Peter Haugseth
Program koordinator Bachelor of Northern studies.
Prosjektleder Arctic- 2030 BANHER Sustainable approaches to Urban Arctic Places in times of Geopolitical Uncertainty (2023-2025 (26))
I have in the last decade contributed to internationalization of higher education and the development of the Bachelor of Northern (BNS) studies degree program at UiT. BNS is a teaching program designed for students who want to develop a multi-disciplinary competence on the circumpolar North.
More recently I have been involved in several research and development projects connected in particular to the Barents Euro-Arctic Region (BEAR), Norwegian - Russian Arctic Schengen borderland development and conducted research on identification processes, place branding, policy making, integration and region building and on joint education initiatives (Barents Arctic Network on Higher Education and Reseach).
I am currently leading the project Arctic-2030 BANHER project (2023-2025) engaged in transatlantic cooperation on reserach and higher education involving other Nordic, as well as Canadian and US partners. Arctic-2030 BANHER involves fieldoworks in in the borderland of US and Canada: Alaska/Yukon territories. For more info. on Arctic-2030 BANHER activities approach the site: https://en.uit.no/forskning/forskningsgrupper/gruppe?p_document_id=442068.
Reserach interests:
Arctic governance
Region building/integration accross Nordic-Russian borders
Arctic tourism in Norwegian-Russian Arctic Schengen borderland
Cultural heritage/environmental history of Northwest Russia
Geopolitics of the borderlands
Arctic networks in higher education: Research- based teaching and fieldwork models
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