Charlotte Bruland,
Anna Maria Dichiarante,
Andreas Köhler,
Volker Oye,
Ivan Van Bever,
Eric Larose
Cultural activity and impact of extreme weather events revealed by ambient seismic noise and perspective on quick clay failure monitoring in Oslo, Norway
Andreas Köhler,
Erik Bryhn Myklebust,
Anna Maria Dichiarante,
Volker Oye
Monitoring urban construction and quarry blasts with low-cost seismic sensors and deep learning tools in the city of Oslo, Norway
SEISMICA 17. juni 2024
Erik Bryhn Myklebust,
Andreas Köhler
Deep learning models for regional phase detection on seismic stations in Northern Europe and the European Arctic
Geophysical Journal International 2024
Andreas Köhler,
Erik Bryhn Myklebust
ArrayNet: A Combined Seismic Phase Classification and Back-Azimuth Regression Neural Network for Array Processing Pipelines
Bulletin of The Seismological Society of America (BSSA) 2023
Tormod Kværna,
David B Harris,
Sven Peter Näsholm,
Andreas Köhler,
Steven John Gibbons
Tracking aftershock sequences using empirical matched field processing
Geophysical Journal International 2023
Federica Ghione,
Andreas Köhler,
Anna Maria Dichiarante,
Ingrid Aarnes,
Volker Oye
Vs30 and depth to bedrock estimates from integrating HVSR measurements and geology-slope approach in the Oslo area, Norway
Frontiers in Earth Science 2023
Benjamin Dando,
Bettina Goertz-Allmann,
Quentin Brissaud,
Andreas Köhler,
Johannes Schweitzer,
Tormod Kværna
Identifying attacks in the Russia–Ukraine conflict using seismic array data
Rowan Peter Romeyn,
Alfred Hanssen,
Andreas Köhler
Long-term analysis of cryoseismic events and associated ground thermal stress in Adventdalen, Svalbard
Andreas Köhler,
Erik Bryhn Myklebust,
Steffen Mæland
Enhancing seismic calving event identification in Svalbard through empirical matched field processing and machine learning
Geophysical Journal International 2022
Annie Jerkins,
Andreas Kohler,
Volker Oye
On the potential of offshore sensors and array processing for improving seismic event detection and locations in the North Sea
Geophysical Journal International 24. desember 2022
Zoya Zarifi,
Andreas Kohler,
Philip Ringrose,
Lars Ottemöller,
Anne-Kari Furre,
Fredrik Hansteen
Background Seismicity Monitoring to Prepare for Large-Scale CO2 Storage Offshore Norway
Seismological Research Letters 22. november 2022
Rowan Romeyn,
Alfred Hanssen,
Andreas Köhler
Long term analysis of cryoseismic events and associated ground thermal stress in Adventdalen, Svalbard
The Cryosphere Discussions 25. oktober 2021
Johannes Schweitzer,
Andreas Köhler,
Jon Magnus Christensen
Development of the NORSAR Network
over the Last 50 Yr
Seismological Research Letters 2021
Christopher Nuth,
Adrien Gilbert,
Andreas Köhler,
Robert Whitfield McNabb,
Thomas Schellenberger,
Heidi Sevestre
Dynamic vulnerability revealed in the collapse of an Arctic tidewater glacier
Andreas Köhler,
Valerie Maupin,
Christopher Nuth,
Ward Van Pelt
Characterization of seasonal glacial seismicity from a single-station on-ice record at Holtedahlfonna, Svalbard
Andreas Köhler,
Michal Pętlicki,
Pierre-Marie Lefeuvre,
Giuseppa Buscaino,
Christopher Nuth,
Christian Weidle
Contribution of calving to frontal ablation quantified from seismic and hydroacoustic observations calibrated with lidar volume measurements
The Cryosphere Discussions 2019
Andreas Köhler,
Christian Weidle
Potentials and pitfalls of permafrost active layer monitoring using the HVSR method: A case study in Svalbard
Sara Bazin,
Andreas Köhler,
Guillaume Sauvin,
Joonsang Park,
Jörgen Johansson,
Shigeki Senna
Site characterization with ambient seismic noise at the
Norwegian Geo Test Sites
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) 2019
Federica Ghione,
Andreas Köhler,
Anna Maria Dichiarante,
Ingrid Aarnes,
Volker Oye
A new approach to estimate Vs30 and depth to bedrock: a case study from the Oslo area (Norway)
Charlotte Bruland,
Andreas Köhler,
Anna Maria Dichiarante,
Volker Oye,
Ivan Van Bever
Monitoring subsurface changes in a quick clay area during extreme weather
Andreas Köhler,
Benjamin Dando,
Tord Sture Stangeland,
Steffen Mæland
Towards integrating of machine learning into array processing pipelines
Andreas Steinberg,
Nicolai Gestermann,
Lars Ceranna,
Gernot Hartmann,
Björn Lund,
Eric Dunham
Source analysis of the 2022 Nord Stream and 2023 Balticconnector underwater explosions
Léonard Seydoux,
Ugo Nanni,
Lucien Goulet,
Thomas Pauze,
Andreas Köhler
Observing ice-bed weakening on a fast flowing glacier with seismic noise interferometry and unsupevised clustering.
Bettina Goertz-Allmann,
Benjamin Dando,
Andreas Köhler,
Quentin Brissaud,
Johannes Schweitzer,
Tormod Kværna
Near-real time detection of conflict-related explosions or suspicious events using seismological data
Thomas Schuler,
Ugo Nanni,
Coline Lili Mathy Bouchayer,
Henning Åkesson,
Pierre-Marie Lefeuvre,
Erik Schytt Mannerfelt
Observed weakening of glacier ice-bed interface caused by climatic and hydro-mechanical feedbacks: towards glacier-wide acceleration?
Annie Elisabeth Jerkins,
Andreas Köhler,
Volker Oye
On the potential of offshore sensors and array processing for improving seismic event detection and locations in the North Sea
Annie Elisabeth Jerkins,
Volker Oye,
Andreas Köhler
On the potential of offshore sensors and array processing for improving seismic event detection and locations in the North Sea
Zoya Zarifi,
Andreas Köhler,
Philip Ringrose,
Volker Oye,
Annie Elisabeth Jerkins,
Roger Bakke
Baseline Monitoring of Seismicity to Prepare for Large-Scale CO2 Storage, Offshore Norway
Annie Jerkins,
Andreas Köhler,
Volker Oye
On the potential of offshore sensors and array processing for improving seismic event detection and locations in the North Sea
Benjamin Dando,
Anne Torunn Strømmen Lycke,
Andreas Köhler
Key details behind Nord Stream pipeline blasts revealed by scientists
Andreas Köhler,
Celso Alvizuri,
Benjamin Dando,
Bettina Goertz-Allmann,
Johannes Schweitzer,
Volker Oye
Relative locations and moment tensors of the Nord Stream pipeline events
B. Lund,
G Eggertsson,
Ari Tryggvason,
P. Schmidt,
Michael Roth,
T.B. Larsen
The Nord Stream underwater explosions: location, classification and yield estimation
Federica Ghione,
Andreas Köhler,
Anna Maria Dichiarante,
Volker Oye
Vs30 and depth to bedrock estimates using H/V measurements and geology and slope approach in the Oslo area, Norway
Benjamin Dando,
Anne Torunn Strømmen Lycke,
Andreas Köhler
Key details behind Nord Stream pipeline blasts revealed by scientists
The Guardian 26. september 2023
Andreas Köhler,
Andreas Wüstefeld,
Alan F. Baird,
Benjamin Dando,
Guro Kristin Svendsen,
Kamran Iranpour
NORFOX versus NORES: A comparison of seismic events recorded on a co-located DAS and seismometer array
Andreas Köhler,
Erik Bryhn Myklebust
A Seismic Array Data Based Machine Learning Approach for Seismic Phase Classification and Back-Azimuth Estimation
T Larsen,
Peter H. Voss,
Trine Dahl-Jensen,
N Rinds,
B. Lund,
P Schmidt
Analysis of the North Stream Underwater Blasts in the Baltic Sea on 26 September 2022
T.B. Larsen,
Peter H. Voss,
Trine Dahl-Jensen,
N Rinds,
B. Lund,
P Schmidt
Integrating IMS data in the analysis of the Nord Stream underwater blasts in the Baltic Sea
Andreas Köhler,
Erik Bryhn Myklebust,
Anna Maria Dichiarante
Monitoring construction and quarry blasts with Raspberry Shakes and machine learning tools in the city of Oslo, Norway
Federica Ghione,
Volker Oye,
Andreas Köhler
Towards the implementation of site effects in a site- specific seismic hazard study for Oslo
Andreas Kohler
NORSAR's analysis of the Northstream explosions
Andreas Köhler,
Steffen Mæland
Combing empirical matched field processing at IMS station SPITS and convolutional neural networks for calving event detection in Svalbard.
Rowan Romeyn,
Alfred Hanssen,
Andreas Köhler,
Bent Ole Ruud,
Helene Meling Stemland,
Tor Arne Johansen
Frost quakes – the sound of a dynamic cryosphere and a convenient source for passive surface wave imaging of permafrost
EGU General Assembly 2021
Johannes Schweitzer,
Jon Magnus Christensen,
Morten A. K. Sickel,
Svein Mykkeltveit,
Andreas Köhler
New Small Aperture Broadband Arrays in the European Arctic
Andreas Köhler,
Tormod Kværna,
Steven John Gibbons
Assessment of the empirical matched field processing algorithm for autonomous tracking of aftershock sequences
Andreas Köhler
Seismological monitoring of Svalbard’s cryosphere: current status and knowledge gaps
Anna Maria Dichiarante,
Andreas Köhler,
Volker Oye,
Federica Ghione,
Steffen Mæland,
Thomas Fitzmaurice Redfield
Towards real-time monitoring and multi-risk assessment using seismic/acoustic and remote sensing data in the Oslo region
Andreas Köhler
Cryoseismology: Listening to Svalbard's glaciers
Myrto Pirli,
S. Hainzl,
Johannes Schweitzer,
Andreas Köhler,
Torsten Dahm
Dynamics of Fimbulisen, Antarctica, as revealed from tidally modulated cryoseismicity
M Chamarczuk,
w Gajek,
W. Geissler,
Andreas Köhler,
M Majdanski,
Johannes Schweitzer
Seismological monitoring of Svalbard’s cryosphere: status and future directions - a contribution to the SIOS SESS report 2019