Mathilde Horaud,
Núria Raventós,
Kim Præbel,
Carles Galiá-Camps,
Cinta Pegueroles,
Carlos Carreras
Allochrony in Atlantic Lumpfish: Genomic and Otolith Shape Divergence Between Spring and Autumn Spawners
Jon-Ivar Westgaard,
Kim Præbel,
Per Arneberg,
Brian P. Ulaski,
Randi Brunvær Ingvaldsen,
Owen S. Wangensteen
Towards eDNA informed biodiversity studies – Comparing water derived molecular taxa with traditional survey methods
Progress in Oceanography 2024
Snorre Flo,
Anna Vader,
Kim Præbel
Brute force prey metabarcoding to explore the diets of small invertebrates
O.B. Brodnicke,
Mads Reinholdt Jensen,
P.F. Thomsen,
T. Brorly,
B.L. Andersen,
Steen Wilhelm Knudsen
Field collections and environmental DNA surveys reveal topographic complexity of coral reefs as a predictor of cryptobenthic biodiversity across small spatial scales
María Algueró-Muñiz,
Sofie Spatharis,
Toni Dwyer,
Michele de Noia,
Bachar Cheaib,
Yee Wan Liu
High-Resolution Longitudinal eDNA Metabarcoding and Morphological Tracking of Planktonic Threats to Salmon Aquaculture
Jan Brabec,
Jérémy Gauthier,
Oliver M. Selz,
Rune Knudsen,
Julia Bilat,
Nadir Alvarez
Testing the radiation cascade in postglacial radiations of whitefish and their parasites: founder events and host ecology drive parasite evolution
Evolution Letters 19. juni 2024
Gledis Guri,
Jessica Louise Ray,
Andrew Olaf Shelton,
Ryan P. Kelly,
Kim Præbel,
Elizabeth Andruszkiewicz Allan
Quantifying the Detection Sensitivity and Precision of qPCR and ddPCR Mechanisms for eDNA Samples
Snorre Flo,
Camilla Svensen,
Kim Præbel,
Bodil Annikki Ulla Barbro Bluhm,
Anna Vader
Dietary plasticity in small Arctic copepods as revealed with prey metabarcoding
Journal of Plankton Research 2024
Julius Nielsen,
Rasmus Nygaard,
Melissa Michelle Brandner,
Kim Præbel
Occurrence of the invasive pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Walbaum 1792) in Greenland 2020 and 2021 as revealed using citizen science, snorkeling, and environmental DNA metabarcoding of fishes in the Kapisillit River
Arctic Science 17. juli 2024
Gledis Guri,
Andrew Olaf Shelton,
Ryan P Kelly,
Nigel Gilles Yoccoz,
Torild Johansen,
Kim Præbel
Predicting trawl catches using environmental DNA
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2024
Kaja Balazy,
Emilia Trudnowska,
Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas,
Dariusz Jakubas,
Kim Præbel,
Marvin Choquet
Molecular tools prove little auks from Svalbard are extremely selective for Calanus glacialis even when exposed to Atlantification
Ayla Murray,
Kim Præbel,
Andrea Desiderato,
Holger Auel,
Charlotte Havermans
Phylogeography and molecular diversity of two highly abundant Themisto amphipod species in a rapidly changing Arctic Ocean
Carlos Angulo Preckler,
Marta Turon,
Kim Præbel,
Conxita Avila,
Owen S. Wangensteen
Spatio-temporal patterns of eukaryotic biodiversity in shallow hard-bottom communities from the West Antarctic Peninsula revealed by DNA metabarcoding
Diversity and Distributions: A Journal of Conservation Biogeography 2023
Ioulia Santi,
Odette Beluche,
Mélanie Beraud,
Pier Luigi Buttigieg,
Raffaella Casotti,
Cymon J. Cox
European marine omics biodiversity observation network: a strategic outline for the implementation of omics approaches in ocean observation
Frontiers in Marine Science 2023
Gledis Guri,
Jon-Ivar Westgaard,
Nigel Yoccoz,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Kim Præbel,
Jessica Louise Ray
Maximizing sampling efficiency to detect differences in fish community composition using environmental DNA metabarcoding in subarctic fjords
Clare J. Venney,
Hugo Cayuela,
Clément Rougeux,
Martin Laporte,
Claire Mérot,
Eric Normandeau
Genome-wide DNA methylation predicts environmentally driven life history variation in a marine fish
Anna Pinar-Méndez,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Kim Præbel,
Belén Galofré,
Javier Méndez,
Anicet R. Blanch
Monitoring Bacterial Community Dynamics in a Drinking Water Treatment Plant: An Integrative Approach Using Metabarcoding and Microbial Indicators in Large Water Volumes
Anne-Laure Ferchaud,
Eric Normandeau,
Charles Babin,
Kim Præbel,
Rasmus Hedeholm,
Celine Audet
A cold-water fish striving in a warming ocean: Insights from whole-genome sequencing of the Greenland halibut in the Northwest Atlantic
Frontiers in Marine Science 2022
Annkathrin Dischereit,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Kim Præbel,
Holger Auel,
Charlotte Havermans
Using DNA Metabarcoding to Characterize the Prey Spectrum of Two Co-Occurring Themisto Amphipods in the Rapidly Changing Atlantic-Arctic Gateway Fram Strait
Marta Turon,
Magnus Nygaard,
Gledis Guri,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Kim Præbel
Fine-scale differences in eukaryotic communities inside and outside salmon aquaculture cages revealed by eDNA metabarcoding
Frontiers in Genetics 26. august 2022
Raphaelle Descoteaux,
Elizaveta Ershova,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Kim Præbel,
Paul Eric Renaud,
Finlo Robert Cottier
Meroplankton Diversity, Seasonality and Life-History Traits Across the Barents Sea Polar Front Revealed by High-Throughput DNA Barcoding
Frontiers in Marine Science 2021
Jacob A. Rasmussen,
Kasper Rømer Villumsen,
David Duchêne,
Lara Puetz,
Tom Delmont,
Harald Sveier
Genome-resolved metagenomics suggests a mutualistic relationship between Mycoplasma and salmonid hosts
Elizaveta Ershova,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Raphaelle Descoteaux,
Coralie Marie Christine Barth-Jensen,
Kim Præbel
Metabarcoding as a quantitative tool for estimating biodiversity and relative biomass of marine zooplankton
ICES Journal of Marine Science 31. august 2021
Estelle Coguiec,
Elizaveta Ershova,
Malin Daase,
Tobias R. Vonnahme,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Rolf Gradinger
Seasonal Variability in the Zooplankton Community Structure in a Sub-Arctic Fjord as Revealed by Morphological and Molecular Approaches
Frontiers in Marine Science 2021
Marco Crotti,
Colin W. Bean,
Andy R. D. Gowans,
Ian J. Winfield,
Magdalena Butowska,
Josef Wanzenböck
Complex and divergent histories gave rise to genome-wide divergence patterns amongst European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus)
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2021
Kim Præbel,
Colin Bean,
Jennifer A. Dodd,
Elizabeth C. Etheridge,
Andrew R. D. Gowans,
Rune Knudsen
Allelic losses and gains during translocations of a high conservation value fish, Coregonus lavaretus
Francesca Spataro,
L. Patrolecco,
Nicoletta Ademollo,
Kim Præbel,
J. Rauseo,
T. Pescatore
Multiple exposure of the Boreogadus saida from bessel fjord (NE Greenland) to legacy and emerging pollutants
Magnus W. Jacobsen,
Nanna W. Jensen,
Rasmus Nygaard,
Kim Præbel,
Bjarni Jonsson,
Nynne H. Nilsen
A melting pot in the Arctic: Analysis of mitogenome variation in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) reveals a 1000‐km contact zone between highly divergent lineages
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2021
Filipe Figueiredo,
Harald Kristoffersen,
Shripathi Bhat,
Zuobing Zhang,
Jacques Godfroid,
Stefano Peruzzi
Immunostimulant Bathing Influences the Expression of Immune- and Metabolic-Related Genes in Atlantic Salmon Alevins
Maria Quintela Sanchez,
Shripathi Bhat,
Kim Præbel,
Natalia Gordeeva,
Gaute Wilhelmsen Seljestad,
Tanja Lexau Hanebrekke
Distinct genetic clustering in the weakly differentiated polar cod, Boreogadus saida Lepechin, 1774 from East Siberian Sea to Svalbard
Lisa-Marie Delpech,
Tobias R Vonnahme,
Maeve Mcgovern,
Rolf Gradinger,
Kim Præbel,
Amanda E Poste
Terrestrial Inputs Shape Coastal Bacterial and Archaeal Communities in a High Arctic Fjord (Isfjorden, Svalbard)
Frontiers in Microbiology 2021
Paulina Urban,
Kim Præbel,
Shripathi Bhat,
Jan Dierking,
Owen S. Wangensteen
DNA metabarcoding reveals the importance of gelatinous zooplankton in the diet of Pandalus borealis, a keystone species in the Arctic
Naiara Guimaraes Sales,
Owen Simon Wangensteen Fuentes,
Daniel C. Carvalho,
Kristy Deiner,
Kim Præbel,
Ilaria Coscia
Space-time dynamics in monitoring neotropical fish communities using eDNA metabarcoding
Science of the Total Environment 01. februar 2021
Xavier Thibert-Plante,
Kim Præbel,
Kjartan Østbye,
Kimmo Kalevi Kahilainen,
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Sergey Gavrilets
Using mathematical modelling to investigate the adaptive divergence of whitefish in Fennoscandia
Sara Atienza,
Magdalena Guardiola,
Kim Præbel,
Adrià Antich,
Xavier Turon,
Owen Simon Wangensteen Fuentes
DNA Metabarcoding of Deep-Sea Sediment Communities Using COI: Community Assessment, Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Comparison with 18S rDNA
Arve Lynghammar,
Haakon Hop,
Kim Præbel
Fish fauna in a pan-Arctic scenario of declining sea ice
Orkana Forlag 2024
Siv Nam Khang Hoff,
Ole Kristian Tørresen,
Marius Filomeno Maurstad,
Mark Ravinet,
Jane Aanestad Godiksen,
Leif Christian Stige
Delineate the population structure of a keystone marine fish species in the Northern Atlantic region using whole genome sequencing data
Berengere Husson,
Elena Eriksen,
Sissel Jentoft,
Erling Boge,
Katrine Borgå,
Melissa Chierici
Polar cod connectivity cruise 2022
Cruise Report
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2023
Snorre Flo,
Camilla Svensen,
Kim Præbel,
Bodil Annikki Ulla Barbro Bluhm,
Anna Vader
Seasonal Prey Composition of Three Small Arctic Copepods Assessed by Metabarcoding
Siv Nam Khang Hoff,
Marius Filomeno Maurstad,
Le Moan Alan,
Mark Ravinet,
Joël Durant,
Ole K. Tørresen
Identification of multiple chromosomal inversions and fusions in a keystone Arctic species with high gene flow
Snorre Flo,
Camilla Svensen,
Kim Præbel,
Bodil Bluhm,
Anna Vader
Seasonal prey composition of three small Arctic copepods assessed by metabarcoding
Siv Nam Khang Hoff,
Marius Filomeno Maurstad,
Alan Le Moan,
Mark Ravinet,
Joël Durant,
Ole Kristian Tørresen
Identification of multiple chromosomal inversions and fusions in a keystone Arctic species with high gene flow
Janne Søreide,
Maja Karoline Viddal Hatlebakk,
Vanessa Pitusi,
Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase,
Kim Præbel,
Rolf Rudolf Gradinger
Meltdown of the Arctic Ocean: Dead end or new opportunities?
Fram Forum 2022
Kim Præbel,
Tor Johansen
Storskala kartlegging av biodiversitet på norskekysten – på vei mot det digitale havet
University of Basque Co Magaz Campusa,
Kim Præbel
Responsables del European Marine Biological Resource Center se reunieron en la Estación Marina de Plentzia
04. november 2022
Snorre Flo,
Camilla Svensen,
Bodil Bluhm,
Kim Præbel,
Anna Vader
Small Arctic copepods – picky eaters or opportunistic generalists?
Kim Præbel,
Jostein Kjærandsen,
Andreas Altenburger
DNA-strekkoding: Hva er det, hva gjør det og hvordan bruker vi det?
Arve Lynghammar,
Roy Ambli Dalmo,
Kim Præbel,
Sunniva Katharina Thode
Å kjenne lusa på gangen
Snorre Flo,
Anna Vader,
Bodil Bluhm,
Kim Præbel,
Camilla Svensen
DNA deep sequencing for exploring the diets of small Arctic copepods: take-home messages from a pilot study
Arve Lynghammar,
Kim Præbel,
Sunniva Katharina Thode
De som jobber backstage i forskningen