Elisabeth Halvorsen
Overingeniør i Zooplankton økologi
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Publikasjoner utenom Cristin
Jakobsen, H.H., Halvorsen, E., Visser, A. & Hansen, B.W. (2005) Effects of and prey motility and concentrations on feeding in Acartia tonsa and Temora longicornis: the importance of feeding modes. Journal of Plankton Research 27 (8): 755-785.
Halvorsen, E., Tande, K.S., Edvardsen, A., Slagstad, D. & Pedersen, O.P. (2003) Habitat selection of overwintering Calanus finmarchicus in the NE Norwegian Sea and shelf waters off Northern Norway in 2000-02. Fisheries Oceanography 12: 4/5 339:351.
Halvorsen, E., Pedersen, O.P., Slagstad, D., Tande, K.S., Fileman, E.S. & Batten, S.D. (2001) Microzooplankton and mesozooplankton in an upwelling filament off Galicia: modelling and sensitivity analysis of the linkages and their impact on the carbon dynamics. Progress in Oceanography 51: 499-513.
Halvorsen, E., Hirst, A.G., Batten, D.D., Tande, K.S. & Lampitt, R.S. (2001) Diet and community grazing by copepods in an upwelled filament off the NW coast of Spain. Progress in Oceanography 51: 399-421.
Batten, S.D., Fileman, E.S. & Halvorsen, E. (2001) The contribution of microzooplankton to the diet of mesozooplankton in an upwelling filament off the north west coast of Spain. Progress in Oceanography 51: 285-398.
Halvorsen, E & Tande, K.S. (1998) Physical and biological factors influencing the seasonal variation in distribution of zooplankton across the shelf at Nordvestbanken, Northern Norway, 1994. Sarsia 84: 297-292.
- Marin økologi, dyreplankton adferd
- Taksonomi
- Livshistoriestrategier, fenotypisk platisitet og arters evne til å motstå endringer i ytre påvirkninger
- Økologiske interaksjoner