Chloe Brashear,
Tyler R. Jones,
Valerie Morris,
Bruce H. Vaughn,
William H. G. Roberts,
William B. Skorski
Shifts in Greenland interannual climate variability lead Dansgaard–Oeschger abrupt warming by hundreds of years
Zijian Zhang,
Zhongshi Zhang,
Aleksi Henrynpoika Nummelin,
Eivind Olavson Straume,
Anna Nele Meckler,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek
Influence of plate reference frames on deep-time climate simulations
Global and Planetary Change 2024
Gaowen Dai,
Zhongshi Zhang,
Odd Helge Otterå,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek,
Qing Yan,
Ran Zhang
Winter Insolation Modulates Boreal Tropical Monsoonal Temperatures in the Late Pleistocene
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Atmospheres 18. april 2024
Hélène Seroussi,
Tyler Pelle,
William H. Lipscomb,
Ayako Abe-Ouchi,
Torsten Albrecht,
Jorge Alvarez-Solas
Evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Over the Next Three Centuries From an ISMIP6 Model Ensemble
David Matthew Chandler,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek
Glacial-interglacial Circumpolar Deep Water temperatures during the last 800 000 years: estimates from a synthesis of bottom water temperature reconstructions
Climate of the Past 2024
Paul Lucas Halas,
Jérémie Mouginot,
Basile de Fleurian,
Petra Langebroek
Impact of seasonal fluctuations of ice velocity on decadal trends observed in Southwest Greenland
Remote Sensing of Environment 01. februar 2023
Ronja Reese,
Julius Garbe,
Emily Hill,
Benoit Urruty,
Kaitlin Naughten,
Olivier Gagliardini
The stability of present-day Antarctic grounding lines - Part 2: Onset of irreversible retreat of Amundsen Sea glaciers under current climate on centennial timescales cannot be excluded
Emily A. Hill,
Benoit Urruty,
Ronja Reese,
Julius Garbe,
Olivier Gagliardini,
Gael Durand
The stability of present-day Antarctic grounding lines-Part 1: No indication of marine ice sheet instability in the current geometry
Basile de Fleurian,
Richard Davy,
Petra Langebroek
Impact of runoff temporal distribution on ice dynamics
Gaowen Dai,
Zhongshi Zhang,
Odd Helge Otterå,
Petra Langebroek,
Qing Yan,
Ran Zhang
Simulated Cycles of East Asian Temperature and Precipitation Over the Past 425 ka
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Atmospheres 2022
Emeric Babut du Marès,
Maria De La Fuente,
Jemma Louise Wadham,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek,
Henry Jared Patton,
Sandra Arndt
Constraining the Gas Hydrates Stability Zone beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet from 40 Ma to the year 3000
Monica Caroline Mackay Winsborrow,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek
iC3 - NORCE seminar
Heiko Goelzer,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek
Land-Ice Development
Petra Margaretha Langebroek,
Heiko Goelzer,
Michele Petrini,
David Matthew Chandler
Antarctic ice sheet modelling – the needs, challenges, and opportunities for Norwegian Antarctic research
Charlotte Rahlves,
Heiko Goelzer,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek,
Andreas Born
Historically consistent mass loss projections of the Greenland ice sheet
Charlotte Rahlves,
Heiko Goelzer,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek,
Andreas Born
Uncertainties in projections for sea-level contribution from the Greenland ics sheet until 2100.
Charlotte Rahlves,
Heiko Goelzer,
Andreas Born,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek
Uncertainties in projections for sea-level contribution from the Greenland ice sheet until 2100
Charlotte Rahlves,
Heiko Goelzer,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek,
Andreas Born
Uncertainties in Greenland ice sheet evolution and related sea-level projections until 2100
Charlotte Rahlves,
Heiko Goelzer,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek,
Andreas Born
Uncertainties in Greenland ice sheet evolution and related sea-level projections until 2100
Charlotte Rahlves,
Heiko Goelzer,
Michele Petrini,
David Matthew Chandler,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek
Standalone Ice Sheet Simulations of the Greenland Ice Sheet with the Community Ice Sheet Model (CISM)
Charlotte Rahlves,
Heiko Goelzer,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek,
Andreas Born
Uncertainties in Greenland ice sheet evolution and related sea-level projections until 2100
Heiko Goelzer,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek,
Andreas Born,
Konstanze Haubner,
Stefan Hofer,
Trude Storelvmo
Coupled Greenland ice sheet-climate simulations with the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM2)
Heiko Goelzer,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek,
Andreas Born,
Konstanze Haubner,
Stefan Hofer,
Trude Storelvmo
Coupled Greenland ice sheet-climate simulations with the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM2)
Michele Petrini,
Heiko Goelzer,
Jörg Schwinger,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek
Regional response of the Greenland ice sheet to overshoot scenarios
Basile de Fleurian,
Petra Langebroek
Impact of subglacial hydrology recharge location and intensity on ice dynamics.
Michele Petrini,
Heiko Goelzer,
Petra Langebroek,
Charlotte Rahlves,
Jörg Schwinger
Response of the Greenland Ice Sheet to temperature overshoot scenarios
Dagmara Rusiecka,
Christoph Heinze,
Petra Langebroek,
Friederike Fröb,
Heriniaina Juliano Dani Ramana,
Jörg Schwinger
Workshop on ocean tipping points and extreme events
Michele Petrini,
Heiko Goelzer,
Petra Langebroek,
Jörg Schwinger
Response of the Greenland Ice Sheet to temperature overshoot scenarios
Michele Petrini,
Heiko Goelzer,
Petra Langebroek,
Jörg Schwinger
Response of the Greenland Ice Sheet to temperature overshoot scenarios
Petra Langebroek,
David Matthew Chandler
Ocean – ice sheet interactions and tipping points in Antarctica
Petra Langebroek
Antarctic Ice Sheet tipping points in the last 800,000 years
Petra Langebroek
Vi må snakke om i morgen - Kunst + forskning = sant
Bergens Tidende 2022
Paul Lucas Halas,
Basile de Fleurian,
Jeremie Mouginot,
Petra Langebroek
Impact of satellite image pairs selection when deriving ice velocities trends
Paul Lucas Halas,
Basile de Fleurian,
Jeremie Mouginot,
Petra Langebroek
Greenland Southwest ice velocities trends and the problem with starting dates of image pairs
Paul Lucas Halas,
Basile de Fleurian,
Jeremie Mouginot,
Petra Langebroek
Combining remote-sensing and climate reanalysis to understand meltwater impact on Greenland Ice Sheet dynamics
Basile de Fleurian,
Petra Langebroek,
Richard Davy
Long or strong, which changes in melt season has the most impact on ice dynamics
Heiko Goelzer,
Petra Langebroek,
Andreas Born,
Stefan Hofer,
Trude Storelvmo
Greenland ice sheet coupling in NorESM
Heiko Goelzer,
Petra Langebroek,
Andreas Born,
Stefan Hofer,
Trude Storelvmo
Coupled Greenland ice sheet-climate simulations with the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM2)
Heiko Goelzer,
Petra Langebroek,
Andreas Born,
Stefan Hofer,
Trude Storelvmo
Coupled Greenland ice sheet-climate simulations with the Norwegian Earth System Model
Petra Langebroek
Hav-is interaksjon - Session convener
Petra Langebroek
Hva tåler naturen og hva tåler vi mennesker (å høre om)?
Petra Langebroek,
Elin Maria Kristina Darelius Chiche
Vippepunkter og den sørlige iskanten
Petra Langebroek,
Svein Østerhus,
David Matthew Chandler
Antarctica: ocean – ice sheet interactions and tipping points
David Matthew Chandler,
Petra Langebroek
Ocean temperature forcings for glacial-interglacial Antarctic Ice Sheet simulations
David Matthew Chandler,
Petra Langebroek,
Ronja Reese,
Torsten Albrecht,
Ricarda Winkelmann
Ocean temperature forcings for glacial-interglacial Antarctic Ice Sheet simulations
David Matthew Chandler,
Petra Langebroek,
Ronja Reese,
Torsten Albrecht,
Ricarda Winkelmann
Ocean temperature forcings in glacial-interglacial Antarctic Ice Sheet simulations
Basile de Fleurian,
Richard Davy,
Petra Langebroek
Is longer or warmer melt season a more important driver of ice dynamics.
Dagmara Rusiecka,
Helena Martins,
Niklas Boers,
Helle Astrid Kjær,
Petra Langebroek,
Catherine Lourdes Dy
Policy Brief: Key findings and recommendations from three H2020 Projects on Tipping Points: TiPES, COMFORT, and TiPACCs
David Matthew Chandler,
Petra Langebroek,
Ronja Reese,
Torsten Albrecht,
Ricarda Winkelmann
Ocean-driven Antarctic Ice Sheet changes over 9 glacial cycles
Paul Lucas Halas,
Jeremie Mouginot,
Basile de Fleurian,
Petra Langebroek
Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet Yearly Ice Velocities dataset from 1984 to 2020