Sara Ullsten-Wahlund,
Guillaume Petit,
Johan Mattias Isaksson,
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen,
Yannik Karl Heinz Schneider,
Marte Jenssen
Identification of New Purpuroine Analogues from the Arctic Echinodermata Pteraster militaris That Inhibit FLT3-ITD+ AML Cell Lines
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022
Kine Østnes Hansen,
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen,
Céline Sarah Marine Richard,
Marte Jenssen,
Jeanette Hammer Andersen,
Espen Holst Hansen
Antimicrobial Activity of Securamines From the Bryozoan Securiflustra securifrons
Natural Product Communications 2021
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen,
Johan Isaksson,
Aaron G. Poth,
Kine Østnes Hansen,
Aaron John Christian Andersen,
Céline Sarah Marine Richard
Isolation and characterization of antimicrobial peptides with unusual disulfide connectivity from the colonial ascidian Synoicum turgens
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen,
Tomas Lövdahl,
Danijela Simonovic,
Kine Østnes Hansen,
Aaron John Christian Andersen,
hege Devold
Antimicrobial activity of small synthetic peptides based on the marine peptide turgencin A: Prediction of antimicrobial peptide sequences in a natural peptide and strategy for optimization of potency
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020
Adele Knutson Dahl,
Mari Johannessen Walquist,
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen,
Tor Haug
Characterization of fish skin mucus using mass spectrometry methods. Investigation of biochemical differences in mucus of different fish species and sea lice
Sunniva Hanset Monsø,
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen,
Kine Østnes Hansen,
Klara Stensvåg,
Tor Haug
Exploring Arctic sponges for antimicrobial compounds
Klara Stensvåg,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Andrea Iselin Elvheim,
Christoffer Sivertsen,
Ataur Rahman,
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen
Antibiofilm compounds from marine natural Arctic and sub-Arctic resources
Ataur Rahman,
Christoffer Ågnes,
Andrea Iselin Elvheim,
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Bjarne Landfald
Molecular characterization of marine bacteria and their potential as being antimicrobial producers: a pilot study using co-cultures
Klara Stensvåg,
Tor Haug,
Gabriel Magno de Freitas Almeida,
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen
Antibacterial natural products from the ocean - a promising source for future antiinfectives
Klara Stensvåg,
Ekaterina Mishchenko,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Andrea Iselin Elvheim,
Christoffer Ågnes,
Ataur Rahman
Health beneficial antimicrobials from marine natural Arctic and sub-Arctic resources
Ataur Rahman,
Andrea Iselin Elvheim,
Christoffer Ågnes,
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen,
Bjarne Landfald,
Hans-Matti Blencke
Antimicrobial and antibiofilm potential of marine bacteria
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen,
Tor Haug,
Klara Stensvåg,
Hans-Matti Blencke
Antimicrobial peptides from the Arctic ascidian Synoicum turgens
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
Ataur Rahman,
Christoffer Sivertsen,
Andrea Iselin Elvheim,
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen,
Bjarne Landfald,
Tor Haug
Antimicrobial compounds from Arctic and sub-Arctic marine bacteria and their potential against ESKAPE pathogens
Lindsey Leigh Beecher Martinsen,
Ida Kristine Hansen,
Klara Stensvåg,
Tor Haug
Antimicrobial peptides in the marine gastropod, Neptunea despecta.
Ida Kristine Hansen,
Kine Ø. Hanssen,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Klara Stensvåg,
Tor Haug
Antimicrobial peptides from Arctic ascidians
Klara Stensvåg,
Ida Kristine Hansen
På jakt etter havets gull
Ida Kristine Hansen,
Klara Stensvåg,
Jeanette hammer Andersen,
Tor Haug
Antimikrobielle forbindelser fra de to subarktiske sjøpungene: Synoicum turgens og Synoicum incrustatum
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2011