Lindal Jørgensen
Changes in distribution of calcareous benthic foraminifera in the central Barents Sea between the periods 1965-1992 and 2005-2006
Global and Planetary Change 2012
Lindsay Judith Wilson,
Morten Hald,
Fred Godtliebsen
Foraminiferal faunal evidence of twentieth-century Barents Sea warming
Eirik Myrvoll-Nilsen,
Steffen Aagaard-Sørensen,
Stamatia Galata,
Thomas Haugland Johansen,
Iver Martinsen,
Morten Hald
Automated classification of microscopic foraminifera
Eirik Myrvoll-Nilsen,
Steffen Aagaard-Sørensen,
Stamatia Galata,
Thomas Haugland Johansen,
Iver Martinsen,
Morten Hald
Automating object detection and classification of foraminifera
Steffen Aagaard Sørensen,
Eirik Myrvoll-Nilsen,
Stamatia Galata,
Thomas Haugland Johansen,
Iver Martinsen,
Morten Hald
Automated image/video classification and object detection of foraminifera
Fred Godtliebsen,
Steffen Aagaard Sørensen,
Morten Hald
Automatisk overvåkning av havbunnen
Matthias Forwick,
Morten Hald,
Anette Högström
75 år siden første i geologi-stilling til Tromsø
Nordnorsk debatt - Nordlys 2022
Morten Hald,
Marit Reigstad
Klimaet er garderoben din, været er dagens antrekk
Nordlys 13. november 2021
Kari Skirbekk,
Morten Hald,
Juho Junttila,
Thomas Marchitto
Mg/Ca-paleo thermometry for cold water benthic foraminifera: development and application from the Arctic Water-Atlantic Water boundary of the European Arctic.
Noortje Dijkstra,
Juho Junttila,
Katrine Husum,
JoLynn Carroll,
Morten Hald
Natural variability of benthic foraminiferal assemblages and metal concentrations in the Ingøydjupet trough, SW Barents Sea.
Eivind Bråstad Jensen,
Morten Hald,
vibeke Os
Pionerer i realfag og teknologi
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2015
Steffen Aagaard Sørensen,
Katrine Husum,
Matthias Forwick,
Morten Hald
Paleoceanographic reconstruction in the Olga Basin, northern Barents Sea during the Holocene
Diane Groot,
Morten Hald,
Steffen Aagaard-Sørensen,
Katrine Husum,
Fred Godtliebsen,
Lindsay Wilson
Temperature trends of Atlantic Water for the last 2000 years from Arctic Norway
Noortje Dijkstra,
Juho Junttila,
Jolynn Carroll,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald,
Georg Elvebakk
Benthic foraminifera as indicators of natural variability and anthropogenic impact – environmental change in the SW Barents Sea
Morten Hald,
Stian Røberg
Blått hav hvite strender
Øystein Aasen Skari,
Juho Junttila,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald
Paleo-klimatisk og Oseanografisk utvikling i Ingøydjupet, gjennom deglasiasjon og Holosen, basert på undersøkelser av kornfordeling og bentiske foraminifera
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2013
Morten Hald,
Nalan Koc
Arctic Ocean warming of the past - An introduction
Marine Micropaleontology 2013
Katrine Husum,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Steffen Aagaard Sørensen,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Sarah Berben,
Morten Hald
New Holocene sea surface and subsurface temperature reconstructions from the European Arctic: implications for the inflow of Atlantic Water
Diane Groot,
Katrine Husum,
Steffen Aagaard-Sørensen,
Morten Hald,
Gaute R. Salomonsen
Paleotemperature trends of the last 3000 years from the northern Norwegian continental margin
Steffen Aagaard-Sørensen,
Diane Groot,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald
Paleoceanographic reconstruction in the western and northern Barents Sea during and after the last deglaciation
Steffen Aagaard Sørensen,
P. Cabedo-Sanz,
Katrine Husum,
Matthias Forwick,
Karin Andreassen,
Morten Hald
Paleoceanographic reconstruction at the western Barents Sea Margin during the last deglaciation
Noortje Dijkstra,
Juho Junttila,
Katrine Husum,
Jolynn Carroll,
Morten Hald
Assessing environmental impact of contaminants in high latitude marine environments using benthic foraminiferal assemblages
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Tine L. Rasmussen,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald
Climate changes and calcium carbonate dissolution of planktic foraminifera assemblages over the last 30,000 years in the Fram Strait
Steffen Aagaard Sørensen,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald,
Thomas Marchitto,
Fred Godtliebsen
Holocene Atlantic Water temperature reconstruction in the Nordic Seas based on foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios
Sarah Berben,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald
Sub-centennial Holocene fluctuations of surface water masses in the western Barents Sea
Noortje Dijkstra,
Juho Junttila,
Katrine Husum,
Jolynn Carroll,
Morten Hald
Assessing environmental impact from gas and oil exploration in the SW Barents Sea using benthic foraminiferal assemblages
Noortje Dijkstra,
Juho Junttila,
Katrine Husum,
Jolynn Carroll,
Morten Hald
Using benthic foraminifera as indicators of pollution in an open sea and harbor environment
Noortje Dijkstra,
Juho Junttila,
Katrine Husum,
Jolynn Carroll,
Dorthe Klirgaard-Kristensen,
Morten Hald
Benthic foraminifera as indicators of pollution in high latitude marine environments
Diane Groot,
Steffen Aagaard-Sørensen,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald
Holocene intermediate and bottom water mass reconstructions of the Western Barents Sea
Juho Junttila,
Noortje Dijkstra,
Jolynn Carroll,
Morten Hald
Anthropogenic pollutants in surface sediments of SW Barents Sea
Noortje Dijkstra,
Juho Junttila,
Jolynn Carroll,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald
Using benthic foraminifera as bioindicators of pollution in the SW Barents Sea
Sarah Berben,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald
Sub-centennial Holocene fluctuations of surface water masses in the western Barents Sea
Diane Groot,
Steffen Aagaard-Sørensen,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald
Holocene intermediate and bottom water mass reconstructions of the western Barents Sea
Kari Skirbekk,
Thomas Marchitto,
Morten Hald
Preliminary results of new benthic foraminifera Mg/Ca temperature calibrations and reconstruction of bottom water temperatures and salinity from a transect along the northern branch of the North Atlantic Current
J Knies,
Soma Baranwal,
Karl Fabian,
Carmen Gaina,
Kari Grøsfeld,
Karin Andreassen
Fresh news from an old ODP record – Neogene climate dynamics and hydrocarbon migrations on the Yermak Plateau, NW Spitsbergen
J Knies,
Soma Baranwal,
Karl Fabian,
Carmen Gaina,
Kari Grøsfeld,
Karin Andreassen
Neogene climate dynamics and hydrocarbon migrations on the Yermak Plateau, NW Spitsbergen – New evidence from borehole and seismic data