Bilde av Wolfson, Deanna
Bilde av Wolfson, Deanna
Forsker / Gruppeleder Ultralyd, mikrobølger og optikk Institutt for fysikk og teknologi +4777645143 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Deanna Wolfson

  • Dhivya Borra Thiyagarajan, Marie Stette, Muhammad Bilal Afzal, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, Krishna Agarwal, Roy Ambli Dalmo m.fl.:
    3D imaging shows nano- and microparticles are internalized by salmon skin and corneal epithelial cells
    Frontiers in Marine Science 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hong Mao, Larissa Dorothea Kruse, Ruomei Li, Ana Oteiza, Eike Christopher Struck, Jasmin Schürstedt m.fl.:
    Impact of oxidized low-density lipoprotein on rat liver sinusoidal endothelial cell morphology and function.
    npj Gut and Liver 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hong Mao, Karolina Szafranska, Larissa Dorothea Kruse, Christopher Florian Holte, Deanna Wolfson, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia m.fl.:
    Effect of caffeine and other xanthines on liver sinusoidal endothelial cell ultrastructure
    Scientific Reports 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Florian Ströhl, Deanna Wolfson, Ida Sundvor Opstad, Daniel Henry Hansen, Hong Mao, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia :
    Label-free superior contrast with c-band ultra-violet extinction microscopy
    Light: Science & Applications (LSA) 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Florian Ströhl, Ezra Bruggeman, Christopher Rowlands, Deanna Wolfson, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia :
    Quantification of the NA dependent change of shape in the image formation of a z-polarised fluorescent molecule using vectorial diffraction simulations
    Microscopy research and technique (Print) 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Karolina Szafranska, Tanja Neuman, Zbigniew Baster, Zenon Rajfur, Oskar Szelest, Christopher Florian Holte m.fl.:
    From fixed-dried to wet-fixed to live-comparative super-resolution microscopy of liver sinusoidal endothelial cell fenestrations
    Nanophotonics 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yakubu Princely Abudu, Birendra Kumar Shrestha, Wenxin Zhang, Anthimi Palara, Hanne Britt Brenne, Kenneth Bowitz Larsen m.fl.:
    SAMM50 acts with p62 in piecemeal basal- and OXPHOS-induced mitophagy of SAM and MICOS components
    Journal of Cell Biology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anish Priyadarshi, Firehun Tsige Dullo, Deanna Wolfson, Azeem Ahmad, Nikhil Jayakumar, Vishesh Kumar Dubey m.fl.:
    A transparent waveguide chip for versatile total internal reflection fluorescence-based microscopy and nanoscopy
    Communications Materials 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • María Inés Barría, Raymond A. Alvarez, Kenneth Law, Deanna Wolfson, Thomas Huser, Benjamin K. Chen :
    Endocytic motif on a biotin-tagged hiv-1 env modulates the co-transfer of env and gag during cell-to-cell transmission
    Viruses 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Liliana Barbieri, Huw Colin-York, Kseniya Korobchevskaya, Di Li, Deanna Wolfson, Narain Karedla m.fl.:
    Two-dimensional TIRF-SIM–traction force microscopy (2D TIRF-SIM-TFM)
    Nature Communications 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Arpita Nepal, Deanna Wolfson, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, Ingvill Jensen, Jorunn B Jørgensen, Dimitar Borisov Iliev :
    Intracellular distribution and transcriptional regulation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) Rab5c, 7a and 27a homologs by immune stimuli
    Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jonathan Hira, Deanna Wolfson, Aaron John Christian Andersen, Tor Haug, Klara Stensvåg :
    Autofluorescence mediated red spherulocyte sorting provides insights into the source of spinochromes in sea urchins
    Scientific Reports 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Cristina Ionica Øie, Deanna Wolfson, Tanji Yasunori, Gianina Dumitriu, Karen Kristine Sørensen, Peter Anthony McCourt m.fl.:
    Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells contribute to the uptake and degradation of entero bacterial viruses.
    Scientific Reports 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rajwinder Singh, Vishesh Dubey, Deanna Wolfson, Azeem Ahmad, Ankit Butola, Ganesh Acharya m.fl.:
    Quantitative assessment of morphology and sub-cellular changes in macrophages and trophoblasts during inflammation
    Biomedical Optics Express 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ida Sundvor Opstad, Deanna Wolfson, Cristina Ionica Øie, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia :
    Multi-color imaging of sub-mitochondrial structures in living cells using structured illumination microscopy
    Nanophotonics 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dimitar Borisov Iliev, Guro Strandskog, Arpita Nepal, Augusta Hlin Aspar Sundbø, Randi Olsen, Jorunn B Jørgensen m.fl.:
    Stimulation of exosome release by extracellular DNA is conserved across multiple cell types
    The FEBS Journal 28. juni 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vishesh Dubey, Azeem Ahmad, Rajwinder Singh, Deanna Wolfson, Purusotam Basnet, Ganesh Acharya m.fl.:
    Multi-modal chip-based fluorescence and quantitative phase microscopy for studying inflammation in macrophages
    Optics Express 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Azeem Ahmad, Vishesh Dubey, Vijay Singh, Jean-Claude Tinguely, Cristina Ionica Øie, Deanna Wolfson m.fl.:
    Quantitative phase microscopy of red blood cells during planar trapping and propulsion
    Lab on a Chip 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Robin Diekmann, Deanna Wolfson, Christoph Spahn, Mike Heilemann, Mark Schuttpelz, Thomas Huser :
    Nanoscopy of bacterial cells immobilized by holographic optical tweezers
    Nature Communications 13. desember 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Chun A. Changou, Deanna Wolfson, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, Richard J. Bold, Hsing-Jien Kung, Frank Y.S. Chuang :
    Quantitative analysis of autophagy using advanced 3D fluorescence microscopy
    Journal of Visualized Experiments 2013 DOI
  • Anne Ingeborg Myhr, Deanna Wolfson, Ida Sundvor Opstad, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, Dhivya Borra Thiyagarajan, Torill Pauline Bakkelund Blix m.fl.:
    Nano- and micro-plastics and fish: Novel methods for detection and the role of RRI in such research
  • Ida Sundvor Opstad, Deanna Wolfson, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, Krishna Agarwal, Tore Seternes, Roy Ambli Dalmo :
    Diving into fish skin: understanding cell avalanches and migrating keratocytes
  • Deanna Wolfson :
    Fishy Business with Biology and Microscopes and People
  • Ida Sundvor Opstad, Deanna Wolfson :
    Salmon keratocyte DIC microscopy videos
    2021 DATA
  • Deanna Wolfson :
    Practical applications of SIM for biological research
  • Ida Sundvor Opstad, Daniel Henry Hansen, Ole Kristian Svartaas, Eskil Mossige Kjølstad, Deanna Wolfson, Krishna Agarwal m.fl.:
  • Ataur Rahman, Ekaterina Mishchenko, Deanna Wolfson, Hymonti Dey, Johanna U Ericson Sollid, Klara Stensvåg :
    The adhesion and internalization of Staphylococcus aureus into human epithelial cells
  • Jonathan Hira, Deanna Wolfson, Tor Haug, Klara Stensvåg :
    A simplified and robust method for isolating red spherule cells, and important immune cell of echinoderms
  • Sebastian Andres Acuña Maldonado, Nikhil Jayakumar, Zicheng Liu, Krishna Agarwal, Deanna Wolfson :
  • Andres Maldonado, Ida Sundvor Opstad, Luis Hernández, Mona Nystad, Milton Aguilera, Merete Storflor m.fl.:
    Fluorescence Nanoscopy Using Multiple Signal Classification Algorithm (MUSICAL): From Electromagnetics Inverse Scattering Problem to Optics Inverse Source Problem.
  • Sebastian Andres Acuña Maldonado, Ida Sundvor Opstad, Luis Enrique Villegas Hernandez, Mona Nystad, Milton O Aguilera, Merete Storflor m.fl.:
    Fluorescence Nanoscopy Using Multiple Signal Classiflcation Algorithm (MUSICAL): From Electromagnetics Inverse Scattering Problem to Optics Inverse Source Problem
  • Ekaterina Mishchenko, Eric Juskewitz, Hans-Matti Blencke, Deanna Wolfson, Johanna U Ericson Sollid :
    Antibacterial activity of novel marine-derived ”middle-space” molecules: mode of action studies
  • Deanna Wolfson, Luis Villegas, Ida Sundvor Opstad, Åsa birna Birgisdottir, Cristina Ionica Øie, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia :
    Structured Illumination Microscopy of Biological Structures
    2018 ARKIV
  • Deanna Wolfson, Cristina Ionica Øie, Tanji Yasunori, Gianina Dumitriu, Peter Anthony McCourt, Karen Kristine Sørensen m.fl.:
    Uptake and Degradation of Bacteriophages by Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells
    2018 ARKIV
  • Krishna Agarwal, Biswajoy Ghosh, Deanna Wolfson, Cristina Ionica Øie, Jyotirmoy Chatterjee, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia :
    Computational nanoscopy using Multiple Signal Classification Algorithm (MUSICAL) for fluorescence imaging
  • Rajwinder Singh, Deanna Wolfson, Vishesh Dubey, Azeem Ahmad, Ganesh Acharya, Dalip Singh Mehta m.fl.:
    Inflammatory response of macrophages and trophoblasts investigated using structured illumination microscopy and quantitative phase microscopy
    Placenta 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Deanna Wolfson, Cristina Ionica Øie, Yasunori Tanji, Karen Kristine Sørensen, Peter Anthony McCourt, Bård Smedsrød m.fl.:
    Multimodal Microscopy to Study the Fate of Bacteriophages in Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells
  • Ida Sundvor Opstad, Deanna Wolfson, Cristina Ionica Øie, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia :
    Three-Color Live Cell Super-Resolution Imaging of Sub-Mitochondrial Regions
  • Hong Mao, Cristina Ionica Øie, Ruomei Li, Ana Oteiza, Karen Kristine Sørensen, Deanna Wolfson m.fl.:
    Disruption of rat liver sinusoidal endothelial cell morphology by oxidised low density lipoproteins
  • Hong Mao, Cristina Ionica Øie, Ruomei Li, Ana Oteiza, Karen Kristine Sørensen, Deanna Wolfson m.fl.:
    Using super-resolution microscopy to image disruption of liver sinusoidal endothelial cell morphology by oxidized low-density lipoproteins
  • Deanna Wolfson, Cristina Ionica Øie, Ida Sundvor Opstad, Peter Anthony McCourt, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia :
    Nanoscale Dynamics of Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells
  • Robin Diekmann, Øystein Ivar Helle, Cristina Ionica Øie, Ida Sundvor Opstad, Deanna Wolfson, Peter Anthony McCourt m.fl.:
    Live cell fluctuation-based SR imaging using high-frequency, near-field illumination patterns enabled by planar waveguides
  • Hong Mao, Cristina Ionica Øie, Ruomei Li, Ana Oteiza, Karen Kristine Sørensen, Deanna Wolfson m.fl.:
    Disruption of liver sinusoidal endothelial cell morphology by oxidized low–density lipoproteins
  • Marcel Lahrberg, Mandeep Singh, Deanna Wolfson, Kedar Khare, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia :
    Enhancements to structured illumination microscopy using blind reconstruction, compressed sensing and evanescent excitation

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