Bilde av Lennert, Ann Eileen
Bilde av Lennert, Ann Eileen
Miljøantropolog Institutt for arktisk og marin biologi +4777623318 004790554526 Tromsø

Ann Eileen Lennert


I am part of The Arctic Sustainability Lab, aiming on interdisciplinary and collaborative science to support a sustainable Arctic future.

My work is focused on interdisciplinary knowledge of humans and their relationships with surrounding environments and how this can support natural science and nature-based solutions.

I am currently working on the following projects:



Living on the Edge

Catchment 2 Coast




Area of work:

  • Environmental Anthropology
  • Narrative cartography and cognative mapping
  • Community engagement
  • Social Ecological Systems and Ecosystem Services
  • Ecohistory and cultural landscapes
  • Sustainability sciences

I love teaching the following topics:

  • Sustainability sciences
  • Ecosystembased management and knowledge systems
  • Values and sustainability ethics
  • Cognitive mapping and narrative cartography
  • Science communication
  • Social ecological systems

  • Zina Asnah Kebir, Catherine Chambers, André Frainer, Vera Helene Hausner, Ann Eileen Lennert, Jennifer Lento m.fl.:
    Fifteen research needs for understanding climate change impacts on ecosystems and society in the Norwegian High North
    Ambio 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, René van der Wal, Jasmine Zhang, Vera Helene Hausner, Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur, Martin Miles :
    Rich local knowledge despite high transience in an Arctic community experiencing rapid environmental change
    Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 04. november 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christian Koch Madsen, Ann Eileen Lennert :
    Behind the Ice: The Archaeology of Nunatarsuaq, Southwest Greenland
    Journal of the North Atlantic 2022 DOI
  • Zdenka Sokolickova, Esteban Ramirez Hincapié, Jasmine Zhang, Ann Eileen Lennert, Annette Löf, René van der Wal :
    Waters that matter: How human-environment relations are changing in high-Arctic Svalbard
    Anthropological Notebooks 11. desember 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Magali Houde, Eva M. Krümmel, Tero Mustonen, Jeremy Brammer, Tanya M. Brown, John Chételat m.fl.:
    Contributions and perspectives of Indigenous Peoples to the study of mercury in the Arctic
    Science of the Total Environment 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christine Cynn, Ann Eileen Lennert, Anneli Stiberg, Marina Borovaya, Antti Haase, Tamara Sushko m.fl.:
    Green Ice Camera Guide
    Lapland University of Applied Sciences 2022
  • Andreas Altenburger, Per helge Nylund, Bjørn Hatteng, Håkon Dahlen, Heini Emilia Rämä, Ann Eileen Lennert m.fl.:
    Tareskogen - Havets Oase / The Kelp Forest - Oasis of the Ocean
    Museum Exhibition 2024
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Jasmine Zhang, Rene van der Wal :
    Rich local knowledge despite high transience in an Arctic community experiencing rapid environmental change
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Alexandra Kate Abrahams :
    Ka er bærekraft i havet
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Philip James, Stefano Peruzzi :
    Sea urchin/Macroalgae Networking Workshop
  • Ann Eileen Lennert :
    Den Fantastiske Tareskog
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Jasmine Zhang, Rene van der Wal :
    Rich local knowledge despite high transience in an Arctic community experiencing rapid environmental change
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Vera Helene Hausner, Anton Heijbel, Mathias Leines Dahle, Stine Emilie Nøding :
    Nature-based tourism as a driving force for protection, restoration and sustainability development of coastal ecosystems
  • Lise-Lotte Sørensen, Ann Eileen Lennert :
    Study of greenhouse gas fluxes and earth system feedbacks in the Horizon Europe project GreenFeedBack
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Anton Heijbel :
    Ecotourism – A Driving Force for Protection, Restoration and Sustainability Development of Coastal Ecosystems?
    High North News 2024
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Nikki Schmidt, Luca Berti :
    Havet og fremtiden
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Anne Sofie Lansø, Odile Crabeck, Xuefei Li, Lise-Lotte Sørensen :
    Session: Greenhouse gas fluxes at high latitudes and climate/human induced feedbacks
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Linn Bruholt, Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur, René Van der Wal, Jasmine Zhang, Vera Helene Hausner m.fl.:
    Svalbards unike kunnskap
    Svalbardposten 2023
  • Ann Eileen Lennert :
    A Millennium of Changing Environments
  • Ann Eileen Lennert :
    Økoturisme produkter i forbindelse med A-AAGORA
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Vera Helene Hausner :
    Building a lighthouse to co-create nature-based solutions around an Arctic Archipelago
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Vera Helene Hausner, Anton Heijbel :
    Naturbasert turisme som en drivkraft for beskyttelse, gjenoppbygging og bærekraftig utvikling av kystøkosystemer
    Ottar 2023
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Stine Emilie Nøding :
    Atlantisk Arktisk A-AAGORA
  • Ann Eileen Lennert :
    The story of whaling, trading and climatic change in West Greenland 1700-1900 CE seen through a Frisian perspective
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, inda Grønvold Ostermann :
    The story of whaling, trading and climatic change in West Greenland 1700-1900 CE seen through a Frisian perspective
    Utstilling til 250 års jubilæum 2023
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Anette Løf :
    Att uppleva och övervaka förändring lärdomar från Svalbard
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Mathias Leines Dahle :
    Atlantisk Arktisk Agora Fyrtårnet for å samskape naturbaserte løsninger omkring Karlsøys arktisk øyrike
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Zdenka Sokolickova, René van der Wal, Annette Löf, Jasmine Zhang, Esteban Ramirez Hincapié :
    What our relation to water tells us about perception of environmental change
    Svalbardposten 2023
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Zdenka Sokolickova, Jasmine Zhang, René van der Wal, Esteban Ramirez Hincapié, Anette Løf :
    Hva vårt forhold til vann sier om oppfatning av miljøendringer
    Svalbardposten 2023
  • Ann Eileen Lennert :
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Linn Bruholt :
    Maptionnaire Catchment 2 Coast
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Rene van der Wal, Jasmine Zhang, Zdenka Sokolickova, Maarten Loonen, Vera Helene Hausner m.fl.:
    Knowing wide and deep: unleashing knowledge of environmental change
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, HumanDoc Organization, Poland :
    Rooted in nature - construction of an eco-application dedicated to the Great Masurian Lakes (ekoapp):
  • Ann Eileen Lennert :
    SVALUR Workshop og Fokusgrupper
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Christiane E. Hübner :
    The Svalbard Observing System -monitoring for science and society
  • Ann Eileen Lennert :
    Hjemmeside til EU prosjekt: GreenFeedBack
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Vera Helene Hausner :
    From Catchment 2 Coast: Mapping research and management needs and socio-ecological linkages
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Vera Helene Hausner :
    Climate Change Effects on Nature and Society in the Arctic CENSArctic Summer School August 2022:
  • Ann Eileen Lennert :
    Bringing together knowledge & experiences of environments- with an eye on permafrost
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Vera Helene Hausner :
    Storymap: Svalur -bridging knowledge, lived experiences and environments
  • Ann Eileen Lennert :
    When humans are in the centre of a changing Arctic
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Linn Bruholt, Vera Helene Hausner :
    Klima – og miljøendringer på Svalbard -PPGIS Programvare
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Linn Bruholt :
    SVALUR Workshop og Kartlegging
  • Ann Eileen Lennert :
    Co-production through environmental monitoring and other ways of knowing? An interview study with scientists on Svalbard
  • Ann Eileen Lennert :
    The Kaola Waste Project,
  • Ann Eileen Lennert :
    Community Engagement Annual Report
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Heïdi Sevestre :
    AMAP POPs and Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern: Influence of Climate Change (onepager)
  • Ann Eileen Lennert :
    Community Engagement within Tourism Developement
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Heïdi Sevestre :
    AMAP -Arctic Climate Change Update 2021: Key Trends and Impacts (onepager)
  • Ann Eileen Lennert, Heïdi Sevestre :
    AMAP 2021 AMAP Mercury Assessment (onepager)

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →

    Publikasjoner utenom Cristin

    Krummel, E. Lennert, A. E. and others (2020) AMAP Mercury
    Assessment, What are Arctic Indigenous People’s
    perspectives and contributions to the study ofenvironmental
    mercury contamination in the Arctic? (in prep).

    Madsen, C.K & Lennert, A. E, (2020) Behind the Ice - the
    Archaeology of Nunartarsuaq (in prep)

    Engen, S., Hausner, V., Mikkelsen, E., Gundersen, H., Christie,
    H., Falk-Andersson, J., Espinasse, J., Lennert, A.E., Olsen, E. og
    Fauchald, P.(2020). Bærekraftig kyst: utvikling av et
    Kystbarometer for Nord-Norge. NINA Rapport 1736. Norsk
    institutt for naturforskning.

    Mikkelsen, N., Kuijpers, A., Ribeiro, S., Myrup, M., Seiding, I.,
    & Lennert, A. E. (2019) På sporet af europæisk hvalfangst,
    handel og klimaændringer i Vestgrønland i det 17.-19.
    århundrede. Tidsskriftet Grønland

    Lennert, A. E. Djurhus, M. (2019) Intersecting the cultural
    landscapes of Uummannaq Island, Southwest Greenland,
    through stories of geology and environmental anthropology.
    Arctic Anthropology (accepted)

    Lennert, A. E. & Berge J.(2018) Pinngortitaq –a place of
    becoming -framing the ideology of Arctic management
    regimes for tomorrow. Journal of Ecological Anthropology

    Mikkelsen, N., Kuijpers, A., Ribeiro, S., Myrup, M., Seiding, I.,
    & Lennert, A. E. (2018). European trading, whaling and
    climate history of West Greenland documented by historical
    records, drones and marine sediments. Geological Survey of
    Denmark and Greenland Bulletin, 41, 67-70.

    Lennert,, A. E. (2017). A Millennium of Changing
    Environments in the Godthåbsfjord, bridging cultures of
    knowledge. PhD thesis. Ilisimatusarfik, Greenland Institute
    of Natural Resources and Climate ResearchCentre, 223 pp

    Lennert, A. E. & Bjørk, A. A. (2017) Qaqortanik
    Qilalugarniarneq -the hunt of the white whale. Bridging
    knowledges of the Greenland warming event 1920-1930 and
    its environmental impacts of a West Greenlandicfjord.

    A. E & Richard, G. (2017) At the cutting edge with the future,
    unraveling depredation, behavior and movement of killer
    whales in the act of flexible management regimes in Arctic
    Greenland. Ocean & Coastal Management, 148, (272)

    Lennert, A. E., 2017, Place, Identity and Relations: the lived
    experience of two northern worlds, Arctic Anthropology
    Lennert, A. E., 2017, Participatory mapping: an additional
    depositional layer of the Godthåbsfjord, Greenland, Polar
    Geography. 40(3), 227-250

    Lennert, A. E. (2016). What happens when the ice melts?
    Belugas, contaminants, ecosystems and humancommunities in
    the complexity of global change. Marine Pollution Bulletin
    107.1 (2016):7-14

    Lennert, A.E. & Mikkelsen, N.2015, Fangsthistorier oplevet og
    fortalt ud fra kulturlandskaberne: En rejsegennem tid og
    klimavariationer, Tidsskriftet Grønland 3/2015, pp. 148-156


    Area of work:

    • Narrative cartography and cognative mapping
    • Community engagement
    • Human nature interactions
    • Social Ecological Systems and Ecosystem Services
    • Ecohistory and cultural landscapes
    • Sustainability sciences




    • Sustainability sciences
    • Ecosystembased management
    • Values and sustainability ethics
    • Cognitive mapping and narrative cartography
    • Science communication
    • Social ecological systems

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