Mattia Greco,
Kristin Werner,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Michal Kucera
Decadal trend of plankton community change and habitat shoaling in the Arctic gateway recorded by planktonic foraminifera
Griselda Anglada-Ortiz,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Julie Meilland,
Patrizia Ziveri,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson
Planktic foraminiferal and pteropod contributions to carbon dynamics in the Arctic Ocean (north Svalbard margin)
Frontiers in Marine Science 09. juni 2021
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Agneta Fransson,
Melissa Chierici,
Elizabeth Marie Jones,
Julie Meilland,
Griselda Anglada-Ortiz
Distribution and Abundances of Planktic Foraminifera and Shelled Pteropods During the Polar Night in the Sea-Ice Covered Northern Barents Sea
Frontiers in Marine Science 2021
Mohamed Ezat,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Mathis P. Hain,
Mervyn Greaves,
James W.B. Rae,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk
Deep ocean storage of heat and CO2 in the Fram Strait, Arctic Ocean during the last glacial period
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 29. juli 2021
Siri Ofstad,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Katsunori Kimoto,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson,
Tine Lander Rasmussen
Shell density of planktonic foraminifera and pteropod species Limacina helicina in the Barents Sea: Relation to ontogeny and water chemistry
Siri Ofstad,
Julie Meilland,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson,
Friederike Gründger
Development, productivity, and seasonality of living planktonic foraminiferal faunas and Limacina helicina in an area of intense methane seepage in the Barents Sea
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Biogeosciences 2020
Mattia Greco,
Julie Meilland,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Michal Kucera
The effect of an experimental decrease in salinity on the viability of the subarctic planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina incompta
Polar Research 27. august 2020
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Markus Raitzsch,
Melissa Chierici
The last two millennia: Climate, ocean circulation and palaeoproductivity inferred from planktic foraminifera, south-western Svalbard margin
Polar Research 21. oktober 2020
Mohamed Ezat,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Luke C. Skinner,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk
Deep ocean 14C ventilation age reconstructions from the Arctic Mediterranean reassessed
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2019
Audrey Limoges,
Sofia Ribeiro,
Kaarina Weckström,
Maija Heikkilä,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Thorbjørn J. Andersen
Linking the modern distribution of biogenic proxies in High Arctic Greenland shelf sediments to sea ice, primary production and Arctic-Atlantic inflow
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Biogeosciences 2018
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Katrine Husum,
Fred Godtliebsen,
Morten Hald
Surface water conditions and calcium carbonate preservation in the Fram Strait during marine isotope stage 2, 28.8–15.4 kyr
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Katrine Husum,
Morten Hald
Marine calcium carbonate preservation vs. climate change over the last two millennia in the Fram Strait: Implications for planktic foraminiferal paleostudies
Marine Micropaleontology 2013
Griselda Anglada Ortiz,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson,
Katarzyna Agnieszka Zamelczyk,
Patrizia Ziveri
Planktonic foraminifers and shelled pteropods in the Barents Sea: Seasonal distribution and contribution to the carbon pump of the living fauna, and foraminiferal development during the last three millennia
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2023
Griselda Anglada Ortiz,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson,
Katarzyna Agnieszka Zamelczyk,
Patrizia Ziveri
Planktonic foraminifers in the Barents Sea: reconstruction of biomass and biodiversity changes during the last three millennia
Griselda Anglada Ortiz,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Julie Meilland,
Patrizia Ziveri,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson
Planktic calcifiers in an acidifying ocean: seasonal abundances and carbon contribution in the northern Barents Sea (Arctic Ocean)
Griselda Anglada Ortiz,
Eloise Littley,
Patrizia Ziveri,
Julie Meilland,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson
Abundance and dissolution of planktic foraminifera spanning the last thousand years: a comparison between northern and southern Barents Sea
Griselda Anglada-Ortiz,
Kasia Zamelczyk,
Julie Meilland,
Patrizia Ziveri,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson
Planktic calcifiers in the Arctic Ocean: Seasonal distribution and carbon dynamics in the northern Barents Sea
Griselda Anglada-Ortiz,
Kasia Zamelczyk,
Julie Meilland,
Patrizia Ziveri,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson
Seasonal contribution of planktic marine calcifiers to the carbon pump in the northern Barents Sea
Griselda Anglada-Ortiz,
Kasia Zamelczyk,
Julie Meilland,
Patrizia Ziveri,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson
Seasonal changes of living planktic foraminifera and shelled pteropods in the northern Barents Sea
Siri Ofstad,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Julie Meilland
Arctic planktonic calcifiers in a changing ocean - A study on recent planktonic foraminifera and shelled pteropods in the Fram Strait-Barents Sea region
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
Griselda Anglada-Ortiz,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Julie Meilland,
Patrizia Ziveri,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson
Planktic calcifiers in an acidifying ocean: Carbon fluxes in the Northern Barents Sea
Mohamed Ezat,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Mathis Hain,
Mervyn Greaves,
James William Buchanan Rae,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk
Deep Ocean storage of heat and CO2 in the Arctic Mediterranean during the last glacial period
Griselda Anglada-Ortiz,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson,
Patrizia Ziveri,
Julie Meilland
Planktic calcifiers in an acidifying ocean: abundance and distribution in the northern Barents Sea
Griselda Anglada-Ortiz,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson,
Julie Meilland,
Tine Lander Rasmussen
Planktic calcifiers in acidifying ocean: abundance distribution and carbon fluxes in the Barents Sea
Griselda Anglada-Ortiz,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson,
Julie Meilland,
Tine Lander Rasmussen
Planktic calcifiers in acidifying ocean: abundance distribution and carbon fluxes in the Barents Sea
Siri Ofstad,
Julie Meilland,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson,
Friederike Gründger
Seasonal development of key marine calcifiers in an
area of intense methane seepage in the Barents Sea
Naima El Bani Altuna,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk
Arktisk havforsuring
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Anne Paavilainen,
Julie Meilland,
Mattia Greco
Cruise report GEO-3111 Reconstructing Quaternary Marine Climate and Environments
and GEO-3122 Micropaleontology on R/V Helmer Hanssen, October 25-27, 2018
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Siri Ofstad,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson,
Tine Lander Rasmussen
Methane-induced Ocean Acidification and Planktic Foraminifera Calcification
Siri Ofstad,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Katsunori Kimoto,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson,
Tine Lander Rasmussen
Methane-induced Ocean Acidification and Planktic Foraminifera Calcification in the Northern Barents Sea
Siri Ofstad,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson,
Katsunori Kimoto,
Tine Lander Rasmussen
MXCT Study of Planktic Foraminifera from the Barents Sea
Siri Ofstad,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Katsunori Kimoto,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson,
Tine Lander Rasmussen
Polar planktonic foraminiferal tests and carbonate chemistry – a comparison between paleo-proxies and MXCT analysis
Siri Ofstad,
Kasia Zamelczyk,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson,
Pavel Serov,
Tine Lander Rasmussen
Methane-induced Ocean Acidification in the Northern Barents Sea
Siri Ofstad,
Kasia Zamelczyk,
Melissa Chierici,
Agneta Fransson,
Tine Lander Rasmussen
Ocean Acidification in the Fram Strait-Barents Sea Region
– Effects on Modern Planktic Foraminifera
May Baker,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Kasia Zamelczyk,
Juho Junttila
Reconstructing the Holocene: Benthic Foraminifera as a Proxy for the Paleoceanography of the Nordic Seas
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017
A. Limoges,
S. Ribeiro,
K. Weckström,
Kasia Zamelczyk,
M. Heikkilä,
T.J. Andersen
Tracing changes in High Arctic Environments using microfossils and other biogenic proxies preserved in marine sedimentary archives: the case study of the
Wandel Sea shelf
Mohamed Ezat,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Luke C. Skinner,
Kasia Zamelczyk
Deep ocean ventilation in the central Fram Strait during the past 35 kyr
Kasia Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen
Ocean acidification and oceanic changes over the past 30,000 years: planktic foraminifera and calcium carbonate preservation in the Fram Strait
Kasia Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Jeroen Groeneveld,
Markus Raitzsch
Paleoceanographic changes and near sea surface temperatures (SST) in the western-central Fram Strait over the last 47kyr
Kasia Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Markus Raitzsch
Surface water mass distribution, ocean chemistry changes and sea ice
conditions in the central Fram Strait over the last 47ka
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Clara Manno,
Jelle Bijma
Planktonic foraminifera response to climate and ocean chemistry changes during the past two millennia in the Fram Strait
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Clara Manno
Planktonic foraminifera response to climate and ocean chemistry changes during the past two millennia in the Arctic
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Clara Manno,
Eduard Bauerfeind
From the surface to the bottom of the ocean: Planktonic foraminifera response to Arctic warming and ocean acidification
Kasia Zamelczyk
What are foraminifera?
Facts from the fields 2015
Giuliana Panieri,
Tine L. Rasmussen,
Chiara Consolaro,
Andrea Schneider,
Kamila Sztybor,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk
Methane emissions in the Arctic Ocean: from the past to the future
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Tove Nielsen,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Kamila Sztybor
CAGE-CO2 Cruise and GEO3144 Teaching Cruise to the western Svalbard margin and the Barents Sea on R/V Helmer Hanssen, July 21st – July 29th 2014
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2014
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Noortje Dijkstra,
Mohamed Ezat,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Kamila Sztybor,
Patrycja Ewa Jernas
Cruise Report: Educational Cruises to Balsfjorden, Malangen and Ullsfjord on R/V Helmer Hanssen, October 24th-25th 2014
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2014
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Clara Manno,
Jelle Bijma,
Eduard Bauerfeind
Arctic planktonic foraminifera under the stress of climate and ocean chemistry changes in the past and present
Katrine Husum,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Steffen Aagaard Sørensen,
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Sarah Berben,
Morten Hald
New Holocene sea surface and subsurface temperature reconstructions from the European Arctic: implications for the inflow of Atlantic Water
Katarzyna Zamelczyk,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Clara Manno,
Jelle Bijma,
Eduard Bauerfeind
Planktonic foraminifera response to changing ocean chemistry: Recent and past records from the Fram Strait