Bilde av Halvorsen, Elisabeth
Bilde av Halvorsen, Elisabeth
Senioringeniør Institutt for arktisk og marin biologi +4777620856 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Elisabeth Halvorsen


Overingeniør i Zooplankton økologi

  • Boris Dristan Espinasse, Malin Daase, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Marit Reigstad, Jørgen Berge, Sünnje Linnéa Basedow :
    Surface aggregations of Calanus finmarchicus during the polar night
    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Maria Vernet, Gayantonia Franzè, Katarzyna Dmoch, Peter J. Lavrentyev m.fl.:
    Zooplankton communities associated with new and regenerated primary production in the Atlantic inflow north of Svalbard
    Frontiers in Marine Science 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kalle Olli, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Maria Vernet, Peter J. Lavrentyev, Gayantonia Franzè, Marina Sanz-Martín m.fl.:
    Food web functions and interactions during spring and summer in the arctic water inflow region: Investigated through inverse modeling
    Frontiers in Marine Science 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sünnje Linnéa Basedow, Arild Sundfjord, Wilken-Jon von Appen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Slawomir Kwasniewski, Marit Reigstad :
    Seasonal variation in transport of zooplankton into the Arctic Basin through the Atlantic gateway, Fram Strait
    Frontiers in Marine Science 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Louise Kiel Jensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, You Song, Ingeborg G. Hallanger, Elisabeth Lindbo Hansen, Steven J Brooks m.fl.:
    Individual and molecular level effects of produced water contaminants on nauplii and adult females of Calanus finmarchicus
    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2016 DOI
  • Ulrike Grote, Anna Pasternak, Elena Arashkevich, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Anastasia Nikishina :
    Thermal response of ingestion and egestion rates in the Arctic copepod Calanus glacialis and possible metabolic consequences in a warming ocean
    Polar Biology 2015 DOI
  • Angelika H.H. Renner, Rolf Gradinger, Andreas Altenburger, Pernille Amdahl, Karoline Barstein, Pedro Duarte m.fl.:
    JC3 Winter gaps cruise: Cruise Report
    2022 DATA
  • Martin Ludvigsen, Philipp Assmy, Matthew James Samuel Adams, Marti A. Arumi, Tore Mo-Bjørkelund, Yasemin V. Bodur m.fl.:
    Seasonal cruise Q2 2021: Cruise Report
    2022 DATA
  • Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Haakon Hop, Slawomir Kwasniewski m.fl.:
    Mesozooplankton biodiversity Nansen Legacy Q4
    2022 DATA
  • Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Haakon Hop, Slawomir Kwasniewski m.fl.:
    Mesozooplankton biodiversity Nansen Legacy Q1
    2022 DATA
  • Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Haakon Hop, Slawomir Kwasniewski m.fl.:
    Mesozooplankton biodiversity Nansen Legacy JC2-1
    2022 DATA
  • Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Haakon Hop, Slawomir Kwasniewski m.fl.:
    Mesozooplankton biodiversity Nansen Legacy Q2
    2022 DATA
  • Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Haakon Hop, Slawomir Kwasniewski m.fl.:
    Mesozooplankton biodiversity Bongonet Nansen Legacy Q1
    2022 DATA
  • Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Haakon Hop, Slawomir Kwasniewski m.fl.:
    Mesozooplankton biodiversity Nansen Legacy JC1
    2022 DATA
  • Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Haakon Hop, Slawomir Kwasniewski m.fl.:
    Mesozooplankton biodiversity Nansen Legacy Q3
    2022 DATA
  • Marius Årthun, Cyril Palerme, Arne Melsom, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Lena Seuthe :
    The elusive sea ice edge
    2020 FULLTEKST
  • Randi Brunvær Ingvaldsen, Bodil Bluhm, Nicole Aberle-Malzahn, Rita Amundsen, Murat Van Ardelan, Espen Bagøien m.fl.:
    Joint Cruise 1-2 2018: Cruise Report
    2020 FULLTEKST
  • Sünnje Linnéa Basedow, Arild Sundfjord, Wilken-Jon von Appen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, David Mckee :
    Surface patches of Calanus and the seasonal advection of zooplankton into the Arctic Basin
    2019 PROSJEKT
  • Kalle Olli, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Maria Vernet, Peter J. Lavrentyev, Gayantonia Franzè, Marina Sanz-Martín m.fl.:
    Food web functions and interactions during spring and summer in the arctic water inflow region: Investigated through inverse modeling
    Frontiers in Marine Science 2019
  • Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Maria Vernet, Gayantonia Franzè, Katarzyna Dmorch, Peter J. Lavrentyev m.fl.:
    Zooplankton communities associated with new and regenerated primary production in the Atlantic inflow north of Svalbard
    Frontiers in Marine Science 2019
  • Marit Reigstad, Lena Seuthe, Ingrid Helene Ellingsen, Maria Lund Paulsen, Carlos M. Duarte, Elisabeth Halvorsen m.fl.:
    Bloom stage characteristics and impact on future productivity in an Atlantic influenced Arctic marine ecosystem
  • Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Kasia Dmoch, Lena Seuthe, Maria Vernet, Marina Sanz-Martín m.fl.:
    Seasonal shift of zooplankton species related to different productivity regimes in the Atlantic inflow north of Svalbard
  • Sünnje Linnéa Basedow, Arild Sundfjord, Wilken Jon von Appen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Slawek Kwasniewski, Marit Reigstad :
    Seasonal variation in advection of zooplankton into the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait
  • Lena Seuthe, Elisabeth Halvorsen :
    Usynlig men lynrask
  • Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Kasia Dmoch, Slawomir Kwasniewski :
    Small zooplankton in the Arctic (80 N): overlooked but considerable?
  • Elisabeth Halvorsen :
    Significance of lipid storage levels for reproductive output in the Arctic copepod Calanus hyperboreus
    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015 DOI
  • Elisabeth Halvorsen, David Pond :
    Lipid fatty acid composition of Calanus hyperboreus eggs throughout the spawning period.
  • Elisabeth Halvorsen :
    Significance of lipid storage levels for reproductive output in the Arctic copepod Calanus hyperboreus.
    2015 PROSJEKT
  • Louise Kiel Jensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Ingeborg G. Hallanger, Knut Erik Tollefsen, Steven Brooks, Bjørn Henrik Hansen :
    Producing a problem? Effects of produced water contaminants (PAHs, radium-226, barium and scale inhibitor) on the copepod Calanus finmarchicus.
  • Louise Kiel Jensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Ingeborg G. Hallanger, Steven Brooks, Bjørn Henrik Hansen, Knut-Erik Tollefsen :
    Producing a problem? Effects of produced water contaminants (PAHs, Radium-226, barium and scale inhibitor) on the copepod Calanus finmarchicus
  • Lena Seuthe, Elisabeth Halvorsen :
    Isfritt arktis - ett blomstrende hav?
  • Elisabeth Halvorsen :
    Phenology of reproduction of two calanoid copepods in the Arctic: Life history adaptation and predictability of ice break-up
  • Paul Wassmann, Elisabeth Halvorsen :
    Arktis kan være i vippepeosisjon
    Klima 2011
  • Ulrike Grote, E. G. Arashkevich, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Anna Pasternak, Raul Primicerio, Konstantin Solovyev m.fl.:
    Calanus glacialis: Surviving warmer temperatures?

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →

    Publikasjoner utenom Cristin


    Jakobsen, H.H., Halvorsen, E., Visser, A. & Hansen, B.W. (2005) Effects of and prey motility and  concentrations on feeding in Acartia tonsa and Temora longicornis: the importance of feeding modes. Journal of Plankton Research 27 (8): 755-785.

    Halvorsen, E., Tande, K.S., Edvardsen, A., Slagstad, D. & Pedersen, O.P. (2003) Habitat selection of overwintering Calanus finmarchicus in the NE Norwegian Sea and shelf waters off Northern Norway in 2000-02. Fisheries Oceanography 12: 4/5 339:351.

    Halvorsen, E., Pedersen, O.P., Slagstad, D., Tande, K.S., Fileman, E.S. & Batten, S.D. (2001) Microzooplankton and mesozooplankton in an upwelling filament off Galicia: modelling and sensitivity analysis of the linkages and their impact on the carbon dynamics. Progress in Oceanography 51: 499-513.

    Halvorsen, E., Hirst, A.G., Batten, D.D., Tande, K.S. & Lampitt, R.S. (2001) Diet and community grazing by copepods in an upwelled filament off the NW coast of Spain. Progress in Oceanography 51: 399-421.

    Batten, S.D., Fileman, E.S. & Halvorsen, E. (2001) The contribution of microzooplankton to the diet of mesozooplankton in an upwelling filament off the north west coast of Spain. Progress in Oceanography 51: 285-398.

    Halvorsen, E & Tande, K.S. (1998) Physical and biological factors influencing the seasonal variation in distribution of zooplankton across the shelf at Nordvestbanken, Northern Norway, 1994. Sarsia 84: 297-292.



    • Marin økologi, dyreplankton adferd
    • Taksonomi
    • Livshistoriestrategier, fenotypisk platisitet og arters evne til å motstå endringer i ytre påvirkninger
    • Økologiske interaksjoner

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