Bilde av Knies, Jochen Manfred
Bilde av Knies, Jochen Manfred
Forsker, SFF iC3 og ERC Synergy i2B Institutt for geovitenskap +4777625223 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Jochen Manfred Knies


Jochen Knies er forskningsprofessor ved UiT og Norges geologiske undersøkelse (NGU). Han har 30 års forskningserfaring innen arktisk marin geologi. Jochen er arbeidspakkeleder for det Norges Forskningsrådet finansierte Senter for fremragende forskning «iC3 – Senter for is, kryosfære, karbon og klima» som har som mål å gi bevis på tilbakemeldinger fra kryosfære-karbon under tidligere isdekkeskifte. Han har nylig blitt tildelt European Research Commission (ERC) Synergy Grant for «i2B – Into the Blue» for å løse tidligere klimatilstander i Arktis. Han startet sin arktiske forskning i 1991 med å studere moderne økosystemendringer i fjordmiljøene på NV-Svalbard. Siden den gang har han deltatt eller ledet en rekke arktiske forskningstokt med mål om å forstå arktisk klimautvikling fra fortid til nåtid.

  • Kristine Steinsland, Danielle M. Grant, Kirsten Fahl, Ruediger Stein, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Bjørg Risebrobakken m.fl.:
    Sea ice variability from the penultimate glacial to the last interglacial in the eastern Fram Strait
    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2025 ARKIV / DOI
  • Alejandro Piraquive, João Pacífico Machado, Magdalena H. Huyskens, Thomas Fitzmaurice Redfield, Roelant van der Lelij, Jochen Manfred Knies :
    Apatite LA-ICP-MS U[sbnd]Pb petrochronology: A comparative study of relative and absolute fission-track dating
    Chemical Geology 2025 DOI
  • Naima el Bani Altuna, Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed Mohamed, Lukas Smik, Francesco Muschitiello, Simon T. Belt, Jochen Manfred Knies m.fl.:
    Sea ice-ocean coupling during Heinrich Stadials in the Atlantic–Arctic gateway
    Scientific Reports 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Matthew S. Hodge, Guri Venvik Ganerød, Jochen Manfred Knies, Roelant van der Lelij, Jasmin Schönenberger, Øystein Nordgulen m.fl.:
    Multiscalar 3D temporal structural characterisation of Smøla island, mid-Norwegian passive margin: an analogue for unravelling the tectonic history of offshore basement highs
    Solid Earth (SE) 2024 DOI
  • Markus Diesing, Sarah Paradis, Henning Jensen, Terje Thorsnes, Lilja Rún Bjarnadóttir, Jochen Manfred Knies :
    Glacial troughs as centres of organic carbon accumulation on the Norwegian continental margin
    Communications Earth & Environment 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Valerie Karin Bellec, Shyam Chand, Jochen Manfred Knies, Lilja Rún Bjarnadóttir, Aivo Lepland, Arunima Sen m.fl.:
    New cold seep sites on the continental slope southwest to Svalbard
    Frontiers in Earth Science 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tobias Himmler, Doris Wagner, Diana Sahy, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta, Shyam Chand, Tõnu Martma m.fl.:
    Protracted post-glacial hydrocarbon seepage in the Barents Sea revealed by U–Th dating of seep carbonates
    Frontiers in Earth Science 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Laurent Gernigon, Jochen Manfred Knies, Jasmin Schönenberger, Alejandro Piraquive, Roelant van der Lelij, Magdalena H. Huyskens m.fl.:
    Understanding volcanic margin evolution through the lens of Norway's youngest granite
    Terra Nova 2024 DOI
  • Shyam Chand, Jochen Manfred Knies, Wolfram H. Geissler, Andreia Aletia Plaza Faverola, Terje Thorsnes :
    Acoustic evidence of hydrocarbon release associated with the Spitsbergen Transform Fault, north of the Molloy Ridge, Fram Strait
    Frontiers in Earth Science 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Henry Jared Patton, Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou, Amando P. E. Lasabuda, Jochen Manfred Knies, Karin Marie Andreassen, Monica Caroline Mackay Winsborrow m.fl.:
    Glacial erosion and Quaternary landscape development of the Eurasian Arctic
    Earth-Science Reviews 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Frances Ann Cooke, Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Stefan Bünz, Nabil Sultan, Hariharan Ramachandran, Heather Bedle m.fl.:
    Sedimentary deformation relating to episodic seepage in the last 1.2 million years: a multi-scale seismic study from the Vestnesa Ridge, eastern Fram Strait
    Frontiers in Earth Science 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Giuliana Panieri, Jochen Manfred Knies, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta, Amicia Lee, Carsten J. Schubert :
    Evidence of Arctic methane emissions across the mid-Pleistocene
    Communications Earth & Environment 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Melina Sinner, Wei-Li Hong, Loïc N. Michel, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta, Jochen Manfred Knies, Arunima Sen :
    Lack of detectable chemosynthesis at a sponge dominated subarctic methane seep
    Frontiers in Earth Science 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jochen Manfred Knies :
    Nitrogen Isotope Evidence for Changing Arctic Ocean Ventilation Regimes During the Cenozoic
    Geophysical Research Letters 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jochen Manfred Knies, Jasmin Schönenberger, Horst Zwingmann, Roelant van der Lelij, Morten Smelror, Per Erik Vullum m.fl.:
    Continental weathering and recovery from ocean nutrient stress during the Early Triassic Biotic Crisis
    Communications Earth & Environment 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jane Lund Andersen, Annina Margreth, Ola Fredin, Henriette Linge, Bradley W. Goodfellow, Johan Christoph Faust m.fl.:
    Rapid post-glacial bedrock weathering in coastal Norway
    Geomorphology 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Pierre-Antoine Dessandier, Jochen Knies, Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Camille Labrousse, Martin Renoult, Giuliana Panieri :
    Ice-sheet melt drove methane emissions in the Arctic during the last two interglacials
    Geology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou, Monica Winsborrow, Karin Andreassen, Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Pierre-Antoine Dessandier, Rune Mattingsdal m.fl.:
    A Continuous Seismostratigraphic Framework for the Western Svalbard-Barents Sea Margin Over the Last 2.7 Ma: Implications for the Late Cenozoic Glacial History of the Svalbard-Barents Sea Ice Sheet
    Frontiers in Earth Science 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anna Pienkowski, Katrine Husum, Simon T. Belt, Ulysses S Ninnemann, Denizcan Köseoğlu, Dmitry V Divine m.fl.:
    Seasonal sea ice persisted through the Holocene Thermal Maximum at 80°N
    Communications Earth & Environment 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Salman Khan, Anjum Farooqui, Uma Kant Shukla, Kari Grøsfjeld, Jochen Knies, Vandana Prasad :
    Late Pliocene continental climate and vegetation variability in the Arctic-Atlantic gateway region prior to the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciations
    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2021 DOI
  • Arunima Sen, Annemijn Sandig, Loïc Michel, Henry Jared Patton, Jochen Manfred Knies :
    Diverse and self-sustaining benthos of an Arctic oil seep
  • Luke Jonathan Simmons, Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed Mohamed, Camilla S. Andresen, Gesine Mollenhauer, Jochen Manfred Knies :
    Correlating organic carbon burial with regional climate variability: the past two centuries tale from Sermilik fjord, Southeast Greenland
  • Markus Diesing, Jochen Manfred Knies, Sigrid Elvenes, Reidulv Bøe :
    Kartlegging av organisk karbon i sjøbunnssedimenter i Stavanger kommune
    Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse Rapport 2024
  • Jochen Manfred Knies, Stepan Boitsov, Sigrid Elvenes, Reidulv Bøe :
    Sedimentasjonsmiljø og historisk utvikling i forurensningsstatus i kommunene Sveio, Bømlo, Stord, Fitjar, Tysnes og Austevoll i Sunnhordland
  • Naima el Bani Altuna, Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed Mohamed, Lukas Smik, Francesco Muschitiello, Simon T. Belt, Jochen Manfred Knies m.fl.:
    Publisher Correction: Sea ice-ocean coupling during Heinrich Stadials in the Atlantic–Arctic gateway (Scientific Reports, (2024), 14, 1, (1065), 10.1038/s41598-024-51532-7)
    Scientific Reports 2024 DOI
  • Henry Jared Patton, Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou, Amando P. E. Lasabuda, Jochen Manfred Knies, Karin Marie Andreassen, Monica Caroline Mackay Winsborrow m.fl.:
    Quaternary landscape development of the Eurasian Arctic
  • Karin Marie Andreassen, Carolyn Ruppel, Susanne Liebner, Andrew Hodson, Jochen Manfred Knies :
    Editorial: Natural methane emissions in a changing arctic – implications for climate and environment
    Frontiers in Earth Science 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anna Pienkowski, Katrine Husum, Simon Belt, Ulysses Silas Ninnemann, Denizcan Köseoğlu, Dmitry Divine m.fl.:
    Seasonal Sea ice in a warmer Arctic climate during the Holocene Thermal Maximum
  • Rune Mattingsdal, T. Brekke, Giuliana Panieri, Stefan Bünz, Monica Winsborrow, Jochen Manfred Knies m.fl.:
    Sampling oil seeps in the Barents Sea and offshore western Svalbard - geochemical analysis and implications
  • Anna Pienkowski, Katrine Husum, Simon T. Belt, Ulysses S Ninnemann, Denizcan Koseoglu, Dmitry V Divine m.fl.:
    Nuanced responses of seasonal sea ice to a warmer Arctic climate during the Holocene Thermal Maximum
  • Jochen Manfred Knies, Stepan Boitsov, Sigrid Elvenes, Reidulv Bøe :
    Sedimentasjonsmiljø og historisk utvikling i forurensningsstatus i sjøområde i kommunene Skjervøy, Kvænangen, og Nordreisa
  • Monica Winsborrow, Rune Mattingsdal, Pavel Serov, Henry Patton, Jochen Manfred Knies, Karin Marie Andreassen :
    Ice sheet influenced continental margins as hotspots of thermogenic methane release
  • Tobias Himmler, Diana Sahy, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta, Tõnu Martma, Rune Mattingsdal, Giuliana Panieri m.fl.:
    Post-deglacial methane release in the Barents Sea revealed by U-Th dating of seep carbonates
  • Sophie ten Hietbrink, Wei-Li Hong, Ji-Hoon Kim, Arunima Sen, Aivo Lepland, Beata Szymczycha m.fl.:
    Past seafloor methane seepage driven by Fennoscandian Ice Sheet dynamics and subsequent submarine groundwater discharge offshore Lofoten, Norway
  • Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Nabil Sultan, Hariharan Ramachandran, Hugh Daigle, Frances Ann Cooke, Guillame Sauvin m.fl.:
    Sediment stiffness and shallow pore fluid pressures at deep marine Arctic seepage systems: constraints from piezometer data and calypso cores off west-Svalbard, Fram Strait
  • Naima El Bani Altuna, Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed Mohamed, Lukas Smik, Francesco Muschitiello, Simon T. Belt, Jochen Manfred Knies m.fl.:
    Sea ice-ocean coupling during Heinrich Stadials in the Nordic Seas
  • Monica Winsborrow, Rune Mattingsdal, Pavel Serov, Henry Patton, Jochen Manfred Knies, Karin Marie Andreassen :
    Oil slicks from natural seepage of oil and gas, a common occurrence on ice sheet influenced continental margins?
  • Jochen Manfred Knies, Aivo Lepland, Shyam Chand, Gudmund Løvø :
    Da Barentshavet lekket som en sil
    Ottar 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Stepan Boitsov, Henning Jensen, Jochen Manfred Knies, Rune Mattingsdal :
    Undersøkelse av naturlige kilder for hydrokarboner i en sedimentkjerne fra Storfjordrenna
  • Jochen Manfred Knies :
    Arctic clues on hothouse climate
    Comms Earth 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Naima El Bani Altuna, Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed Mohamed, Lukas Smik, Francesco Muschitiello, Simon T. Belt, Mervyn Greaves m.fl.:
    Sea ice-ocean coupling during Heinrich Stadials in the Nordic Seas
  • Naima El Bani Altuna, Mohamed Ezat, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Lukas Smik, Francesco Muschitiello, Simon T. Belt m.fl.:
    The sea ice and Atlantic water coupling at glacial Heinrich Stadials in the northern Nordic Seas
  • Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Jochen Knies, Maja Sojtaric, Malin Waage :
    Overraskende funn: Månen bidrar til utslipp av metangass i havet 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Jochen Knies, Maja Sojtaric :
    Methane release follows the rhythm of the tides in the Arctic 2021
  • Jochen Knies, Stepan Boitsov, Nicole Baeten, Sigrid Elvenes, Reidulv Bøe :
    Sedimentasjonsmiljø og historisk utvikling i forurensningsstatus i sjøområdene i kommunene Ålesund og Giske
  • Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Jochen Knies, Maja Sojtaric, Malin Waage :
    Seabed methane release follows the rhythm of the tides 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Katrine Husum, Anna Pieńkowski, Simon T. Belt, Ulysses Silas Ninnemann, Denizcan Köseoğlu, Dmitry Divine m.fl.:
    Seasonal sea ice persisted at 80°N during past warmer-than-present conditions
  • Anna Pieńkowski, Katrine Husum, Simon T. Belt, Ulysses Silas Ninnemann, Denizcan Köseoğlu, Dmitry Divine m.fl.:
    Long-term reference values of sea ice northeast of Svalbard
  • Axel Müller, Jochen Knies :
    Trace elements and cathodoluminescence of detrital quartz in Arctic marine sediments – A new ice-rafted debris provenance proxy
  • Jochen Knies, Sigrid Elvenes, Reidulv Bøe :
    Sedimentasjonsmiljø og historisk utvikling i forurensningsstatus i sjøområdene i Stavanger kommune

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