Bilde av Pursiainen, Christer Henrik
Bilde av Pursiainen, Christer Henrik
Professor Institutt for teknologi og sikkerhet +4777660387 Her finner du meg

Christer Henrik Pursiainen


Professor i samfunnssikkerhet

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Publikasjoner utenom Cristin

All major publications


  • Pursiainen, C. (2024). Ždanov Tornissa. [Ždanov in the Hotel Torni. A popular-historical study in Finnish.] Helsinki: Otava. [BOOK, 484 pp.]










  • Pursiainen, C., & Forsberg, T. (2015). [Foreign Policy from the Ivory Tower; an IR textbook in Finnish] Ulkopolitiikkaa norsunluutornista. Tampere: Chan Puma House. [BOOK, 442 pp.]              


  • Pursiainen, C., & Gattinesi, P. (2014). Towards Testing Critical Infrastructure Resilience. Luxemburg: Publications Office of the European Union. 
  • Pursiainen, C. (2014). Enok, seitsemäs Adamista. [Enok, the seventh from Adam. A novel in Finnish]. Chan Puma House: Tampere. [Book, 380 pp.]




  • Pursiainen, C. (2011). Russia: Democracy with Adjectives. In E. Kahla (Ed.) Between utopia and apocalypse: essays on social theory and Russia. Helsinki: Kikimora, pp. 179-211.
  • Pursiainen, C. (2011). [Trotsky; a bibliography in Finnish] Trotski. Helsinki: Gummerus Kirjapaino.  [BOOK, 448 pp.]


  • Pursiainen, C. (2010). Baltic Sea Cooperation within an Intergovernmental Framework: Marine Environment and Maritime Safety. In Towards new solutions in managing environmental crisis. Helsinki: Helsinki University Printing House, pp. 37-40.





  • Pursiainen, C. (2006). EU-Russian Cooperation – Challenges for the EU. In Olav F. Knudesen (ed.), Russia and the New Europe: Borderlands and Integration.  Stockholm: Swedish Institute of International Affairs, pp. 100-115.
  • Pursiainen, C. (2006). Leaving the camps: The challenge of military conversion. Journal of Nordregio, 9(2) pp. 23-26.
  • Pursiainen, C. (2006). Regional Action Plan for Conversion in the Baltic Sea Region. Interreg III Project final report. [Member of the editorial board]
  • Forsberg, T. & Pursiainen, C. (2006). Crisis Decision-Making in Finland: Cognition, Institutions, and Rationality. Cooperation and Conflict, 41(3) pp. 235-260. 


  • Pursiainen, C. (2005). [From Words to Action: The Theories of Integration and the EU-Russia Relations; in Russian] Ot slov k delu: Teorii integratsii i otnoshenija EC-RF. Sovremennaja Evropa, (2).
  • Pursiainen, C. (2005). Nuclear Safety and Environmental Risks in Northwest Russia: A Source of Cooperation and Conflict. In J. Hedenskog et al. (Eds.). Russia as a Great Power. Dimensions of Security under Putin. London: Routledge. 
  • Pursiainen, C., Hellenberg, T., & Hedin, S. (2005). Civil protection systems in the Baltic Sea region : towards integration in civil protection training.  Helsinki: Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki.
  • Hedenskog, J., Nygren, B., Oldberg, I., Konnander, V., & Pursiainen, C. (Eds.) (2005). Russia as a Great Power. Dimensions of Security under Putin. London: Routledge. [BOOK, 236 pp.]
  • Pursiainen, C., & Medvedev, S. (2005). Road Map. In C. Pursiainen and S. Medvedev (Eds.) Towards the Kaliningrad partnership in EU-Russia relations a road map into the future / Kaliningradskoe partnerstvo v otnošenijach Rossii i ES. Moscow: RECEP.
  • Pursiainen, C., & Medvedev, S. (Eds.) (2005). Towards the Kaliningrad partnership in EU-Russia relations a road map into the future / Kaliningradskoe partnerstvo v otnošenijach Rossii i ES. Moscow: RECEP. [BOOK, 127 + 144 pp.]
  • Pursiainen, C., & Medvedev, S. (Eds.) (2005). The Bologna process and its implications for Russia: the European integration of higher education. Moscow: RECEP. [BOOK, 177 + 196 pp.]


  • Pursiainen, C., & Hellenberg, T. (2004). Finnish Crisis Decision-Making: The Case of 9/11. Yearbook of Finnish foreign policy 2004, pp. 79-96.
  • Pursiainen, C., Hellenberg, T., & Kivelä, H-M. (2004). [Defence Forces and Internal Security; in Finnish] Puolustusvoimat ja sisäinen turvallisuus. Aleksanteri Papers(2). Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
  • Pursiainen, C., Kivelä, H-M., & Hellenberg, T. (2004). [Defence Forces and International Civil Crisis Management; in Finnish] Puolustusvoimat ja kansainvälinen siviilikriisinhallinta. Helsinki: Aleksanteri-instituutti, University of Helsinki.
  • Pursiainen, C., & Patomäki, H. (2004). The State and Society in Russia. In Egle Rindzeviciute (Ed.) Contemporary change in Russia: in from the margins? Stockholm: Södertörns högskola, pp. 55-93.


  • Pursiainen, C. (2003). Finland's NATO Option and Russia. Yearbook of Finnish foreign policy 2003, pp. 21-38.
  • Pursiainen, C.  (2003). Regionology and Russian Foreign Policy - Identifying the Theoretical Alternatives. In G.P. Heard & A. Aldis (Eds.) Russian Regions and regionalism: Strength through Weakness. RoutledgeCurzon, pp. 82-100. 
  • Pursiainen, C., & Forsberg, T. (2003). [Finnish Crisis Decision Making; in Finnish] Suomalainen kriisipäätöksenteko. In Tuomas Forsberg, Christer Pursiainen et al. (Eds.) [Finland and Crises. From the 'Years of Danger' to Terror Attacks; in Finnish] Suomi ja kriisit. Vaaran vuosista terrori-iskuihin.  Helsinki: Gaudeamus, pp. 9-28.
  • Pursiainen, C., &  Hellenberg, T. (2003). [The Terror Attacks in the U.S. in 2001; in Finnish] Yhdysvaltain terrori-iskut 2001. In T. Forsberg, C. Pursiainen et al. (Eds.) [Finland and Crises. From the 'Years of Danger' to Terror Attacks; in Finnish] Suomi ja kriisit. Vaaran vuosista terrori-iskuihin.  Helsinki: Gaudeamus, pp. 283-314.
  • Pursiainen, C., & Saari, S. (2003). [Finland and the Disintegration of the Soviet Union; in Finnish] Suomi ja Neuvostoliiton hajoaminen. In T. Forsberg, C. Pursiainen et al. (Eds.) [Finland and Crises. From the 'Years of Danger' to Terror Attacks; in Finnish] Suomi ja kriisit. Vaaran vuosista terrori-iskuihin.  Helsinki: Gaudeamus, pp. 115-188.
  • Forsberg, T., Pursiainen, C., Visuri, P. & Lintonen, R (Eds.) (2003). [Finland and Crises. From the 'Years of Danger' to Terror Attacks; in Finnish] Suomi ja kriisit. Vaaran vuosista terrori-iskuihin. Helsinki:  Gaudeamus. [BOOK, 397 pp.]


  • Pursiainen, C. (2002). [E 18 Road development conditions in North-West Russia; in Finnish] E 18 tien kehittämisselvitys. Erillisselvitys Venäjän ja erityisesti Luoteis-Venäjän kehitysnäkymistä liikenteen näkökulmasta, Tiehallinto/LT-Consultants Ltd.
  • Pursiainen, C. (2002). Soft Security Problems of Northwest Russia. In Holger Moroff (ed.) European soft security policies: the northern dimension. Helsinki: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs/Berlin: Institut für Europäische Politik, pp. 107-149.
  • Pursiainen, C., & Saari, Sinikukka. (2002). Et tu Brute! Finland's Nato Option and Russia. Helsinki: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs.  


  • Pursiainen, C. (Ed.) (2001). [Civil society and the state. Round table. Stenographic notes; in Russian] Grazhdanskoe obshcshestvo i vlast'. Kruglyj stol. Sankt-Peterburg, 28 June. Stenograficheskij otchet.
  • Pursiainen, C. (2001). Finland and Russia. In Bo Huldt, Teija Tiilikainen, Tapani Vaahtoranta and Anna Helkama-Rågård (Eds.) Finnish and Swedish Security. Stockholm: The Swedish Defence Academy, pp. 142-173.
  • Pursiainen, C. (2001). [Finland as a Neighbour to the West; in Finnish] Suomi länsinaapurina. Ulkopolitiikka, 38(4), pp. 101-115.
  • Pursiainen, C. (2001). [Russia -- from One Crisis to Another; in Finnish] Venäjä – kriisistä toiseen? In Studia Generalia 2001. Kriisikattilat ja uskonnot maailmanpolitiikassa. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino, pp. 39-50.   
  • Pursiainen, C. (2001). Soft security problems in Northwest Russia and their implications for the outside world: a framework for analysis and action. UPI working papers 31. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs.   
  • Pursiainen, C. (2001). [The Cycle of Finlandization; in Finnish] Suomettumisen sykli. In Johan Beckman (Ed.) Entäs kun tulee se yhdestoista? Suomettumisen uusi historia. Juva: WSOY, pp. 542-553.   
  • Pursiainen, C., & Jakobson, L.. (2001). At the crossroads of post-communist modernisation. Russia and China in comparative perspective. Paper presented at the International Studies Association Convention, Chicago, Feb. 24. UPI working papers 30. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs.


  • Pursiainen, C. (2000). [Civil Society in Russia; in Norwegian and Swedish] Sivilt samfunn i Russland. In C. Pursiainen (Ed., special issue), Nordisk Østforum, 3(1).
  • Pursiainen, C. (2000). Finland's Policy Towards Russia: How to Deal With the Security Dilemma. Yearbook of Finnish Foreign Policy 2000, pp. 63-84.
  • Pursiainen, C. (2000). Russian Foreign Policy and International Relations Theory. London: Routledge. [BOOK, 239 pp.]  
  • Pursiainen, C. (2000). Space, Time, and the Russian Idea. In Jeremy Smith (ed.), Beyond the Limits: The Concept of Space in Russian History and Culture. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, pp. 71-93.
  • Pursiainen, C.r (2000). [The European Union and the Russian Democracy; in Russian] Evropeyskij Sojuz i rossijskaja demokratija. Konstitutsionnoe pravo: Vostochno-evropejskoe obozrenie, 30(1).
  • Pursiainen, C. (2000). [The Influence of the International Community to Russia's Policy Towards Chechnya: Three Interpretations; in Finnish] Kansainvälisen yhteisön vaikutus Venäjän Tshetshenian-politiikkaan: kolme tulkintaa. Ulkopolitiikka, 1, pp. 86-95.
  • Pursiainen, C. (2000). [The Relation Between the State and Society in Russia. Trends and Structures; in Swedish] Förhållandet mellan stat och samhälle i Ryssland: Trender och strukturer. Nordisk Østforum,3, pp. 7-16.
  • Pursiainen, C. (2000). The Role of Civil Society in Russian Foreign Policy: Actor, Factor, or Outsider? In Jakub Godzimirsky (Ed.) New and Old Actors in Russian Foreign Policy. Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, pp. 171-196.
  • Pursiainen, C. (2000). Trends and Structures in Russian State/Society Relations; published in Heikki Patomäki (Ed.) Politics of Civil Society: A Global Perspective on Democratisation, NIGD 2/2000, Helsinki & Nottingham, pp. 19-28.
  • Pursiainen, C., Jänis, I., & Forsberg, T. (2000). The condition of democracy in Russia, the party system and the State Duma. Helsinki: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs.


  • Pursiainen, C. (1999). Can Russia Become Democratic? In Eunsook Chung (Ed.) Russia in Asia and Europe in the 21st Century. Seoul: The Sejong Institute, pp. 3-27.
  • Pursiainen, C. (1999). Finland's security policy towards Russia: from bilateralism to multilateralism. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs.
  • Pursiainen, C. (1999). [Russia and the Kosovo Crisis: Interpretation, Reaction and Threat Pictures; in Finnish] Venäjä ja Kosovon kriisi: tulkinta, reaktio ja uhkakuvat. Ulkopolitiikka, 36, pp. 64-72.
  • Pursiainen, C. (1999). The Impact of International Institutions on Russia's Behavior: The Case of the OSCE and Chechnya. In Ted Hopf (ed.), Understandings of Russian Foreign Policy. Penn State University Press, pp. 109-169. 
  • Pursiainen, C. (1999). [The Russian Idea, Utopia, and Mission; in Finnish] Venäjän idea, utopia ja missio. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. [BOOK, 208 pp.]
  • Pursiainen, C., Doty, A., & Forsberg, T. (1999). Business elites and Russian foreign policy.  (Based on S. Medvedev’s larger work.) Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs.
  • Pursiainen, C., Forsberg, T. et al. (1999). Foreign Policy of the Communists. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs.
  • Pursiainen, C., Forsberg, T. et al. (1999). The Prospects for Russian Development and Their Implications for Finland. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs.
  • Pursiainen, C., Forsberg, T. et al. (1999). The Third Force -- Yuri Luzhkov and the Fatherland. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs.
  • Patomäki, H., & Pursiainen, C. (1999). Western Models and the Russian Idea: Beyond Inside/Outside in the Discourses on Civil Society. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 28(1), pp. 53-78. 


  • Pursiainen, C. (1998). Beyond sovietology: International relations theory and the study of Soviet/Russian foreign and security policy. Helsinki: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs. [BOOK, 390 pp.]
  • Pursiainen, C. (1998). Eurasianism and neo-eurasianism : the past, present, and postmodernity of a Russian integration ideology. UPI working papers 5. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs.
  • Pursiainen, C. (1998). Pacta Sunt Servanta? The Development of the Sense of Community and the Principle of Obligation in Soviet and Russian Doctrines of International Law. East European Politics, 14(3), pp. 84-108. 
  • Pursiainen, C. (1998). [The European Dimension of the Chechnya Crisis; in Russian] Evropejskij aspekt Chechenskogo krizisa. In Sorok let rimskim dogovoram: Evropejskaja integratsija i Rossija. Sankt Peterburg: Petropolis, pp. 198-207.
  • Pursiainen, C., Forsberg, T. et al. (1998). [The Prospects for Russian Development and Their Implications for Finland; in Finnish] Venäjän kehitysvaihtoehdot ja niiden vaikutus Suomen valintoihin. Finnish Institute of International Affairs 1998, Series: Venäjä 2000(1), 40 pp.
  • Pursiainen, C.,  & Patomäki, H. (1998). Against the state, with(in) the state, or a transnational creation: Russian civil society in the making? UPI working papers 4. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs.


  • Pursiainen, C. (1997). [Berdyayev and the Faith of Russia; in Finnish] Berdjajev ja Venäjän kohtalo. Tiede & edistys, 22(2), pp. 124-142.
  • Pursiainen, C. (1999). Modelling Russia's Crisis Decision-Making: The Case of Chechnya. UPI Working Papers 2, Helsinki: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs.


  • Pursiainen, C. (1996). [International Security Regimes and Russia; an article in Finnish] Kansainväliset turvallisuusregiimit ja Venäjä. Kosmopolis, 26(3).
  • Pursiainen, C. (1996). [Political Science in Contemporary Russia; and article in Finnish] Politologia nyky-Venäjällä. Politiikka, (4) pp. 240-250.
  • Pursiainen, C. (1996). [Russia's Decision Making and the Possibilities of the European Union Influence: The Case of Chechnya; in Finnish] Venäjän päätöksenteko ja Euroopan unionin vaikutusmahdollisuudet: Tshetshenian tapaus. Helsinki: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs. [BOOK, 140 pp.]
  • Pursiainen, C., Heikka, H, & Patomäki, H. (1996). [Russia's development and the Action Options of the European Union; an article in Finnish] Venäjän kehitys ja Euroopan unionin toimintavaihtoehdot. Ulkopolitiikka, 33(1) pp. 11-18.
  • Pursiainen, C., & Semchenko, A. (1996). Hammer, Sickle, and Book? Basic Policy Lines of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Finnish Review of East European Studies, (2), pp. 45-50.


  • Pursiainen, C. (1995). The Heritage of Soviet Foreign Policy Studies. Finnish Review of East European Studies, (2), pp. 7-31.
  • Pursiainen, C., & Semtshenko, A. (1995). [Russia's Party Map and the December 1995 Elections; an article in Finnish] Venäjän puoluekenttä ja joulukuun 1995 vaalit. Ulkopolitiikka, 32(3), pp. 43-62.


  • Pursiainen, C. (1992). [The Path of Austria -- and Finland's; an article in Finnish] Itävallan tie -- ja Suomen. Ulkopolitiikka, 29(4), pp. 30-37.


  • Pursiainen, C. (1991). [The Change of the Soviet Understanding of Neutrality; an article in Finnish] Neuvostoliiton puolueettomuuskäsityksen muutos. Ulkopolitiikka, 28(4), pp. 29-39.



Crisis Management


Critical Infrastructure

Decision-Making Theories

International Relations Theory

Political Psychology

Political History


Ongoing externally funded projects:

Disinformation and people: impacts on societal trust and resilience (FAKENEWS)

  • Funding: Norwegian Research Council
  • Project period: September 2021-August 2026 



2025 Spring and Autumn:

2025 Autumn:





Dr. Christer Pursiainen works as Professor of Societal Security at the Department of Technology and Safety, Faculty of Science and Technology, Arctic University of Norway (UiT) in Tromsø, Norway. He has been in this position since 2014.

Previously, Pursiainen has held leading management and research positions at several institutions and organizations, including the European Commission's DG Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (Ispra, Italy); the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) (Stockholm, Sweden); Nordregio, Nordic Centre for Spatial Development (Stockholm, Sweden); Russian-European Centre for Economic Policy (RECEP) (Moscow, Russian Federation); Aleksanteri Institute – The Finnish Centre for Russian and East European Studies at the University of Helsinki; and the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (UPI-FIIA) (Helsinki, Finland).

His body of work includes approximately one hundred and forty scholarly publications, among them sixteen (co-)authored or (co-)edited books, on themes such as societal security, crisis management, critical infrastructure protection and resilience, international relations theory, foreign policy analysis, regional cooperation and integration, comparative politics, state-society relations, and political history. These works have been published in various countries and in several languages. 

In his native language Finnish, he has also published a fiction novel based on apocryphal biblical texts, along with three popular-historical biographies.



  • 1999 PhD - University of Helsinki, Department of Political Science, specialization International Relations, Finland
  • 1991 MSc. - University of Turku, Department of Political Science, specialization International Relations, Finland

Positions – Current and Previous

  • 2014-present - Professor of Societal Security, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway. (Research, project management, teaching and supervision on Crisis Management, Risk Management, Resilience.)
  • 2012-2014 - Senior Scientist, European Commission, JRC ERNCIP, Ispra, Italy. (Coordinated European networks for Critical Infrastructure Protection.)
  • 2008-2014 - Senior Advisor in Civil Security, CBSS, Stockholm, Sweden. (Managed networks for safety and security across 11 member states.)
  • 2001-2007 - Senior Research Fellow, Nordregio, Stockholm, Sweden. (Managed multinational capacity-building projects in safety and security.)
  • 2004-2005 - Key Expert on EU-Russia relations, RECEP, Moscow, Russian Federation. (Managed research and policy advice teams.)
  • 2000-2001 - Acting Director, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland. (Led a higher education and research institute.)
  • 1995-2000 - Researcher/Senior Researcher, Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki, Finland. (Led Russia-related research projects.)
  • 1993-1994 - Interpreter/Translator, ABB, Samara Region, Russia. (Translated technical documents and assisted project management in electricity and gas sector projects.)
  • 1983-1991 - Electrician, various companies, Finland.
  • 1979-1982 - Factory Worker and Quality Controller, Asea Kabel, Stockholm, Sweden.

Research Grants and Project Management

  • 2021-2025 - Disinformation and people: impacts on societal trust and resilience (FAKENEWS) - Norwegian Research Council. Work package leader.
  • 2021-2023 - Climate Change Resilience in Small Communities in the Nordic Countries (ClicNord) - Nordforsk (Nordic Council of Ministers). Work package leader.
  • 2020-2023 - Needs-based education and studies in societal security (NEEDS) - EU Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership. Work package leader.
  • 2017-2019 - Enablement Besides Constraints: Human Security and a Cyber Multi-Disciplinary Framework in the European High North (ECoHuCy) - Nordforsk (Nordic Council of Ministers). Work package leader.
  • 2019 - Food (in)Security in the Arctic - Nordic Council of Ministers. Project leader for the UiT part.
  • 2015-2018 - Improved Risk Evaluation and Implementation of Resilience Concepts to Critical Infrastructure (IMPROVER) - EC Horizon 2020-DRS-2014. Project leader of the UiT part.
  • 2017 - The Discipline of Societal Security in the Making: Let’s Make it Together! - Nordic Council of Ministers. Initiator and project leader.
  • 2013-2017 - Critical Infrastructure Preparedness and Resilience Research Network (CIPRNet) - European Commission, Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). Project leader of the European Commission/JRC part.
  • 2016 - Methodology for Measuring Critical Infrastructure Resilience - Finnish Ministry of Defence. Project leader.
  • 2012-2013 - European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Flagship Project 14.3 (EUSBSR FP 14.3) - European Commission DG ECHO/Civil Protection, and the Swedish Institute. Project leader.
  • 2011-2013 - European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, Priority Area 14 - European Commission, DG Regio. Project leader.
  • 2008-2010 - At the Crossroads of Post-Communist Transformation - Academy of Finland. Project leader and initiator.
  • 2007 - From weak signals to response: civil protection early warning - European Commission DG Environment, Civil Protection. Project leader.
  • 2007 - Towards regional strategy of critical infrastructure protection in the Baltic Sea Region - European Commission DG Freedom, Justice and Security. Project leader.
  • 2003-2007 - Eurobaltic project for civil protection in the BSR and Eurobaltic II - EU BSR Interreg IIIB. Project leader for Nordregio’s part.
  • 2003-2007 - Development of a conversion network in the BSR - EU BSR Interreg IIIB. Project leader for Nordregio’s part.
  • 2003-2007 - Russia between integration and protectionism - Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Project leader.
  • 2004-2005 - The Bologna process and its implications to Russia - European Commission Tacis, Administration of the President of the RF. Project leader.
  • 2004-2005 - Towards the Kaliningrad Partnership in the Russian-European relations - European Commission Tacis, Administration of the President of the RF. Project leader.
  • 2004-2005 - EU-Russian relations - European Commission Tacis, Administration of the President of the RF. Project leader.
  • 2000-2005 - Nordic Network for Security Studies – Russia & Norden - Nordic Council of Ministers. Project leader.
  • 2004 - The Finnish Defence Forces and Civil Security - Ministry of Defence of Finland. Project co-leader.
  • 2001-2002 - Database for business and administration: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland - Finnish national fund for research and development SITRA. Project leader.
  • 1999-2002 - Crisis Decision-Making in Finland - Academy of Finland. Project co-leader.
  • 1998-2000 - Russia beyond 2000 - Finnish Institute of International Affairs. Project leader.

Other Professional Experience

  • Research Group Director - S3E3, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 2015-2021.
  • Workshops and Seminars - Organized major conferences, academic seminars, and public webinars.
  • Policy Advice - Provided evaluations and advice to European Commission bodies, ministries, and international organizations.
  • Teaching - Extensive experience in course design, teaching, and PhD, M.Sc. and Bachelor supervision in crisis management, risk management, resilience, and international politics. Certified in teaching and supervision from UiT.

Current Editorial Board Positions

  • Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy (Wiley)
  • Journal of Critical Infrastructure Policy (Elsevier)

Evaluation Tasks and Journal Peer Review

  • Regular evaluator for EU Horizon programs, Norwegian Research Council, national science academies and national grants.
  • Regular evaluations of doctoral theses and academic positions.
  • Regular reviewer for journals including such as European Planning Studies, Journal of European Integration; Journal for Common Market Studies; Security Dialogue; American Political Science Review; Journal of International Relations and Development; International Relations; Problems of Post-Communism; Asian Journal of Comparative Politics; Europe-Asia Studies; Safety Science; Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy; Sustainability; International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection; International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction; Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management; Infrastructures; Utilities; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict; Cities.

Invited Fellowships

  • 2018-2019 - Visiting Professor, LSE, Centre for International Studies, Department of International Relations, London.
  • 2023-2024 - Visiting Fellow, University of Hamburg, Centre for Sustanailable Society Studies.

Honorary Awards

  • 2025 - Lauri Jäntti Foundation Recognition Award for the Finnish-language popular-historical book "Ždanov Tornissa" (Ždanov in the Hotel Torni).
  • 2011 - Finlandia Prize candidate for a Finnish-language biography of Lev Trotsky; Bestseller Non-fiction Award from Academic Bookstore (Finland, 2012).
  • 1999 - UKK Prize for fundamental research on Russian foreign policy, handed over by President Martti Ahtisaari of Finland.


  • Finnish - Native
  • English - Fluent
  • Swedish - Fluent
  • Russian - Fluent
  • German - Good command