Monica Alterskjær Sundset,
Truls Aaby,
Emma Falkeid Eriksen,
Bjørn-Petter Finstad,
Kristin Holtermann,
Ingrid Hovda Lien
Former students value long-term impacts of work-integrated learning in Fishery and Aquaculture Science and STEM science programs
Iver Martens,
Bjørn-Petter Finstad
«Internships in academia – challenges and opportunities for practical orientation in disciplinary and multidisciplinary study programs in higher education»
Iver Martens
Speed dating with Progress Domain leaders in iEarth SFU.
Iver Martens,
Oda Bjørnsdatter
Karrierelæring i praksis – slik styrker vi arbeidslivsrelevans i en disiplinutdanning
Iver Martens
"GeoPraksis", internship in geoscience education
Iver Martens
Veien til senter for fremragende undervisning.
Iver Martens
Alumni networks and societal relevance
Iver Martens,
Ingvild Lorentzen,
Oda Bjørnsdatter
How is the program GeoInternship designed to increase the student’s academic learning and employability?
Iver Martens,
Ingvild Lorentzen,
Oda Bjørnsdatter
Career learning for the future academia, the how and why – GeoIntern as a modern case study
Iver Martens,
Ingvild Lorentzen,
Oda Bjørnsdatter,
Johanne Sofie Lund
Workshop on competence mapping for the GeoLearning Forum 2021
Johanne Schønning Poulsen,
Iver Martens,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Harald Brunstad,
Jan Erik Lie
Seismic Sequence analysis and petroleum system indicators at the Oligocen-Miocene level in the southern North Sea
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2019
Kristine Strømme,
Iver Martens,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Harald Brunstad,
Jan-Erik Lie
3D-seismic interpretation of the glacia deposits in the outer Ingøydjupet area, SW Barents Sea
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2019
Iver Martens,
Rie Hjørnegaard Malm
Martens, I. & Malm, R. H (2019). Baseline undersøkelse av studiekvalitet og undervisningskultur på Institutt for geovitenskap ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet.
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2019
Rie Hjørnegaard Malm,
Iver Martens
Exploring the teaching environment in a higher education geoscience programme
Nordic Journal of STEM Education 2019
Johanne Hansen,
Alfred Hanssen,
Iver Martens
Combining geophysical data with a mathematical model to describe vertical two-phase flow
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Adam Alfred Brennhaugen,
Iver Martens,
Sten-Andreas Grundvåg
A combined 3S seismic and sedimentological study of the Lower Cretaceous succession in the northeastern part of the Nordkapp basin.
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Sigurd Tonstad,
Stig-Morten Knutsen,
Iver Martens
The late Paleozoic development of the Ottar Basin from seismic 3D interpretation
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Hanne-Lise Slettehaug,
Stig-Morten Knutsen,
Iver Martens
The regional upper Paleozoic development of the SE part of the Norwegian Barents Sea – from seismic interpretation
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Vegard Heiberg,
Stig-Morten Knutsen,
Iver Martens
The regional Cretaceous development of the southeastern part of the Norwegian Barents Sea- from seismic interpretation
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Sebastian Sandvik Finnesand,
Stig-Morten Knutsen,
Iver Martens
The upper Paleozoic regional development of the Ottar basin from seismic 2D interpretation
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Aleksei Matveev,
Stig-Morten Knutsen,
Iver Martens
The Cretaceous development of the Nordkapp Basin based on seismic interpretation
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Mariann Forsberg,
Alfred Hanssen,
Iver Martens
Geofaglig kunnskap og holdninger til norsk petroleumsnæring; Et casestudie av Alta/Gohta
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Asbjørn Hetland,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Iver Martens,
Vidar Kolstad
Use of 2D-seismic data and available wells to investigate the source potential of the Palaeozoic interval in the Loppa High area, SW Barents Sea
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Astrid Marie Geicke,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Iver Martens,
Jim S. Myrvang
Sedimentary environments in the lower part of the Upper Triassic Snadd Formation in the SW Barents Sea
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Anna Yankina,
Kim Senger,
Iver Martens
Petroleum systems of the Barents shelf
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017
Isak Emil Skadsem Eikelmann,
Stig-Morten Knutsen,
Iver Martens
Shallow stratigraphic cores NW of Bjørnøya, results and implications
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017
Gustavio Aiguar Martins,
Iver Martens,
Stig-Morten Knutsen
Seismic interpretation and stratigraphy of the Paleogene in the Bjørnøya Basin, western Barents Sea
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017
Ruud Toonen,
Iver Martens,
Kim Senger
Geological controlling parameters on seismic imaging of igneous intrusions on Svalbard
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017
Jørn Rune Ottem,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Iver Martens,
Jim S. Myrvang
Marginal marine sedimentary environments of the Triassic Snadd Formation in the SW Barents Sea
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017
Alexander Prytz,
Iver Martens,
Alfred Hanssen
The Use of Seismic Attributes and Well Data for Prediction of Reservoir Sand Definition in the Vøring Basin, Norwegian Sea
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
Nils ANdreas Karlsen,
Iver Martens,
Stefan Bünz
AVO study of the Salina discovery on the Loppa High in the south-western Barents Sea
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
Andreas H Hagset,
Iver Martens,
Alfred Hanssen
Seismic attributes, well correlation and geostatistical analysis for sequence variability prediction in the Sleipner area
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
Jim S. Myrvang,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Iver Martens
A suggested sub-division of the Upper Triassic Snadd Formation in the Norwegian Barents Sea
Johansen Stian André,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Iver Martens,
Jim S. Myrvang
Depositional environments of the Upper Triassic Snadd Formation on the Loppa High, SW Barents Sea
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
Richard Prytz,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Iver Martens,
Jim S. Myrvang
Seabed depressions in the Ingøydjupet Trough and their relation to buried canyons on the Loppa High, Barents Sea
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016