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Senioringeniør Seksjon for virksomhetsnære tjenester +4777645261 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Espen Tangen


  • Arbeider med tjenesteutvikling og rådgivning innen storskala lagrings og beregningstjenester for forskning
  • Leder for TrOuT i NRIS; ansvarlig for utadrettet virksomhet - kursing og informasjonskampanjer. 

  • Kathrin Helen Hopmann, Jeanet Conradie, Espen Tangen, Zachary Tonzetich, Stephen Lippard, Abhik Ghosh :
    Singlet–triplet gaps of cobalt nitrosyls: insights from tropocoronand complexes
    Inorganic Chemistry 2015 DOI
  • Espen Tangen, Jeanet Conradie, K Franz, S Friedle, J Telser, SJ Lippard m.fl.:
    Electronic Structure of a Paramagnetic {MNO}(6) Complex: MnNO 5,5-Tropocoronand
    Inorganic Chemistry 2010 DOI
  • Abhik Ghosh, Emmanuel Gonzalez, Espen Tangen, Bjørn Roos :
    Mapping the d−d Excited-State Manifolds of Transition Metal β-Diiminato−Imido Complexes. Comparison of Density Functional Theory and CASPT2 Energetics
    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2008 DOI
  • Espen Tangen, J Conradie, Abhik Ghosh :
    Bonding in low-coordinate environments: Electronic structure of pseudotetrahedral iron - Imido complexes
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2007 DOI
  • Jeanet Conradie, Espen Tangen, Abhik Ghosh :
    Trigonal bipyramidal iron(III) and manganese(III) oxo, sulfido, and selenido complexes. An electronic-structural overview
    Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2006
  • Espen Tangen, Abhik Ghosh :
    Electronic structure of cis-Mo(P)(NO)(2), where P is a porphyrin: An organometallic perspective of metalloporphyrin-NO complexes
    Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2005
  • Espen Tangen, Anders Svadberg, Abhik Ghosh :
    Toward Modeling H-NOX Domains: A DFT Study of Heme-NO Complexes as Hydrogen Bond Acceptors
    Inorganic Chemistry 2005
  • Espen Tangen, Jeanet Conradie, Abhik Ghosh :
    The Challenge of Being Straight: Explaining the Linearity of a Low-Spin {FeNO}7 Unit in a Tropocoronand Complex
    Inorganic Chemistry 2005
  • Espen Tangen, Jeanet Conradie, Anders Svadberg, Abhik Ghosh :
    Understanding the unexpected linearity of the trans-{Mn(NO)(2)}(8) unit in a phthalocyanine complex: some thoughts on dinitrosylheme intermediates in biology
    Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2005
  • T Hansen, H Ovesen, A Svadberg, K Svendsen, Espen Tangen, JC Swarts m.fl.:
    Unique orbital symmetry-driven cisoid tilting of the axial ligands in dialkylruthenium(IV) porphyrins
    Organometallics 2004
  • Abhik Ghosh, Espen Tangen, Hege Ryeng, Peter Taylor :
    Electronic Structure of High-Spin Iron(IV) Complexe
    European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (EurJIC) 2004
  • Bart Van oort, Espen Tangen, Abhik Ghosh :
    Electronic structure of transition metal-isocorrole complexes: A first quantum chemical study
    European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (EurJIC) 2004
  • Espen Tangen, Abhik Ghosh :
    Electronic Structure of High-Valent Transition Metal Corrolazine Complexes. The Young and Innocent?
    Journal of the American Chemical Society 2002
  • Jeanet Conradie, Karel G. Von Eschwege, Heike Fliegl, Espen Tangen, Clemens Joachim Woywod :
    Why is Dithizonatophenylmercury(II) photochromic? An electronic structure study of the mechanism
  • Jeanet Conradie, Espen Tangen, Abhik Ghosh :
    The Challenge of Being Straight. 1. Why is the {Mn(NO)2}8 Unit Straight, in Contrast to the Severely Cisoid-Tilted {Fe(NO)2}8 Unit?
  • Anders Svadberg, Terkel Hansen, Kristian Svendsen, Helge Ovesen, Espen Tangen, Jannie Swarts m.fl.:
    The Challenge of Being Straight. 3. Diamagnetism and Dramatically Cisoid-Tilted Axial Ligands in Dialkylruthenium(IV) Porphyrins
  • Espen Tangen, Abhik Ghosh :
    The Challenge of Being Straight and of Explaining the Unknowable in Terms of the Unobservable. 2. Understanding the Unexpected Linearity of an {FeNO}7 Unit and the Issue of Metal Oxidation State Therein
  • Espen Tangen :
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2003

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