Bilde av Johnsgård, Tine
Bilde av Johnsgård, Tine
PhD-stipendiat Institutt for farmasi

Tine Johnsgård


Stipendiat i prosjektet "Farmasøyt i akuttmottak". Dette er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Sykehusapotek Nord, UiT, UNN Tromsø og Harstad, og NLSH Bodø hvor man skal forske på implementering av kliniske farmasøyter i akuttmottakene i Tromsø, Bodø og Harstad. 

  • Tine Johnsgård, Renate Elenjord, Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad, Kristian Svendsen, Elin Christina Lehnbom, Eirik Hugaas Ofstad m.fl.:
    Physicians’ experiences with pharmacists as new members of the interprofessional emergency department team. A qualitative study
    PLOS ONE 2025 DOI
  • Renata Vesela Holis, Renate Elenjord, Elin Christina Lehnbom, Sigrid Andersen, Marie Fagerli, Tine Johnsgård m.fl.:
    How Do Pharmacists Distribute Their Work Time during a Clinical Intervention Trial?—A Time and Motion Study
    Pharmacy 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tine Johnsgård, Renate Elenjord, Renata Vesela Holis, Marit Waaseth, Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad, Marie Fagerli m.fl.:
    How much time do emergency department physicians spend on medication-related tasks? A time- and-motion study
    BMC Emergency Medicine 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad, Beate Hennie Garcia, Kristian Svendsen, Tine Johnsgård, Renata Vesela, Eirik Hugaas Ofstad m.fl.:
    Completeness of medication information in admission notes from emergency departments
    BMC Health Services Research 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tine Johnsgård, Renate Elenjord, Elin Lehnbom, Torsten Risør, Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad, Renata Vesela m.fl.:
    Emergency department physicians’ experiences and perceptions with medication-related work tasks and the potential role of clinical pharmacists
    International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad, Beate Hennie Garcia, Tine Johnsgård, Eirik Hugaas Ofstad, Elin Lehnbom, Kristian Svendsen m.fl.:
    Patient perceptions and experiences with medication-related activities in the emergency department: a qualitative study
    BMJ Open Quality 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Renata Vesela, Renate Elenjord, Elin Lehnbom, Eirik Hugaas Ofstad, Tine Johnsgård, Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad m.fl.:
    Integrating the clinical pharmacist into the emergency department interdisciplinary team: A study protocol for a multicentre trial applying a non-randomised stepped-wedge study design
    BMJ Open 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Renata Vesela, Tine Johnsgård, Marie Fagerli, Kristian Svendsen, Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad, Renate Elenjord m.fl.:
    Identifying how nurses spend their time in three Norwegian emergency departments: a time-and-motion study
  • Tine Johnsgård, Renata Vesela, Marie Fagerli, Kristian Svendsen, Marit Waaseth, Beate Hennie Garcia m.fl.:
    How much time do emergency department physicians spend on drug-related tasks?
  • Tine Johnsgård, Ingvil Nagelhus, Elaine Fjellstad, Elin Lehnbom, Renate Elenjord, Torsten Risør m.fl.:
    Exploring physicians’ experiences with and perceptions of medication related work tasks in emergency departments – a qualitative study.

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